BCAAs and Change of Plans

Want to know whats fun? Going to Target

Want to know whats not fun? Having your car not start and getting in the way of your Target plans before work.


I hate dealing with car issues! I wish all cars never had issues and they just ran flawlessly. Like, all the time. A girl can dream, right?

If I were to look at the positives of this situation-it is that I am home, and the car is safe in my driveway. I have waited about 90 minutes before for Triple A to come while I was on the side of a highway or in a parking lot. I can just hang in my house, and watch the Princess Diaries while blogging and wait for them to get here. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.

So today was also my rest day. I did an awesome leg workout yesterday, but my booty definately needs that rest!

I also picked up a new-to-me product at Vitamin Shoppe yesterday. It is USPlabs Modern BCAA’s

This flavor is the White Blue Raspberry and it really is a pleasant flavor! I like that it mixes clear and also mixes completely. I have used Xtend before and not only does it dye the water, but it doesnt completely mix so there are some particles floating around sometimes.

Now, before I get into talking more about BCAAs- I just want to say that I do not take any other supplements other than whey protein and BCAAs. That is it. I do not believe in any fat burners, or crap like that and I will never, ever take those in my life so please do not email me asking what fat burner supplements I take–I don’t take any. Ever. And never have before.

BCAA’s or Branched Chain Amino Acids

BCAAs can provide you with that extra pump that you want from your workout and spare your muscles from being used for fuel. They can also provide a rapid recovery. BCAA’s are Leucine, Isoleuicine & Valine. When you exercise these 3 Amino acids drop which can make you fatigued and tired, and your body will resort to your muscles for fuel. By taking BCAA’s before, during or after a workout can provide your body with proper fuel so it doesnt look to your muscles for fuel. 

Additonally, while complete protein sources such as meats, do contain BCAAs, research has been shown that additional supplementation can be beneficial. One advantage is the ability to make the most of the post workout period. BCAA supplementation during or after exercise can reverse net muscle protein balance from a negative to a positive state. Also, amino acid indigestion reduces the rate of protein breakdown. 

Some benefits
  • promote muscle growth and kick up protein synthesis which is how muscle is created in the first place
  • improve strength
  • Boost endurance by increasing energy your body has.
  • protect against muscle breakdown
In conclusion, after a weight training workout–protein and carbs are necessary, I usually go with a protein shake and some oats (check out my previous post about post workout nutrition)

During my workout, I sip on some BCAAs, as they help to delay fatigue and also give me a little more endurance to make the workout great!!  

**With all of this said, 
 I do think that supplements are necessary and needed for extended periods of time. I think that while you are training with these goals in mind, it can help, but also keep in mind everyone’s body responds different to supplements, as it does with food. Not everyone will have postivive benefits OR experience the negative side effects. I do not want you rushing out to get BCAAs or Whey or anything else thinking it is necessary. You need to find what works for you!

I had a delicious breakfast. egg whites, berries, oatmeal dusted with flaxseed. I love the subtle flavor of flax atop the cinnamony oats. I have never tried flax-oil, but I have heard mixed reviews about the taste of it. Anyone try it and enjoy it? or disklike it?
A baby spinach and arugula salad with 1/4 C avocado, some cherry tomatoes, sliced persian cucumbers and mushrooms. The dressing is balsamic vinegar, and balsamic glaze. 
I was craving white fish for dinner last night and I always keep some frozen tilapia (I also have frozen shrimp to make coconut shrimp!) on hand. I defrosted it, topped it with bagel spice and lemon juice and cooked it in the oven for about 20 minutes at 375 degrees.
Along side the bagel spice coated tilapia, I enjoyed some cauliflower, brussels sprouts and just a tiny bit of spinach that I had leftover. I topped the veggies with some nutriitional yeast for that cheesy flavor. It was a delicious, colorful and satisfying dinner!
Well, I hope you all have a happy, healthy Wednesday!
Question of the day: If you could choose one superpower what would it be?