
Hey guys! I thought I would share some videos I took this week with you all.

As of late, my workouts have consisted of big, compound movements. Movements that are the most effective and efficient and work the entire body. I am talking squats, dead lifts, chin ups, bench, and of course some plyos thrown in the mix. I have gotten stronger, my core is more defined and I love training this way because I do not in anyway feel over trained or ‘too sore’ to complete a workout.

A typical upper body day will go as follows

Warm up-8-10 minutes jogging on treadmill
Foam roll quads, IT band, back, calves, hamstrings

I did this workout 3 sets, 8 reps of each. Last week I did the same workout but kept it 4 sets, 6 reps. Its that easy to change it up! There is no need to get a whole new crazy workout with different exercises. I want to progress in certain areas and with certain exercises, so just by changing things slightly (reps and sets) I am able to still keep my body in shock mode so it does not get too used to it.

Circuit 1
10 kettlebell swings
2 Turkish Get ups (each side)

Circuit 2
Chin up
Single arm shoulder press (standing or half kneeling)

Circuit 3

DB back row
DB Bench press

Circuit 4
KB Goblet squat

KB straight leg deadlift

**I move quick with little to no rest btwn the exercises in each set
**upon finishing 1 set. I take just 30-45 seconds rest, then repeat it again for a total of 3 sets. This workout took me about 40 minutes.


I also wanted to take this video to see my form. I use the band to help assist me up because I am not able to complete an unassisted one just yet! Once I can complete 8 SOLID chin ups (meaning go a bit lower than I am in the video) I am going to move onto the blue band which will provide me with a little less assistance!


Again, I wanted to take this video to show all of you AND also to watch it back so I can make improvements for next time!

Notes about the KB swing

  • To BEGIN the movement of the kettle bell, you should squat down (pushing your hips back) until the kettlebell is well clear of your groin,and flick the kettle bell back between your legs,this is the only time you use your arms to push the weight across,to begin the momentum,the arms should not move the weight during the swing
  • At this point in the swing, you should have your forearms push up against your groin and the kettle bell extending out behind you. When coming back up, you will simultaneously squat up and thrust your pelvis forward. When I say thrust, I mean really thrust (TWSS) squeeze those glute and keep your core engaged. You almost want to feel like you are doing a crunch with your abs at the top of the movement.
Want to learn why I love the kettlebells and why they are such an amazing, functional, useful tool? Check out my post ALL ABOUT KETTLEBELL TRAINING

Blog to check out!
You all should check out my friend, Ana’s blog, Trainwickedhard. She just got RKC certified and has some AMAZING tips for beginners as well as some great kettle bell training information.  She just posted about corrective strategies for performing the KB swing for beginners that will really help you get started!

Happy viewing!
Do you pay attention to your form when you workout? What are some cues you use to make sure you are activating your muscles properly?