200th Post..Food, Fotos, Fun!

Back to Reality! As you all may have noticed (or not!) that the last post was from May 26th, which seems like lightyears away. I had a FABULOUS sun, fun, food filled weekend and took a much needed tech break, but now, I’m back and its my 200th post! what a way to be welcomed back! I have lots of fotos and lots of fun to share, so bear with me!

First i want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JANETHA!!!!! xoxoxoxox HAVE THE BEST DAY! If I could make you a pizzoki and give it to you I would!! LOVE YOU!

Whole foods 12 dollar salad. Every penny is worth it! Lettuce, beets, tofu, corn, broc, carrots, tomatoes, roasted peppers, beans, (added baby carrots of my own) Egg whites, eddamame succotash. This didn’t even need dressing!

Dinner out Friday night. This restaurant was RIGHT on the water. Caffe Tosca was amazing! We started by spliiting an antipasto. There was orzo salad with roasted mushrooms and tomatoes, Tomato, red onion salad, fresh mozz, fresh chedder, prosciutto, pickled onions and pepper, goat cheese stuffed peppedews, olives and cheesy, crisp bread

My (first) plate

My meal was crispy pan seared salmon with beets, arugula and goat cheese croquet. It was delicious! I love that the fish only ‘looked’ fried, but was not at all! it was juicy and perfectly cooked

Another great meal was had at Wicked which is in Mashpee, Ma (Cape Cod) I have been here before and blogged about it This restaurant uses only organic and local ingredients and is FABULOUS. Good news is that a new big Wicked is opening up in Dedham, Ma!

It was a late-ish dinner, so I chose the organic salmon and citrus salad

But first started with a baby greens salad for me and my mom to split

And my georgeous salad. It was perfect roasted salmon atop baby greens, roasted potatos, orange slices, pecans, cranberries and a delicious dressing that I only used a tiny bit of because the salmon had SO much flavor.

Jason and my dad split the goat cheese and grilled veggie pizza which I gladly had a piece of. It was DELICIOUS. All of the dough is handmade and organic

Sunday Morning my mom had a great spread out for a late breakfast. Large fruit bowl with FRESH mango!

Some toast toppers. My dad is Israeli and in middle Eastern countries, breakfast was filled with tons of veggies and salads. Having fresh veggies, olives and avocado is nothing out of the ordinary for me and my family.

I made some stove top oatmeal with strawberries, cinnamon and blueberries!

Jason and I explored downtown Falmouth and met up with some friends for lunch. It was a picturesque day!
And stopped at the beach for some relax time

Lunch on Sunday was a KILLER wrap from a little shop that we stopped at. It was roasted turkey, sprouts, mustard, lettuce and carrots. This was called the “Shrink Wrap” How cute is that? 

Back at Jasons Sunday night I got started on cutting up a HUGE watermelon. Look how much it made!

lots of clean up! Watermelons are delicious but they do take some major Muscle power! Its a good thing I work out 🙂

We had fresh grilled swordfish. It was sprinkled with salt and pepper, olive oil, lemon and some grill seasonings. Plain and simple but SO delicious

I made us some colorful salads of lettuce, baby carrots, corn, eddamame, blueberries, almonds and dried cranberries.

Grilled zuchinni, summer squash and sweet onion. Dessert was unpictured strawberries and whipped cream (my new obsession!)

My new INSANITY shoes came! My feet seriously started hurting from all of the jumping and not so much support on my feet and ankles while doing INSANITY, so I ordered some aerobics/fitness shoes that are much higher on my ankles and have a great support system for my feet. Yes they are HIDEOUS, but they work!

I feel like a step instructor!

Not too bad with my pants on. I started MONTH 2 today! Max interval Plyo. Wow, Shaun T is not kidding around. This was so intense and amazing. I felt awesome afterward. My chest is a bit sore, it called for lots of crazy push ups, but I feel strong and ready to ROCK. I also love the shoes!

Breakfast! PrOats. 1/2 C oatbran, 1/2 Scoop Protein Powder, 1/2 banana, fresh blueberries, 1/2 T chia seeds, cinnamon

Juicy Pink Lady around 11:00am

I tried the Justins Maple Almond butter (loving the new design!)

On a Soymazing muffin (need to make more of these!)

Vanilla Siggis is by far my favorite flavor! I love that you can see vanilla bean specks. It also is amazing mixed with my favorite Kashi Go Lean and roasted almonds

Lunch was a big ole salad. Summer is here….Salads are a staple! I used my Tomato/avocado/Corn Salsa Bowl as the “dressing” Romaine, cucumber and red pepper was topped with roasted turkey breast
  • Are you a beach, lake or pool person? I am definately a BEACH person, although give me water, a lounge chair and sun and I’m happy!
  • Do you have certain shoes for different exercise activites that you do? I only try to wear my running shoes RUNNING, and other cross trainers for things like weight training/elliptical etc, and now I have my INSANITY shoes!
  • Best Chicken recipe that you know of? (trying to think of one to make tonight!)