Happy ’10!


Happy new year!! I hope everyone had a safe, memorable and happy New Year! This year, Jason and I decided to opt against spending 50 dollars to step into a bar (before drinks of course) and just stay low key. We did go out for a fabulous dinner downtown Boston. The restaurant was called Tremont 647 and it was delicious! Neither of us had been but heard great reviews so we thought New Years with their Pre-fix menu would be a great opportunity to try it out!

It was covered in balloons! (reminded me of the Sex and the City movie when Carrie and Miranda went to their Valentines day dinner)

Some apps
Some dinner
We each got the shrimp fritter which was served over a light coleslaw with a tangy sauce and some bacon (everyone got this dish included) I thought it was ok. I am not a fan of fried food and I don’t eat bacon, so I picked at this a bit.
I chose the pickled vegetable salad for my appetizer. It had beets, carrots, celery, cauliflower, frisse and goat cheese. This was DELICIOUS! Loved the combination of flavors with the spicy vegetables and creamy cheese.
Jason got the crab salad which was served in a radicchio cup with tangy dressing. Again, delicious! and light
for me entree, I got the split roasted chicken breast which was served over rice and black eyed peas, seared kale and corn bread on the side. AMAZING, a bit on the salty side but once in a while, I think its ok to indulge, right?
Perfectly moist (see the stone ground mustard on the chicken?-perfection!)
Jason got the angus beef with cauliflower, pearl onion and snap peas. I didn’t try his steak but those little pear onions tasted as sweet as buttah 🙂
I chose the lemon meringue baked alaska. It was served with ruby red grapefruit and a minty drizzle. My favorite dessert in the entire world is key lime pie/lemon meringue pie, so this desert has my name written all over it. It was all served on a graham cracker crust.
Jason got the banana creme pie. He thought it was just OK. I like my bananas in my oatmeal, not really in a pie form, so I thought this was just OK too. We split my baked alaska.
New years breakfast at my house! (can you tell which seat is mine?)
Obviously the one with the cranberry oats! and lots of cinnamon.
HOmemade pumpkin bread, with the help of Mr. Trader Joes
A hard goats cheese with dried figs.
Everything was delicious and it was great to spend some time with my parents. After this we relaxed at my parents house for a few hours and then went off to another New Years day party at my Boyfriends parents friends house. More food! (I didn’t take any pics!) The food was very heavy and rich ( meatballs, eggplant parm, stuffed shells) lots of italian food! It did not sit well with me beacuse my body is not used to such heaviness so I just picked at it. When we got back to Jasons at around 8 I was hangry, so I made a light little snack

Apple slices in a cup

Breakfast this morning. THe usual
Cuppa Joe
Shortly after breakfast I went to the gym for a workout. It was a great one! I started with a 20 minute run. I went for intensity, not speed, so I did lots of intervals, raising the inclining, then sprints, then jogging. It was awesome!
  • military presses
  • Bosu chest press
  • Assisted pull up
  • Bosu Lunges (one foot on one foot off)
  • ball crunches
  • tricep rope press
  • Squat with medicine ball throw
  • Rear delt raise
  • ended with 15 minutes on the arc trainer
Came home and had lunch
Sorry for the repeat picture but it was a repeat lunch! Lots of veggies, pumpkin spiced chickpeas, smoked tofu (also had a Dr Kracker cracker on the side)
And lots of this!
  • After lunch I went with my parents back to the apartment I looked at the other day. I really like it and I think this could be the one! (for a little background, I graduated college in May 2008 and have lived at home ever since. I love living at home, don’t get me wrong and have saved a TON of money, but I think its time for me to live on my own now. I have been looking to move out since the summer but haven’t found the right place for me) This apartment is 3 bedroom, 1 1/2 bath with 2 SUPER nice young girls like me! I will probably know within the next days weeks if I am taking it.
  • How was your New Years
  • Did you move out right after college or if you are still in college what do you plan on doing about living situation afterwards?
  • Favorite Brunch Food?

37 thoughts on “Happy ’10!

  1. Sweet Cheeks says:

    Your new years sounded great! All of the food look amazing, per usual on your blog. 🙂

    When college time rolls around for me, I am planning on moving out. I’m ready for my freedom and own space, ya know? Don’t get me wrong..I’m sure there will be times when I miss home and I’ll miss the things my mom does for me, but at the same time I’m ready for new experiences and a change of pace.

    Favorite brunch food…eggs of some sort!

  2. Sweet Cheeks says:

    P.S. I can’t get your blog to update on my good reader…it keeps going to back to your old blog??? Any ideas what to do?

  3. sprinkledwithcinnamon says:

    Mmmmm that breakfast spread looks awesome!!!
    After I graduate college, I think I’ll probably live at home for a little bit to get situated/get a job/find out when I want to do/when I wanna go to grad school etc before I move out on my own (and it sounds nice to save up some dough while bunking with the ‘rents).
    Brunch food…mmmm well I’m a sucker for interesting pancakes (banana/blueberry/apple cinnamon/whole wheat etc) and awesome renditions of egg dishes (benedict/omelettes/frittatas)
    Have a fab weekend!

  4. Jamie says:

    Happy New Year Naomi!

    The food pics are amazing, I just got hungry looking at all of them! How do you make your cranberry oats? I’ve always wondered what to do with those little guys.

    My New Years was crappy, I was sick so stayed home with the husband and watched TV all night!

    After college I moved home for a little while, but shortly thereafter moved away from home to be near the BF (now hubby). I rented a townhouse with 2 other girls I met through Craigslist and after 2 years got my own apt. Then bought a house with my husband 2 years ago! I totally think living on your own is great and you will LOVE it!

    Oh and my fav brunch food is bagels, cream cheese, and LOTS of lox!

  5. chrystad72 says:

    Woohoo! Congrats on the the possible apt. find! Thats super exciting!! I love the breakfast oats pics. Always looks delish! Great job on a super workout too. I love getting in some awesome gym time after a good meal!=)

    I actually ended up moving out right after I graduated. Crazy! I graduated college then 3 days later got offered a job on the opposite coast. I didnt even unpack yet! I just loaded it all up on a plane and hit the road. It was quite an adventure.

    New Years was mucho relaxing. Just me and the hubs with some pizza and movies. Sometimes I like keeping it low key. We tried to hit up our fav. restaurant but it was closed. All good though! Still had a fun night.

    My favorite brunch food is a tough question cause Im ssoo into my oatmeal right now. I swear I could eat it all the time. Im going to have to just say oatmeal. (Although my mom makes an awesome wakami quiche! I dont eat it often but its goooood!)

    Have a fab-u-lous day girly!!

  6. Abby says:

    Your New Years sounds fun!!! 😉 AND im loving your lunch.. so delish looking.

    1 NY for me was super low key but great.. im a huge dork and actually fell asleep at 1130, though. lol
    2. I moved out to go to college and never returned!
    3. Tofu scramble and toast!

    Enjoy the rest of the weekend, hun!!

  7. Jenny says:

    hmmm, i’m just going to take a wild guess and assume that your seat is the one in front of the beautiful bowl of oats 🙂 just a hunch 😉

    happy 2010, sweetie! xoxo

  8. Mari says:

    Happy New Year Naomi!!!!!!! Great minds think alike because I thought of that scene in SATC when I saw the picture lol

    Yums your New Years Day Bfast looks delish!

    Great workout chica

  9. Jessica @ How Sweet says:

    Happy New Year girl!! Figs I LOVE!!! I made a recipe with figs today – I just love them and I eat them every single day. SO yummy. And I love the NYE scene with Carrie and Miranda!!

    I lived at home until I got married. Honestly, my hubby and I knew we were going to get married, and thought it was wise for me to save more at home. Have you and J talked about it at all? Like you, I loved living at home, but my brothers were still there and it was just a big happy family!! I love my hubby and our new house but I’d always love to go live at home again. 🙂

    Hope you’re having a fantabulous Saturday night!

  10. tara says:

    Sounds like a great new years to me!
    And looks like a sweat inducing workout! 😉
    Im still in HS but I hope to graduate from college and move out, and move on. =]
    So glad you found an appartment, hope it works out, it sounds really great! I agree living at home is a verry well and good but there is a season for everything, this is a good step forward. Independance is a beautiful thing. Good for you saving a lot of money over the years as well! <3 <3 <3

  11. Melissa says:

    Tremont 647 has a great Pajama Brunch. But your pics are making me wanna go there for dinner.

    And thanks for the new link. You’re in my Google Reader but it never updates. Hopefully it will work now!

  12. ktbwood says:

    what a great new years!!
    that rest sounds AMAZING..love the chicken dishes-girl you def can indulge on holidays! tis the season!!

    hopefully i wont be back at home after college..but i know if God wants me there then ill be there! HOPEFULLY ill be engaged..hahah but obviously i cant plan the future!!

  13. greensandjeans says:

    Your New Years dinner looks great! I have not lived at home since I left for college, because I’ve taken jobs pretty far away from home! Although, it would have been nice to save a little money by living with the folks after college! I LOVE brunch and I can never decided between savory (omelets) or sweet (pancakes)!

  14. homecookedem says:

    Looks like a fabulous New Years dinner!! 🙂

    I lived at home the first year after college and then moved in with my now husband, then boyfriend for another 2 years before getting married.

    My favorite brunch food is probably a savory breakfast casserole of some sort.

  15. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    I have the worst time w/ your comment pop up actually popping up..ok here I am now 🙂

    The key lime pie/lemon meringue pie–you and my dad would be bff’s. That’s his total fave too! A unique “fave” as most people say choc.

    Living at home? Girl. I moved out at 16. Went to college. Got married at 19. Graduated college at 20. Was living large and in charge downtown chicago alone and divorced by 21 🙂 And the next 12 yrs have pretty much involved living all over the country in many diff places, new sights and sounds, Ive moved about 12-15 times in 12-15 yrs. Not kidding. It’s kinda sick but I am a gypsy. And I could NEVER EVER EVER live w/ parents. I wanted to be emancipated at 14 but at 16 i was 🙂

  16. Gina says:

    Looks like you rang in the New Year splendidly! Those balloons DO remind me of that Sex in the City episode, good call!

    My New Year’s Eve was nice and relaxing, and included some good homemade food.

    After college, I moved in with my parents actually. I did my dietetic internship in COlumbus and it wasn’t paid, so I saved money and lived at home. It was worth it, for sure.

  17. april says:

    You always find the healthiest restaurants! I’m jealous!

    And dried figs are so delicious.. especially dipped in peanut butter or better’n’pb!

  18. K from ksgoodeats says:

    Sounds like you enjoyed a great New Year! The prices on NYE are always so obnoxious – I did a low key evening too and I prefered it much more.

    I love that you repped the oats at brunch!!

  19. One Healthy Apple says:

    Good luck on the apartment! I met my then BF, (now hubby) at the beginning of my senior year of college, where I was living at home and commuting. I (ahem) moved in with him into his condo shortly after. I’m one of those crazy girls who moves straight from her parents’ house to live with her husband!

  20. Joelle (The Pancake Girl) says:

    Love the cranberry oats! That pic totally reminded me of the SATC scene before I even read your comment!

    Funny you wrote about moving out- I just finished with grad school and (as you prob already know from my blog) am moving to D.C., like NOW. Haha I wish you the best! Happy 2010!

  21. Missy says:

    Your dinner looked amazing!! Love you New Year’s breakfast too! I moved out right after college. I thought New York would be more exciting than PA!

  22. Kris says:

    Hey Doll!! I think i might need to try and bake a pumpkin loaf…..I love it and it looks good on my screen right now 🙂

    Your breakfast spread looks great!! I love the oats 😉

    Mmmmm I do love coffee….why did i say 3 times a week again??


  23. Kris | iheartwellness.com says:

    Hey Doll!! I think i might need to try and bake a pumpkin loaf…..I love it and it looks good on my screen right now 🙂

    Your breakfast spread looks great!! I love the oats 😉

    Mmmmm I do love coffee….why did i say 3 times a week again??


  24. Shannon says:

    What a wonderful way to ring in the New Year!

    I moved back home for a year after graduate school. I was so glad that I did. I saved money and got my feet on the ground. I feel very fortunate that I have the kind of family where I actually wanted to move back home with!

    Good luck with the apartment!

  25. MelissaNibbles says:

    The crab dinner looks amazing! What a fab time!

    I moved out after graduating college. I moved to school, lived with friends, then lived on my own. I hope you get the apartment. It sounds great!

  26. Michelle (Snacks and Field) says:

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I’m so interested in your field of exercise science/nutrition minor, except my school doesn’t have it:/… Your food all looks delicious, especially that plate of AMAZING looking chickpeas and veggies!

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