Public Bathroom Toilet Paper…seriously

Whats shaking lovebugs? I have the new Jason DeRulo song “In my Head” stuck in my head to no end!! if you haven’t heard it check it out, its so catchy! He’s quite easy on the eyes too…..just sayin’

I DID wake up this morning planning on going to the gym before breakfast. I woke up at 8 and tummy grumbling…Sooo I hate a half a nanner then hit the gym.
I completed 20 minutes on the arc trainer while rocking out to some ravers techno… like THIS and THIS the BEST to workout to! Followed by some weights…looked something like this

  • Assisted Pull ups
  • Lat pulldowns
  • Leg lifts
  • Lateral/front raises
  • Squats w/ bicep curl
  • Clean and Presses with body bar
  • Decline Leg lifts
  • Repeat cycle twice and called it a day! it was short and sweet (TWSS)
  • If you ever have a question on a certain exercise PLEASE ASK ME!!!
Coffee awaited me for my arrival back home
Eggwhite oats. I cooked 1/2 C oats with chia seeds in water. Then I added 2 egg whites which were blended in the magic bullet. Poured them into my oats and stir stir stir!!! Then I popped them back into the micro with some frozen berries. Cooked another 1 minute and Done like Reese and Jake (are they really done? I still have no idea about this one)

All together now. Yes I sometimes like to eat my oats with a plastic spoon whilst in my house. Don’t ask
The eggwhites add TONS of volume and make for such a fluffy bowl!
Packed my lunch and dinner in my New lunch bag from my homies at homegoods
its SO roomy!! thats a smoothie I made for the road. (berries, skim milk, stevia, protein powder)
I know Melissa does 3 things Thursday where she shares some things that have been ticking her off the past week. Well I am going to one 1 thing Wednesday. I CANNOT STAND starting a new roll of toilet paper in a public bathroom!! seriously, do they glue the things shut so we cannot start a new roll? I was here for a good minute (thats a long time when all you want to do is get out of the stall) trying to attack this roll of TP. I did not have success and ended up with about a 2 foot long, by 1 inch wide strip. Go figure…

Lunch was at 1:30. Whole wheat wrap (weight watchers ones!) with romaine, low sodium turkey breast, 2 stacker pickles, tomatoes and LC wedge. mmm good!
Some salad with romaine, broc, yellow pepper, tomatoes and Annies Honey Mustard dressing

Half of this Luna Bar at 4:00. I Love this flavor!! it is the perfect combo of sweet, salty and chocolatey!
Cocoa roast almonds shortly afterwards

Greek yog with cinnamon

A Bosc. Juicy, perfection
As you can see I was a bit of a bottomless pit today. I even tweeted about it! By The way, follow me on Twitter!! onefitfoodie.

Select Harvest Savory Chicken and vegetables. This was pretty good!! The chicken was kind of funky tasting, I guess thats what you get for light soup in a can, but the flavor was good and I loved the big chunks of veggies and potato.

A wrap for dinner, with my soup. The innards is Sabra, lettuce, tomatoes, sprouts and italian marinated Tofu from whole foods in a wrap.

Came home and had this package waiting for me from Sunwarrior!! 
Opened it up and couldn’t find the scoop anywhere! I made a mess trying to find it too…
Can you see it? I managed to find it after some excavation
The packing is coming along…

Lots of random things in random bags with more random things on top

Gotta pack my LOVE sign!! Yes that says LOVE with an E, not LOV. Wow, now that I look at this, it is quite a scary picture of myself, I really am a sweet nice person I promise!!!
currently relaxing, watching some TV. Ohhhbahhmahhhh to be exact!
I am MUCHO tired and plan on getting up around 730-8 to hit the gym for some weights before work. I may take a spin class at work at 545 too, we shall see!
  • What is your ‘Seinfeld’ real life moment, most frustrating thing? Mine is the stupid toilet paper in public bathrooms!! 
  • Do you ever have bottomless pit days? How do you deal with them? Do you eat more or try not to to stick with what you had planned? WHen I have those days, I eat more!! If I am hungry, then I feed my bod, its the best to listen!
  • Favorite way to eat almonds or any other nut BESIDES nut butter? I am loving the cocoa roasted almonds right now!

42 thoughts on “Public Bathroom Toilet Paper…seriously

  1. sophia says:

    honey-roasted almonds. Mmm….Have you tried them? I’d love the cocoa ones too! I do have bottomless pit days, in which I’ve eaten three Whoppers. Yup. Clearly, I just feed my bod. But then there are days when I just don’t feel hungry, too. and I STILL eat. So…hmm….Guess I’m just greedy. 😉

  2. Kristin says:

    Hi Naomi,

    I ABSOLUTELY have bottomless pit days. In fact, today was one of those days. I always listen to my body and eat as much as it wants but afterwards I kinda freak out and feel guilty. 🙁 In the future, I hope to eat more nutritious foods on my BP days rather than turning to ice cream, m&ms, and gummie worms like I did tonight…yikes! It does make me feel better, though, that other people have them too. I think it’s important to remember that bodies are complicated systems and that we aren’t supposed to control them all the time. How do you deal with your bottomless pit days?

  3. traynharder23 says:

    hate opening box of cereal adn the thing bursts open adn cereal flies everywhere. epic fail!
    bottom less pit: usually its probably not drinking enough (FOR ME, that is, noteveryone) so i just chug a lug lug.
    hmm. in yogurt? re: almonds.

    AND WHY ARE YOur new posts not showing on my google reader?! AUGH!

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    Ok i am being nosy but was the SWarr a gift or a purchase? If it was swaggie, i need to swagger myself right into some 🙂 And yes, they ALWAYS have the scoops buried WAYYYYYY down in those huge vats. I know, i have made a total mess b4!

    I walked into a yoga class to teach it tonite w/ tp stuck on my bare foot. I had previously just been in the gym’s locker room and walked thru there and obvi picked some up on my feet. Classy. I know. 🙂

  5. MelindaRD says:

    I hate that with toilet paper too. I always make a mess. Looks like you had some tasty eats. Glad to see the packing is coming along. As for a real life seinfeld moment I am not sure I can think of one. If I ever fell like a bottomless pit I try diet soda to make me feel full (from carbonation which I always avoid) or I do go ahead and snack…on animal crackers (the non fat crackery ones) or rice cakes or something with air in it to help me feel full and soon.

  6. faithfitnessfun says:

    My favorite way to eat almonds or nuts is in salads. Yum!

    And I have numerous bottomless pit days. So, I just eat. I spent too long not being able to with competition prep so bring on the food now! 🙂

  7. Jamie (Food in Real Life) says:

    I love me some of those cocoa roast almonds mmmmm

    I also love walnuts and sliced apple in my oats.

    Oh and I get you on the plastic spoon in your own house thing. I like eating with plastic spoons too. Esp for things that are really hot or really cold. (I love ice cream with a plastic spoon). They are also a nice small size. I have a small mouth!

    Ok babble babble….have a good day Naomski!

  8. inmytummy says:

    What’s worse than starting a new TP roll is when you go into a public bathroom and you’re in a hurry and you don’t realize that there is no toilet paper at all in the stall.

    Actually, I guess that is a Seinfeld moment. Remember, “Can you spare a square?”

    I like those cocoa almonds too. In fact, I brought some for my snack today.

  9. april says:

    I have bottomless pit days and I usually just keep eating! LOL.

    What’s even worse is when there is no toilet paper at all! Ugh!!

  10. Julie says:

    okay so i HATE when people don’t reload the roll in the bathroom. like they leave one piece left and then just leave it hanging. like COME ON PEOPLE use the damn last sheet and put a new one on. hahaha

    anyways i like those decline leg lifts! definitely gonna try them out 🙂 let’s workout together pleaaaaaaaaaase

  11. Mari says:

    this was such a great post! killer workout girly…

    you must be so excited about moving into your own place, it is such a great feeling =)

    I just purchased my first boxes of Luna Bars…I can’t wait to try them, I thought of you when I was at Tar-Jay hahaha

  12. Abby (Nibble, Nourish, Run) says:

    Yesterday I was a total bottomless pit! I usually go with my gut (literally) and eat more – I figure it’s my body telling me I need more fuel – especially on days when I’ve worked out hard. I do try and make smart choices though in what I eat!

    Oh and I love put whole nuts in my yogurt or cereal – or roast them and add them to salads…yum!

  13. Sunny says:

    hiii girly!

    that luna is one of my fave flavors good! have you tried blueberry bliss? i had one the other day and it was amazing!

    that toilet paper thing is SO true and so annoying! also, why are all public bathrooms wet all over the place..sink, toilet, walls?! haha.. like what do people do!?

    and i think we all have those bottomless pit days.. so don’t think you’re the only one! 🙂

  14. coffeerun8 says:

    1.) I love that new Jason DeRulo song!
    2.) I completely agree about bathroom TP (and public TP is always like legit printer paper…gah)
    3.) I definitely have bottomless pit days. I just go with it!

  15. Karin says:

    I was so sad when I heard about Reese & Jake. Ok that was a bit random but they were such a cute couple! Your wraps always look so good! And mine are so.. boring.
    Still need to try those egg white oatsies.

  16. moretolifethanlettuce says:

    LOL i can’t believe you snapped a pic of the toilet paper roll fiasco. i feel ya on that one though, why is krazy glue necessary to keep a roll together? stoopid. mmm those cocoa-y nuts look really good. and your oats look so fluffy, ok, i’m adding egg whites to mine TODAY, it’s time!

  17. eatingRD says:

    hahahaha you crack me up!!! I just can’t seem to fall asleep without the fan humming away, plus it drowns out the cars whizzing by on the highway near us 🙂
    Lots of good eats girl!! Usually when I’m a bottomless pit, I like to listen to my body and really see if I’m hungry or am I just thirsty. Usually I have a big glass of water and if I’m still hungry, then yep I keep eating. Especially if you don’t eat overboard all the time, your body’s prob trying to say something 🙂 I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been frustrated with public restroom toilet paper, who designs these things anyways???? lol

  18. Janetha says:

    i didnt click on your raver music links in fear i would get flashbacks. oh yeah. i was THAT girl. i sometimes wonder why i am still alive after those crazy days.. HA!

    you know, i STILL havent added egg whites to my oats. which is crazy, because i love protein packed anything.. so i think i need to. ah well, there’s always tomorrow!

    i like that flava of luna as well! yum.

    good luck with the packing. ughhhhhh.

    questions! or, i guess, answers!

    1. i always think about these and now of course, when you ask, i can’t think of one. go figure

    2. i eat and eat! and then, every time, the next day.. i am not nearly as hungry and hardly eat~ it balances out.

    3. slivered almonds on salads!

  19. Nicole (dishin') says:

    I was a bottemless pit yesterday too. I don’t know what my problem was! When I’m hungry, it’s all I can think about. ARG!

    Not sure if this counts but can people in MASS please use your blinkers, please? I hate when I driving in the city and someone just pulls over to parallel park…like I’m supposed to know to what they are doing. I swear, it’s gets on my last nerve!

  20. Missy says:

    I have bottomless pit days way too much lol. It’s so annoying! I just snack and snack. Favorite way to eat almonds…hmm I like them raw!

  21. Katie says:

    OOh that tp thing is infuriating! I hate pretty much all things in public bathrooms. When stalls don’t close/lock and you have to hold it with your foot…grr, why don’t they make sturdier stalls that hold up, or get them fixed!? I feel like a horse when I’m having to pee in those conditions.

    My hunger varies so much from day to day – and I just eat when I’m hungry, stop when I’m full. No planned out portions for this girl.

  22. Gina says:

    My life revolves around Seinfeld. I swear I have a Seinfeld moment at least once, sometimes twice, every day. NO JOKE! haha, that reminds me of the “spare a square” episode, totally.

    I love almond butter with my oats, or with my carrots! Was it you who did that the other daY? I can’t remember, but that’s one of my favorite ways to eat it. I also like to put it on my granola!

  23. One Healthy Apple says:

    Love this post! All your food looks so good I could have just asked you to be my personal chef for the day!

    I have many Seinfeld moments. I love being the person in the office who gets the last 1 oz pour of the coffee…people never make a fresh pot when they get the last of it!

    If I am feeling like a bottomless pit, I just eat. Of course I try to evaluate what it is I want…today I wanted cake, so I ate a piece. If I’m just bored, then that’s a different story!

    I love raw almonds, almond butter, and wasabi almonds. Where did you get the cocoa kind?

  24. homecookedem says:

    Haha, my Seinfeld moment would have to be when Andrew gets out of the shower and won’t close the shower curtain! Grrrrrrr!! It’s soooo easy to just close it!! Ya know?!! haha! 😉 Actually he’s gotten much better about it recently, but every now and then I see it and just shake my head, haha! 😉

    I definitely have bottomless pit days!! I used to just ignore it and stick to what I “allowed” myself, but now that I’m much wiser, I definitely eat more and realize that my belly needs more food!!

    I love those cocoa roasted almonds too!! I’ve only had them once in a sample I got from a health expo… I need to pick up some more of those sweet little babies!!

  25. Simply Life says:

    I’m with you on the plastic spoons – sometimes you’re just in the mood for it and it makes a difference while eating! I don’t have specific questions about exercises but definitely need to change-up my routine a bit so I’d love to hear more about a simple routine you recommend!

  26. Sarena Shasteen - The Non-Dairy Queen says:

    That is too funny about the toilet paper. I was just in a public bathroom the other day and ever time I pulled it, I only got a square! I totally thought of Seindeld then too! I just tried oats with egg whites for the first time a couple of weeks ago and I loved them! So fluffy!

  27. Nutritious is Delicious says:

    OMG! I have his “MM Whacha Say…” Song stuck in my head. My roomies and I totally blasted it last night and jammed out! ’twas fun! 😉

    haha I feel like I have bottomless days just about every day.

    Lovin’ the looks of that pita sammie!

  28. Michelle (Snacks and Field) says:

    I adoreee Nuts Over Chocolate LUNA Bars! And the vanilla protein powder looks delish 🙂

    And I LOVE Having bottomless pit days! I embrace them and take them as “I can eat endlessly days” because it’s my body telling me that it needs more food FOR A REASON. It’s usually after a super hard workout- or due to after burn for lifting (which could be the case for you!) Your body needs that food to turn into muscle and make you a fat burning machine! 🙂

    And those almonds looked so yummy! I just had a bag of salted cashews yesterday that were TO DIE FOR… I haven’t had those babies in soo long!

    Have a great weekend!
    ps i feel you on the toilet paper issue, girl! 😉 hehe

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