GOOD EVENING!!! I have a gift for you to kick off your week. It’s awesome, it’s glute focused and its $2. You are WELCOME. This workout is KILLER. I did it earlier this week to test out the waters and it kicked my tush–seriously! If you have been following me and my blog for a while you KNOW by now that the lower body is by far my favorite area to focus on. I love playing around with new exercises, reps, sets, methods and intensities when it comes to transforming the glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves. By simply incorporating strength training into your routine (squats, deadlifts, glute bridges, lunge variations) coupled with plyometrics and SPRINTS, this will transform your lower body into a set of sculpted, sexy and strong set of gams! Not to mention, the legs incorporate the largest muscles in the human body thus creating a huge calorie burn!

This workout, appropriately named the $2 Tushy Toner will give you a little SHAKE UP to your glute routine. If you are looking to give your booty a lift and repeatedly getting on the elliptical for some lengthy cardio, sure–this may be possible for some, but you are missing out on so much more potential development and possible physique changes by skimping out on some more intense work including plyometrics, sprint work and bodyweight work.


Variety is so necessary when looking to build or sculpt a certain area on the body because there are so many amazing and beneficial tools and exercises to help develop strong, firm glutes. Many people think that they NEED to lift extremely heavy weight when it comes to the glutes, but because the glute region is one of the hardest to properly activate, body weight work certainly has its place coupled with strength work!

Give this workout a try…print it out. Paste it on your fridge. Follow this workout 1-2x a week for a monthand let me know what you think!
