A Moja Morning!!

G’morning bloggies!!

I decided I needed some real fuel to start me up for spin class which I will be taking at my gym at 9:30. I will spend a whole post dedicated to SPIN! beacuse I am obsessed, and getting certified on october 17th! I cannot wait! I got all my materials in the mail last week and I seriously cannot wait to start studying (dorky no?) Ok back to the eats!

BUT I am curious to ask all of you lovely bloggies, what (if you have) is your favorite group fitness class?? me, well thats an easy one!! SPINNNNN

I got this moja mix oatmeal in the mail the other week! this website is awesome, you can customize your own cereal!

into the mix
  • 1/2 C Moja Mix
  • 1/4 C unsweetened almond breeze
  • 1 cup water
  • few slices banana
  • 1 truvia packet (added at the end)
  • frozen blueberries and 3 frozen strawberries diced
  • cinnamonnnnn
  • chia seeds
  • cant forget the side of blue diamond almond buttahhhh

Can we talk about this breakfast puh-leaseee??

I was also super psysched this morning when I woke up because apparently my beloved ‘free kashi’ cereal sample arrived yesterday!!! I opted to get the Kashi go lean CRUNCH! with honey almond and flax! this baby has 9g of fiber in that little box! If this is anything like the regular Kashi Go Lean Crunch i KNOW I will be one happy customer!

**What is YOUR favorite KASHI product????***

I also promised you all I would give a full review of those scandanavian crisp bread crackers that I picked up the other day at whole foods.
This is from the website, the description of these lil bran crisps!
The Power of Dietary Fiber
Dietary fiber is a natural substance obtained from fruits, vegetables and cereals. At its most basic level, fiber is comprised of plant cell walls and associated material like cellulose and pectin. The health benefits of fiber have long been widely acknowledged. Foremost is fiber’s ability to add bulk to our diet. Bulk promotes the passage of food through the intestine and can prevent, as well as alleviate constipation. Fiber can be extraordinarily beneficial as part of a weight loss regiment. As fiber passes through the digestive system, it absorbs water and swells like a sponge. Such a filling food decreases appetite, causing us to eat less. As the calories locked in the fiber cannot be released by human digestion, weight loss is enhanced.
The Breakdown on Bran
Pure bran contains the highest percentage of dietary fiber. As most bran is removed from the cereal and bread products that we typically eat, alternate sources of bran need to be found if we wish to add this healthful and slimming component to our diet.
Garner the Benefits of GG; The Best Bran Source
From the slow-baking European ovens of Norway comes the highest bran-content product available. Prepared from 85% unprocessed bran, with rye flour and water added, the batter is slowly baked over a twelve-hour period. The moisture is evaporated, leaving a crisp, flavorful, thick cracker containing 85% bran. This special baking method maximizes the surface area of the fiber in the bran. So when you eat GG Scandinavian Bran Crispbread, it quickly absorbs more moisture and satisfies your appetite more completely than any other bran product, especially those that are available from domestic, mass-produced ovens.
GG is the high Fiber Champion. Period.
If you eat just 4 slices of GG each day, you will receive a whopping 80% of recommended intake of dietary fiber. Take a look at what else you would need to eat to get so much fiber:
3 medium sized yams (6 oz)5 cups of raw, uncooked broccoli 7 bananas (8” each)4 cups of bran flakes

PHEW! (did you get all that??) Fiber=GOOD? Bran crisps have ALOT of it πŸ™‚

  • Taste test: hmmm well I had trouble getting them down, maybe that had to do with the fact that I took a nice big bite…plain…hmmm. It DOES says “appetite suppressant” on the package and I guess they know they’re stuff! These were not the BEST cracker I have ever had. I didn;t really know what to think of it. I tried to eat it plain-that didn’t work out so well. It made my mouth very dry, and it was semi-cardboard tasting.
  • BUT then i had the idea to crush it up and toss it on my salad like croutons and I FOUND IT! this was delicious! It added a little crunch to my salad and I could barely taste the cardboard-yness of it!
  • Conclusion: yummy as croutons and probably very good with a slice of salty cheese, NOT by itself, ya dig??

Pic of my beautious salad!
  • Romaine
  • yellow peppah
  • cuke
  • broccolli
  • grilled chicken and steak kebabs diced up (left overs from me and the BF’s dinner)
  • chickpeas
  • walnuts
  • homemade salad dressing!
OK peeps, I gotta head to SPIN now!!!! have a wonderous, food filled morning!!

8 thoughts on “A Moja Morning!!

  1. Melissa says:

    My favorite group class has always been tae-box. I can’t do spin, it kills my back.

    Your oat mix looks yummy. But, those crackers are reminding me of Metamucil crackers for some reason. Yeah, I’ve had to eat Metamucil crackers..donchu judge me!

    Oh, thanks for the tips on training and about tea. I’m going to email you today!

    Have a great day girlie!

  2. *Naomi* says:

    oh I have taken a les mills one, its called body combat TONS o fun and i love the les mills music!! im a techno workout person, that pumps me up!!

    Melissa, the oatst were sooo good, the website is awesome check it out!

    I got your email and responding soon!

  3. Gina says:

    Hello! thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I appreciate your comment πŸ™‚ I will continue to watch the Biggest Loser and update my thoughts, I encourage you to jump right in and give me yours as the season goes on! Love your blog title πŸ™‚

  4. Thinspired says:

    Hi there! Thanks for visiting my blog πŸ™‚ I love Kashi πŸ™‚ Who doesn’t, right? That particular kind (Crunch Honey Almond Flax) is my favorite!
    Good to know about the bran. Oat bran and wheat bran are staples in my house so I think I’m good πŸ™‚

  5. Alison says:

    Thanks for the comment! i like a lot of Kashi products. I especially like their cereals – the little sticks are my fav. They have a subtle sweetness.
    Great oatmeal too!

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