New Panera Items and V-day Treats

Hi cutttiiiessss. Whats shakin’ whats new’ whats going onnnn. It is SUPERBOWL SUNDAY, which means nothing for me since I am a pats fan.  I am so happy you all liked my strength training info! I love strength training, it makes me feel strong, powerful and I love the results! It is a different kind of high that I get from cardio or running, both amazing and different in their own ways.

Anyways. Lets back up to yesterday shall we?

The morning started off with some coffee and not just any coffee. Jason and I got a new roast and he got some new Mugs!! how cute are these?

Archer Farms AKA Target Brand cinnamon vanilla nut coffee!! I could not just walk past this and not try it! Verdict? Delicious! but it was a very light/mild roast so if you like strong coffee I suggest to make more scoops then water in your coffee maker.

Berry berry oats with 1/2 banana, frozen blueberries, strawberries, pb on bottom
One thing I love about my new gym is that with my membership I can use any of the Beacon Hill Athletic Clubs and there are about 4 in the area that I use. I went to a spin class at 11:15 at one club and it was awesome!! I loved it and another thing I love about this gym is that the members are MY AGE. my other gym the general population was older (~50) and now I am surrounded by those who are my age. I love this!

Came home for a shower and a Raspberry Protein shake with Kashi Puffs.
  • 1 Packet Jay Robb Whey vanilla protein
  • frozen raspberries
  • 1 C skim milk
  • 1 C almond milk
  • Ice
  • 3/4 C Kashi Puffs
After downing enjoying my shake to the fullest. I went to the BHAC (gym) and met with the fitness director to talk about teaching spin and muscle and abs classes. I am officially on the pay roll and sub list!! This also means I don’t have to pay membership!! thats $64 a month FREE. I am so exstactic and I am also so excited to start teaching classes!
I treated myself to a grande iced coffee with 2 pumps SF cinnamon dolce and skim milk

and lots of cinnamon on top!
I got a salad from Thyago’s which is a great little local pizza joint near Jasons house. I got a garden then when I got home I added some shredded cheese and left over grilled chicken from Friday.

Enjoyed with mah coffee and Franks Red hot–because I put that sh*t on everything.

Seriously, everything…I could swim in that bottle if I wanted to.
Later that night Jason and I were going to cook a great dinner. We are celebrating 1 year being together so we decided to have a chill night and cook a delicious dinner
I baked pita chips with EVOO, salt and pepper at 375 for 12 minutes…we dipped in Sabra and topped with manchego cheese

Roasted a pepper! Yes this is how you roast a pepper…right on the stove

Just keep spinning it around until it looks like this. I used tongs to do this. It gets very hot!

Place in aluminum foil to cool for about 10 minutes.

I diced it up and put it on our salad with fresh strawberries, dried cranberries, grapes and avocado.

Sweet potato fries (baked with EVOO, salt and pepper) Broccoli Rabe, grilled STEAK! (yess! I was so in the mood, I don’t think I have had steak since last summer)

My Plate. I also had about ~2 glasses of Reisling wine. Delicious and fresh!
Today started off with a bowl of oats, but I didn’t snap a shot, you all know what my oats look like right?
Lunch at Panera Bread. I got the new salmon salad.  Chilled salmon filet served on a bed of field greens and romaine, with baby Kalamata olives, feta cheese, Mandarin oranges, sliced almonds and red onions all tossed in our new honey tangerine vinaigrette dressing.

ANd the new Garden vegetable soup with pesto. A low-fat vegetarian soup with diced tomatoes, sliced zucchini, yellow beans, fresh Swiss chard, cauliflower, bell peppers and pearled barley in a tomato broth. Garnished with a dollop of nut-free basil pesto.

BOTH WERE DELICIOUS!!! I was so happy with my choices and I will absolutely be back to Panera for these two items!! The soup was not salty at all and I loved the hint of pesto. The salmon salad was a perfect size and the salmon was tender and not fishy at all.

I made some V-day goodies for my secret santa! and some extras to bring to my parents house for their super bowl party. SUgar cookies with cream cheese frosting and M&M’s. Pretzel bites with Kisses and M&Ms

  • Do you strength train? What is your favorite exercise? I love strength training and I love compound movements that work multiple muscles all at once. Squat–into a biceps curl is a great one!!
  • Has a restaurant you love recently added a new item that you cannot get enough of? Mine would be the new salmon salad and soup at Panera!
  • What are you doing for superbowl?? What is your favorite football munchy food? I love the classic chips and salsa OR carrots in artichoke dip!!


42 thoughts on “New Panera Items and V-day Treats

  1. Morgan says:

    I’m the same way with Frank’s. I can’t think of many things it’s not good on!
    Happy anniversary too!
    I do strength train. I like compound moves. I think my favorite is plie squat bicep curls. I also love wall sits!

  2. inmytummy says:

    I put that shit on everything too. Seriously, I buy huge bottles of it at Costco. Yum.

    I think my favorite munchie food would be guacamole and chips. Hummus coming in at a very close second.

  3. Julie says:

    mmmm that new soup from panera sounds SO good!! definitely gotta pick up a cup of that next time i’m there 🙂

    glad you had a nice romantic dinner with the boyfriend this weekend! looks like a feast to be reckoned with! plus you got to celebrate all of the new gym action you’re gonna get! woop woop

    your secret valentine is gonna be veryyyy lucky!

  4. Danielle (Coffee Run) says:

    I didn’t know you could roast a red pepper on the stovetop?! Too bad I have an electric stove…

    I like strength training everything except my ARMS- seriously, I just wasn’t meant to have guns. But I love doing ab & leg work 🙂

  5. Adrien says:

    Why doesn’t your blog show up in my G Reader/Blogroll? I love you, but with so many to read I forget and then have so much to catch up on when I clue in again!

    Hope you’re having a great weekend!

    To answer your question (fusion style)- I love lunges and pretzels with chocolate chips (anything sweet salty and crunchy!) and ice cream- but it’s not very superbowly! hahah

  6. Sunny says:

    one year with the boy already?!.. i remember when you first mentioned him on 02! crazy how time flies!

    meals are looking good and that salad looks good for a “fast food” type place..yum!

    i don’t care about superbowl either, lol but i’d have to say my fave munchy food would also have to be chips and salsa/ good!

  7. girlmeetshealth says:

    oooh, I am a Panera Bread WHORE (in the best sense of the word, of course). I can’t wait to try their new salmon salad! They had a salmon salad before, but that one sounds different.

    I *love* strength training. My favorite movie is push-ups…mainly because I can finally do REAL ones =) I also enjoy butt kick-backs. They’re the best for my glutes since I don’t do squats – they hurt my knees :/

  8. Jenny says:

    secretly crossing my fingers that i’m your secret bloggie valentine — I want those treats!!

    ahhh panera is god’s gift! their black bean soup warms my souuuul!

  9. Jessica @ How Sweet says:

    Yay for starting to teach classes!! I think you will LOVE it girl!
    And congrats on your one year with your boyfriend…so exciting. 🙂 Your salad looks delish – love all the fruit and even the veggies!!!

  10. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    this:Enjoyed with mah coffee and Franks Red hot–because I put that sh*t on everything.

    Doesnt it suck when you pay for S’Bucks and it’s just a meh cup. And hot sauce and/or dips..I drown myself in them. I have a little food with a barrel of sauce LOL

    Those pretzle stick things…i saw so many recipes and such for those over Xmas. Do you have a link or the 411 on those? I need to make those! and now i cant remember where or who i saw it on…yours probably 🙂

  11. Kelly says:

    I have recently started to love strength training. I really feel a lot stronger now that I am doing it consistently. I’m not sure what my favorite move is, I’ll have to think about that 🙂

    Thanks for answering my questions about the chia, I have to get some soon! Another question- how did you get into teaching spinning? Where did you get certified? I am thinking about doing this next because I think it would be fun and it would be awesome to get a free gym membership!

  12. Kristin Pizzi says:

    wow, one year already… it seems like just yesterday I was hearing about the first date. You two seem so happy and are so cute together. I am so happy for you.

  13. Lily @ Lily's Health Pad says:

    I love plyometric lunges for strength training! I can’t stand doing compound exercises. I know most people like them, but I just feel like I can’t concentrate on the muscle that I’m working as well. I’d rather just take the time to work each muscle group separately.

  14. ktbwood says:

    heck yes i strength train! i love arm workouts-they are my fav..feel like i can feel my mucles getting stronger!
    LOVE your eats and the looks of that coffee girl!
    yay for you and your boy! that is awesome beautiful!

  15. Andrea@WellnessNotes says:

    The cookies look REALLY good!

    I haven’t been to Panera in a very long time; maybe I’ll go with my mom… Both the soup and the salad you got sound really good…

    Favorite thing to munch on: veggies & hummus.

  16. moretolifethanlettuce says:

    love that method of roasting peppers! i’ve made some great hummus out of those babies. awesome about belonging to a gym with people who aren’t eligible for senior discounts at denny’s lol. the gym i go to at home has SO many geriatrics, but obviously the one at school has peeps my age

  17. tam says:

    My fav exercise has to be spinning and kickboxing I really can’t wait to get back to it hopefully not long now! Those treats look soooooo good! x x

  18. redhead75 says:

    I love to strength train! I love sumo squats. I’m not talking holding 10 lbs dumbbells 😉

    Cinnamon Vanilla Nut is YUMMY! I love Archer Farms coffee! Actually Butternut rum is weird…don’t try it.

  19. eatmovelove says:

    okay, i have to add you to my blog roll -great post!! awesome about the gym and that roasted pepper looks awesome!!
    i wish i could eat as well as you bloggers – i always just get off track or eat too much even when i don’t want it – and am just so mad at myself for making the same mistakes over and over and over – seriously like every day…:( my digestion is so out of whack, i feel not good and i’m tired of it and feel like it’s too late always to start over ….

  20. Cara says:

    I started a heavy lifting program a little over a year ago and I am in love. All the moves are compound and focus on the larger muscle groups so it’s really taught me to make the most of my time in the gym, and I feel I’ve never looked better! I am always talking about lifting to the ladies in my life who want a better workout, but it’s very hard to convince them that lifting heavy is the way to go. I wish more women would see the light!

  21. Erin (Travel, Eat, Repeat) says:

    I LOVE Panera but — the only downside — it doesn’t have many fun vegetarian options. I used to love the salads but now, it’s just not worth spending money on a bowl of lettuce and tomatoes. I do like the pick-two and usually get a half salad with some soup. Love the creamy tomato. 🙂

  22. FoodFitnessFreshair says:

    I love roasting peppers. It’s such a fun process…or a pain in the butt, depending on how you look at it. I wish I shared a love for strength training as “strong” as yours. I do enjoy it somewhat, but takes more of a push to get myself to do it.

  23. Kacy says:

    Your anniversary dinner looks fabulous! I’m going to have to try that Panera salad if the salmon is not fishy. Thanks for the review!

    Glad you like your new gym so much, it sounds awesome!

  24. MelindaRD says:

    Lovely looking V-day goodies. The roasted pepper looks great. We did tomatoes like that yesterday to be able to peel them. Well ryan did at least! I don’t think there are restaurants here that would relaly have new menu items. They often have great specials when they get a special catch of the day here.

  25. Michelle (Snacks and Field) says:

    I really need to try PB on the bottom of my oats… The roasted pepper looks soo yummy &I really your white square plates, they’re so pretty!

    Congrats on talking to your fitness director to teach spin/ muscle classes thats so exciting! (Even more exciting that you get free gym membership! I’m jealous!

    I love strength training and lifting, I love bicep curls and cleans, but I hatee squats- they kill my knees!

  26. Missy says:

    Happy Anniversary! Yay for roasting a pepper! I learned it last weekend and now keep seeing it everywhere of course! I love strength training! I need to be in a class to do it since I am scared of the machines but love the way I feel after!

  27. Melissa says:

    I used to belong to the BHAC. Aww, too bad I don’t anymore cuz I definitely would’ve gone to your classes. 2 of my coworkers are still members so maybe they’ll attend!

  28. K from ksgoodeats says:

    That Target coffee sounds FABU! My trusty coffee will be running out in a few days so it looks like I’m just going to HAVE to go by Target 😉

    My favorite strength training move is just doing push ups. You can do them anywhere!

  29. Gina says:

    OH I LOVE to put cinnamon on my coffee!! And, I also put Red Hot on everything, however I’ve never tried it on salad…..very interesting. Maybe when I get back into my salad kick over the summer I will give that a try.

    Speaking of salads, the Panera salad looks amazing. I love their salmon. It always tastes super fresh and moist. I need to go check out this salad because kalamata olives on top of salad is probably my favorite thing in the world (no, I’m lying, but I love it!).

    Have a great night Naomi!

  30. erineatsandexercises says:

    Congrats on your anniversary! Any special v-day plans?

    How do/did you get involved with the blogger secret Valentine??

    I love the way strength training makes me feel. I have pumped up my routine and have been feeling the best Ive felt in a while! Im a lung and squat girl. Not only so I like a toned but, but there’s something about being sore (lunges always do it for me) that I love!

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