Oats with da drizzleeee

PLease Update Your Readers!

Hola…I hope everyones Tuesday is going by as Flying by as fast as the airtime of as Heidi Montag’s New single 

Really, Heidi? I guess we can’t expect much…
I shall start with my delicious post workout shake after my training session. For those of you who don’t know, I have a trainer every Monday, I have been seeing him for about a year and he never ceases to challenge me. I get comments all the time with people saying “Naomi, you ARE A TRAINER, why do you need a trainer?” what I say to this is “Yes, I am a trainer, but if doctors have doctors, therapists have therapists and so on… so yes, I have a trainer! I love learning new exercises and we also bounce ideas off of each other with new moves, exercises and techniques. It was a KILLER workout. My HRM said I burned 448 calories with a max HR of 161. My glutes are burning today!

Pumpkalicious Protein Shake
  • 1 scoop BSN Lean Dessert Cinnamon Roll Protein powder
  • 1/2 C cottage cheese
  • 1/2 C unsweetened Almond Breeze
  • ice/water
  • dollop of pumpkin
  • pumpkin pie spice
Dinner was a couple hours later after a trip to Whole Foods. I was craving what else….Kale chips! (is it normal to crave kale chips?)
Kale chips with roasted tofu. I marinated it in low sodium soy sauce and sesame seeds (put some on the kale too)

I made up half the bag of shirataki noodles mixed with 1 LC wedge and tossed some tofu cubes in there. This was great!! These noodles are a great subsitute for pasta! they are 40 calories for the entire bag and only 3g carbs! The possibilities are endless with these. You can find them near the tofu at any Whole Foods.

Some salad on the side with homemade dressing a la Mama Onefitfoodie.
4.69 miles this morning! I was reading some blogs (obv) and reading the lovely Janetha’s where she had a great treadmill routine that I printed out
Go to her blog for the rest! This was a killer workout and I couldn’t even do all of it. I am 5’2 and going 8.0 on a treadmill with these shorty legs is a sprint for me I had to tone it down a little but it was a great, sweaty running routine!
  • 1/3 C oatbran cooked in water
  • Chia seeds
  • 1/2 nanner
  • Cinnamon
  • Cranberries 
** I had a reader question asking me about my berry berry oats and how this is done. I cook the oats normally and when they are basically done, I add in my frozen berries of choice. Today was cranberries, but sometimes its the cherry mix from TJ’s, other days it is just blueberries. I add them in, then pop it back in the microwave for about 45 seconds until they get hot and turn the oats a beautiful color. The berries add such a natural sweetness that I look forward to every morning!**
Cinnamon Swirl Coffee with 1 Truvia packet and skim
Some snackies that held me over until lunch time–MacIntosh apple (local!) Kays Natural pieces of heaven  Cinnamon stix, Chobani with cinnamon.
Chilly day here in Boston, and this is what I saw driving home
I tried to zoom as much as I could. This is an elderly man bike riding in SHORTS. I had to slow down to snap a shot, sorry its not that great, I thought it was hilarious! This little man was just out riding his bike in short shorts, if I was outside, I would have given him a pat on the back for this bold move
Came home and started by making a delicious salad dressing
  • 1 Tbsp stone ground mustard
  • 2 Tbsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1 Tbsp Champagne vinegar from Trader Joes
  • Juice of 1/4 orange.
Hugh Jass. Tomatoes, cauliflower, red pepper, black beans, romaine, sprouts, homemade dressing
The rest of my Italian zest tofu

Just browsing the Crate and Barrel Catalog and LOVE these mugs! 

  • What am I doing right this moment. I am not watching Full House. Ok, yes I am. It is the episode where stephanie gets stood up by who else but the hottie ANDREW KEEGAN
I mean, who didn’t love this face? I was obsessed with AK when I was younger!!
Lastly, I received this award from Shelley (thank you girl!!)

1. List 10 things that make you happy
2. Try to do at least one of them every day
3. Tag 10 bloggers who brighten your day
  1. My Old College Sweatpants: I love coming home after a long day and slipping on these comfy, broken in sweatpants! There is nothing more comfortable in my opinion than that!
  2. Working Out: Running ,Spinning, weight training! Anything that gets those endorphins pumping, I think this is the most amazing feeling in the world. It is a natural high that just makes me feel so good, strong and healthy!
  3. Hot Coffee first thing in the morning: Hi I am Naomi, I am a fit foodie and also a coffee addict. There is nothing better than a hot GOOD cuppa joe in the morning. I could savor that flavor all day.
  4. Singing in the shower: Yes, I do this and if you say you don’t your lying, come on-we all know its a great, exhilarating feeling!
  5. Romantic, Sappy Chick flicks: I love them all, and end up crying at the end of most of them. Bride wars is my new go-to cry, chick flick. Some favorites include Sex and the City movie, Rumor Has It, Anywhere but Here, How to Lose a Guy in 10 days, 27 dresses, The Holiday, Love Actually
  6. Spending time with my Family and friends who I care so much about: Not much to explain with this one! I <3 my family and friends!
  7. Finding a new song I love and listening to it on repeat: I LOVE doing this however it is a bad habit because after about 2 weeks I can never listen to the song again!
  8. Hot oatmeal with drizzled nut butter: Will I ever get sick of this? I think this all the time and I often wonder if I will be that 80 year old woman still making oatmeal with PB.
  9. Watching the Food Network: I can sit for hours watching channel 66
  10. Riding on the back of my BF’s Harley: Its such a rush and so relaxing!
I will be passing this award onto 3 of my lovah’s

I am off to YOGA. I signed up for a class this morning at a local studio. It is low heat, power yoga from 4:30-5:45. YAY

  • Do you like Yoga? Favorite Pose?
  • What is one thing that makes you happy?
  • Who was your favorite male (or female) ‘hottie’ star??

48 thoughts on “Oats with da drizzleeee

  1. Michelle (Snacks and Field) says:

    Hahaha your Heidi Montag comment literally made me laugh out loud! And that pumpkin protein shake looks PHENOMENAL! I’ll definitely have to try it! ( I didn’t know they made Cinnamon Roll Protein Powder…YUM!)


  2. biz319 says:

    I hate Heidi and Spencer! They live in this tiny bubble as if the rest of the world actually gives a shit!

    Love your salad dressing – I may steal it! 😀

    I am acutally posting this on my blog tomorrow as someone tagged me.

    Okay, I am SO DATING myself here by saying that Sean Cassidy was my love growing up in the 70’s. I actually had this outfit, and wore it at least TWICE a week:

    Satan baby blue jacket with his face as big as my back on the back of it – a powder blue short sleeve shirt with an iron on of his face on my stomach – and get this – baby blue pants with his BODY all along the left leg.

    I thought I was so fucking cool!

  3. sprinkledwithcinnamon says:

    Gluteal burns are awesome…as are the toned tushes they create! As for yoga, I have to be in the mood for it, but when I am it feels awesome…I love the pose (i think its called something cat…where you’re face down on the ground and stretching your back and neck out front and curling your body…I think.) And I agree with you…there is nothing like bumming at home with sweats and some java 🙂

  4. Anna @ Newlywed, Newly Veg says:

    Ah, Andrew Keegan…lol. I wonder whatever happpened to him?

    You talking about your personal trainer reminds me of an interview I read with Jillian Michaels where she talked about how she needed someone around to push her in the gym and really kick her butt, because without a trainer, she would definitely slack off.

    Guess everybody slacks off when they can, even the hard-core trainers!

  5. Kelly says:

    That’s awesome that you have a trainer, and definitely makes sense!
    I love yoga, I wish I had more time to fit it in. My favorite pose is pigeon pose and I love all the warrior poses.

  6. moretolifethanlettuce says:

    broken in sweats are the best! i think it’s great that you have a trainer, and i agree with the doctors have doctors logic. i don’t know any places that do low heat yoga near me, it’s either cold or full on bikram. my fave pose is pigeon. wow props to that old guy riding his bike, that is dedication! or not having a car, but either way, good for him.

  7. Julie says:

    hey girl thanks for the award! i was thinking about your berry oats yesterday and how i love how they’re the best color 🙂 i’m excited for spring and summer when fresh berries will be on saleeeee!

    i neeed to get myself to wf for a mucho needed trip 🙂 the first time i used shirataki noodles i loved them i actually blow dried them so that they would turn out extra dry. haha i know it’s retaaaaaded!

  8. greensandjeans says:

    One thing that makes me happy are coffee dates with friends! One star I will NEVER ever ever forget is Devon Sawa. That scene in Casper when he becomes human, walks down the stairs, and kisses Christina Ricci? swooooooon. I think my friends and I watched that scene so many times we ruined the vhs.

  9. Gina says:

    Naomi, I am confused. What are we updating? And, why doesn’t your blog show up on my blogroll anymore? I’m really confused….

    Yes, Andrew Keegan is VERY sexy! I agree 100% on that one.

    As for yoga, I just started doing it about a month ago, so I don’t have a favorite pose yet. I still can’t get over the fact that I LOVE it! I never thought I would, but now I may be slightly addicted 🙂

    I saw a guy in shorts the other day too. What the heck?! Are these people crazy?! I can’t ever get warm, even with 3 layers on!

  10. Erica says:

    hahah Heidi….oh gosh. Nice outfit. I think its awesome that you see a trainer! I go to other group fitness classes all the time too. Love it. Those cinnamon sticks look fabulous- I so want to try them. Full House! I haven’t seen that show in forever. I’m so with you on #2,3,6 and 9!!

  11. Kris | iheartwellness.com says:

    Ooo girl! I can’t stop giggling at Andrew! I used to love him and full house 😉 I had a large crush on Justin Timberlake….ok, ok, I might still think he is sorta cute…..LOL!

    Great post!

    I love your 10 things!

    Motorcycles scare me, but they are such a rush!

    Love ya!

  12. fittingbackin says:

    Oh Heidi – you’re such a loser! haha

    Great 10 things!!

    I never thought about trainers getting trainers – makes perfect sense though!!

    I prefer yoga to pilates and OMG – I LOVED Andrew Keegan! Him, Devon Sawa, Jared Leto and Luke Perry!

  13. ktbwood says:

    i love those noodles too! i gota boil them before i make them tho or else the taste fishy to me
    i like yoga-i need to do it more! my fav=pigeon pose.. SOOOO great

  14. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    Heidi-i had no idea she could/would sing and someone would pay her to do so!

    “Yes, I am a trainer, but if doctors have doctors, therapists have therapists and so on… so yes, I have a trainer! I love learning new exercises and we also bounce ideas off of each other with new moves, exercises and techniques.”–SO TRUE!
    This is why i go to other yoga teacher’s yoga classes, i mean hello, to keep fresh, to work out myself, to learn, tweak, absorb, bounce things off of…etc.

    Champagne vinegar from TJs–report/more info please!!! would love to try this, have missed it somehow?!

    Do i do yoga. Umm yes.
    Fave pose. Pincha mayurasana.

    Fave hottie? You! 🙂

  15. findinghappinessandhealth says:

    i love your 10 things!! i’m glad you did it 🙂 i love chick flicks too & there is no shame in that haha. i also think it is awesome that you are always trying to improve as a trainer but having your own..that is really cool! you are really inspiring 🙂 & that workout of janetha’s sounds really intense!


  16. Andrea@WellnessNotes says:

    Your salad dressing sounds good! And I love the pic of the guy riding his bike in shorts in the snow! I’m always cold, and it doesn’t even snow here. I can’t imagine… And I’m so with you on #3 – must have coffee first thing in the morning…

  17. sophia says:

    I’ve never tried yoga. I was gonna take a yoga class this semester, but it didn’t work out. 🙁
    My parents make me SO happy! 🙂

    And man…Boston looks Freezing! I’m so glad to be back in sunny LA!

  18. jesslikesithot says:

    Oh jeeze…Heidi is so ridiculous. Not to mention the fact that her boobs are POPPING out! Have some respect!!!! hahahahah

    Love the berry oats!!! I do that all the time too–adding the frozen oats and then re-heating them is KEY!!!! I love drizzling a little agave on top every so often, too. AMAZE!!

  19. brandi says:

    I’m glad people have stopped paying so much attention to speidi – they drive me crazy!

    those mugs are so cute! i would be in serious trouble if I ever went to a crate and barrel.

  20. lizzy says:

    I had no idea you were only 5’2!! yay for being a shortie like me! i’m only 5’0 heheh!!!! love it!!!!

    One of my goals for this year is to practice yoga a bit more then i have in the past, which means if i did it at least 5 times that would be more then i did last year! i think its great so i hope i keep to my word! Coffee makes me happy, and i’m pretty sure we can all test to that! hehe! BRADLEY COOPER! enough said! 🙂

    love you sweets! 🙂 xoxo

  21. K from ksgoodeats says:

    Cinnamon swirl coffee and cinnamon sticks?! A snack after my own heart!

    It’s JOEY!! I know you were talking about Full House but I can’t help but think 10 Things I Hate About You 🙂

    Awwww – thanks for the tag! I’ll do it tomorrow!

  22. Deb (Smoothie Girl Eats Too) says:

    I don’t sing in the shower, honest! It would scare the cat!

    Let’s see- your diet: shirataki, check, greek yogurt, coffeeeeeee, check, check, Hugh Jass…yep we’re on the same wavelength 🙂

    Good that you have a trainer too- I think sometimes trainers think it’s taboo, but it’s really smart!

  23. Missy says:

    Thanks for the award!! Your protein shake looks yummy! I want to make your tofu too!

    1. Trying to like yoga! Downward dog!
    2. Daisy!
    3. Justin Timberlake always and forever haha

  24. Michelle @ Find Your Balance says:

    Much too cold for shorts around here! Please!

    1. Love yoga! My favorite poses are arm balances.

    2. One thing that always makes me happy is my orange cat, we call him The Man.

    3. haha I used to be obsessed with Kirk Camerson and Joey McIntyre

  25. MelissaNibbles says:

    Love the guy in the running shorts!
    Your tofu looks yummy!

    1. I’m trying to like yoga. Downward dog is my fave. It stretches everything!
    2. One thing that makes me happy is a big cup of sugary coffee!
    3.Idris Elba…so hot!

  26. chrystad72 says:

    Go you with that awesome calorie burning workout sesh!! Awesome! HRMs are so addicting I think. I loved seeing how much I burned off! Love the kale chips. Not weird to crave them! I think once you taste how amazing they are, its hard not to!

    29 degrees?! yikes!!!

    Awesome award sweetie. Loved the reads. #2 and #3 are definitely high on my list of things that make me happy! ahhah #7 made me laugh cause I do this too!! But yeah I burn out on those songs fast too then. Im always on the lookout for new jams.
    I love yoga, just starting though but I like child’s pose. I find it really relaxing. I think back in middle school I was so diggin Devon Sawa. ( I think thats his name?!) I cant even really remember now but I know all us girls were totally in love with him. HA! elementary school crushes are too funny.
    Keep warm hun and have a super day!

  27. Mari says:

    the way you feel about your trainer is how I feel about my dvd’s. Yes I train others but when I workout, I don’t really want to think…I just want to do it and that’s why I love my dvd’s or wii games because I can just workout without having to worry about my routine

  28. One Healthy Apple says:

    Yep, Heidi made me choke a little bit on my tea. Really, not necessary in my humble opinion!

    I really enjoy yoga but with my busy schedule I have let it go in exchange for more intense workouts to get the most out of my time. I should really work on some yoga breaths but I do the sun salutation series at least a couple of times a week!

    Things that make me happy include playing with my nephew, coffee, and working out.

  29. MelindaRD says:

    Yea I just caught some of the Heidi thing on twitter. All I can say is hmmmm interesting. I love the looks of your tofu dish. Isn;t it great to make your own dressing. I insisted on getting the bottle that has the little stirer in it to mix it up. I will say that sucker is hard to clean after it has oil in it.

  30. Julie says:

    hahah I love full house re-runs. It brings me back to my youth! I know the episode you’re talking about too, Steph gets stood up then Danny confronts the kid and Steph stands him up, lessons are learned, hugs are shared, and laughs are…laughed.

    My fav star was JTT hands down. I have his framed autographed picture still hanging up. Me = dork.

  31. Paula says:

    Do you enjoy the dessert protein powder? Cinnamon sounds divine. I am looking for a new powder that I won’t get sick of. Great dressing!

  32. Jessie says:

    looove the blog!! I was wondering if you could give me some insight on a possible hamstring strain that I think I have. I have not been to the dr’s but when I stretch my left leg, the part of the muscle that meets the base of my butt hurts. I usually stretch atleast twice a day so Im thinking it may be from not warming up enough. It does not hurt while ellipticaling, just stretching. I recently cut out a ton of cardio due to too much weight loss and was focusing much more on ST to gain weight, especially lower body for muscle mass.
    I know you have a very busy life, but was wondering what you think I should do? I know rest, but it’s so hard for me to do so – I’m a very active person and am used to doing activity everyday.
    Thank you so much for your help, I really appreciate it!


  33. errign says:

    Ugh Heidi, put it away 🙁

    I took a yoga class for credit last semester & I didn’t LOVE it, but I think I would love to go to a vinyasa class sometime!

  34. Barbara says:

    When I read your blog, I am so impressed with everything you do that I am speechless and usually commentless.
    Are you obsessed or am I a lazy bum?
    I feel wonderful if I work out one hour every day, let alone all you do. It must be my age……

  35. eatingRD says:

    oh man, I can’t believe that guy was riding in shorts!! brrr
    I don’t do yoga nearly as much as I should because I do enjoy it. I think I like child’s pose lol or pigeon. Cooking, blogging and family makes me happy! wait that’s more than one 🙂

  36. Janetha says:

    I AM SO BEHIND! but i love your blog so i refused to mark your posts as read. anyway~ i want to get that cinnamon roll PP! where did you snag it? i love cinnamon and i love PP so it just makes sense. ALSO i have never added CC to a shake, can you taste it at all? i hate CC with sweet stuff but i kinda think you wouldnt taste the CC because of the pumpkin and protein powder and whatnot. anyway, loved your explanation as to why you have a trainer. makes so much sense! the dude in the shorts is nutso. glad you did my workout! ah i know it is so speedy to go 8.0~ i am 5’1″. when i go 10 mph i feel like i am gonna fall off! hah. LOVE YOU!!!

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