Its Friday and Its a Wrap!

Happy Friday!!! so happy its finally the weekend and done with work already! now its time to enjoy myself and my lunch! Friday is the best day, everyone is in the best mood because it is the end of the work week and so laid back, its like the whole world stops and says “AHHH ITS FRIDAY!”

I was craving my lunch on my way home and I knew exactly what I wanted

This is the wrap BEFORE the mess up 🙂

First up was a Josephs wrap, grilled with some fun ingredients. Have I mentioned I LOVE these wraps?? they rarely fall apart too! however, I experienced a foodie mess up today!  think the pieces of lettuce were not small enough and it made a big hole

This is the salad I had on the side of the wrap
In the salad mix:
heirloom tomatos
yellow peppah
(added walnuts after the picture)

I used my favorite Mustard, Its whole grain, and its SO flavorful!

I believe my mom gets this at a gourmet food store in my town, its amazing!!!!! Also great mixed into Tuna!
Now, I am not ashamed at all at the picture I will post below, just FYI. I do not own a foreman here at my house and I came home one day and decided how do I make a “panini-like” wrap? I want it nice and crispy and flattened out. So I stood in my kitchen pondering the options…I starred at my tea kettle and thought “AH-HA!” I got it…If i put the wrap in the pan, the put the tea kettle on top it will make the sandwich crispy and flat! SO there you have it!

Thats my wrap under there, I promise, look hard!
I will show you all a picture and the ingredients in this beauty!
 In the wrap mix
frozen Trader Joes peppers (pic below)
Garlic and herb laughing cow
half of my homemade tuna (the other half eaten on my ensalada)
These are the peppers that I picked up at TJs. I had never seen them before and I decided to get them beacause the idea of frozen ALREADY FIRE ROASTED veggies just sparked my interest! they were delish! not really a huge dif from the regular frozen peppers I am used to getting but added a great punch to my wrap!
I made some of these guys on the side. I didn’t finish them all, so I got extra to munch on throughout the day YAY!
AHH I am so satisfied!! Just a delish Lunch!
I will be heading to the gym in a couple hours, I shall have a wonderful workout because of my power lunch! : )
***Whats your favorite day of the week??****
ALSO: I will be having a giveaway coming up soon! my uncle owns a coffee company  and make AMAZING coffee, tea and also lots of chocolate covered goodies…Look out for it!!

So after my workout, which was AWESOME by the way… focused on weights this afternoon because this morning I ran 3.75 miles…I don’t think I was lacking in the cardio department! I did my routine from my trainer that I had on Mnnday, yep, still sore from that workout, So I didn’t go all hard core like I do with him, nonetheless it was great! I started with some dynamic stretches, which i HIGHLY recommend. They are active stretches, so things like lateral lunges across the aerobics studio, walking lunges, hamstring reaches, all while walking so its a stretch AND a warm up!
I made a pit stop at this new market in my town called “Baza” it is an international foods market but has all the ‘normal’ stuff as well. This place is CRAZY! I was so bummed my camera was at home! they had lots of russian and Middle Eastern goodies, I believe this is what they are known for. They had farmers cheese, non fat! which I wanted to get but it was HUGE so I didn’t want it to go bad. I think I will get it during the week when I am more around to eat 🙂
Anyways I got some produce, cottage cheese, greek yogurt and THIS TEA that looked amazing!

This is the holiday gingerbread spice blend by Celestial seasonings!
I have no tried this yet, But I did open it and right away I got a burst of cinnamon, chickory, cloves, just yumminess all wrapped up in a little bag!
THen I looked at the ingredients and look at that!
There is cinnamon, CHickory, Ginger,  roasted barley, natural flavors, and Luo Han Guo? Anyone know anything about this??
Anyways, FULL review will be coming up!!

15 thoughts on “Its Friday and Its a Wrap!

  1. Lindsay says:

    I love the tea kettle on top of your wrap! Very creative!

    My favorite day of the week is Saturday. I get to sleep in a little later and still feel like I’ve got the whole weekend ahead of me!

  2. cookingwithkate says:

    i totally agree about fridays! everything is just so much more relaxed — even if you are just as busy! also, it doesnt hurt that i am 3 hours behind in CA and we work with lots of east coast people so things die down after lunch anyway!

    happy weekend!!!

  3. Melissa says:

    No shame in the makeshift panini maker. I do something similar using a heavier pan on top of the wrap. It can get dangerous if you leave it on there too long though!
    That tea looks yummy!

    What do you recommend for stretches? I have a bad back and am looking for anything that will help.

    Have a great weekend!

  4. Kelly says:

    Thanks for the comment on my blog. I’m following you now 🙂
    And yes I AM from Boston if you couldn’t tell! haha. I want to try that tea so bad!

  5. yesiwantcake says:

    I love the make-shift sandwich press! Very creative, and it looks like it got the job done very well! My wraps always fall apart…always. Still so tasty.

    Thanks for reading my blog – I can’t wait to read more of yours! (and I’m really looking forward to the chance to win some coffee!)

  6. traveleatlove says:

    My favorite day of the week is Friday, especially at around 6pm when there are 2 days wide open for fun and relaxing. . . unless I have to work haha 🙂 Beautiful wrap!

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