What are you looking at, swan?


Hey guys! How was your weekend? Mine was fab, It was perfect weather for being out on the water, which is exactly where I was! I had some great food, no booze, and kept it pretty clean overall! On Saturday morning I had another great track workout. It was a bit humid outside so it made for a sweaty one! 

  • Sprints & jog intervals
  • Jump squats and high knee intervals
  • Insanity warm up on the side of the track (jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, heismans, side to side floor hops) 
  • Core work on the grass (planks, side planks, crunch with leg lift low plank frog kicks)
1/2 C oats cooked in water with 2 egg whites ( I whip in the eggwhites toward the end of the cooking process, and let it cook for a few more minutes) then I add in some blueberries and strawberries and take it off the stove. I top the whole bowl with cinnamon!
Mid morning snack of vanilla Siggi’s and a crisp gala. Perfectooooo
Out on the boat!

I started feeding some ducks pieces of bread and some nasty swans came right over! They were HISSING loud at us. I had never been so close to one in my life! I thought it was going to get right out of the water and attack haha
Sunday night was a simple and delicious dinner

baby spinach, cucumber, green pepper and some minced garlic & balsamic vinegar
We grilled up some delicious chicken breast and steamed broccoli
So juicy
This morning, my workout was awesome!! Why you ask? I GOT THE FIRE

I am so freakin excited!!
The meal book also has awesome recipes!!
I did the first 30 minute workout. It was great! I did the “new to class option” which is when she takes you through the moves before doing them full out, which is an AMAZING addition to the dvd, because there is NO way I would have kept up with this! It is very different than Insanity in that, it is more kick boxing and dancy, than straight up exercises one after the other. I really liked it but I do need to get a bit more familiar with the moves! I did her core 20 class after which was an awesome abdominal workout. I can’t wait to see what the rest of the dvd’s have in store!!

This morning was a delicious coffee!! (cinnamon vanilla) SO good! Breakfast was 1/2 C oats with cinnamon, blueberries, strawberries, 5 eggwhites. (hard boiled)
Mid morning snack of greek yogurt, apple

I also had 3 oz tuna with yellow mustard
Lunch was a delicious salad of baby spinach, mushrooms, red pepper, cucumber, cabbage. I topped it with balsamic vinegar, garlic and Mrs dash. I had 1/2 sweet potato on the side (baked)

I mixed this salmon with yellow mustard. Deeeelicious
Trainer tip of the day: DRINK WATER! stay hydrated, especially on these recent hot days! Try to drink 8 oz of water for every 20 minutes of exercise that you are doing. After your workout drink at least 10-12 oz within 30 minutes and continue drinking water throughout the day! If your workout is longer than 40 minutes and somewhat intense, try sipping a sports drink which can help to fuel you through your workout!!
  • What is the craziest animal you have ever seen? I remember seeing a whole forest full of sloth’s when I was in costa rica! they are crazy and move so slowly, you can get right up close to them!
  • Are you a water drinker during exercise or do you sometimes sip sports drinks? 
  • What is one goal for yourself this week? Mine is to drink 3 cups of green tea every day