Hi, I’m Naomi & I’m a Newbie

Hey guys! How is everyones weekend going? I am just hanging out now, sipping on some iced coffee and lemon water. I had an awesome workout this morning at the Savage Studio. Every Sunday, she holds a functional workout class (tons of plyos) for 1 hour followed by posing/question and answer session for 1 hour. More on that in a sec
Yesterday morning, I awoke and was seriously dreaming about brewing some of this! I normally am not a HUGE fan of flavored coffee and as some of you know, my uncle owns a fancy schmancy coffee comapny in Costa Rica, Cafe Britt, so hopefully he is not reading this, seeing me BUY Green Mountain coffee, BUT I am obsessed with this specific flavor. I had it this week at work, and then this past week I had to grab it when I saw it in the grocery store. It is the caramel vanilla creme and it is so delicous.

Not much new here for breakfast! 1/4 C oats cooked in water, then I added cinnamon, vanilla extract and dash of nutmeg. I served it over 4 egg whites and 1/4 C berries. I had some delicious hot coffee and iced lemon water on the side. It was perfect. 
I had to take a short trip to Target to pick up a few things and walked out $30 dollars later. Does this happen to anyone else? I seriously cannot go in that store without walking out at least $30 deep. Anyways they were things I really needed!! (righhhhttt)

When I got back it was time for meal 2. I had 1-6oz cup of plain greek yogurt and paired it with 1/4 C oats (the other half from this morning) with about 15 blueberries. I also had 1 diced cucumber on the side for my veg
Lunch was eaten poolside with my friend! We met up and went to hang out by the pool in her sisters condo complex. It was a perfect ‘lying out day’ it wasn’t too hot, but also a bit hazy so the sun felt nice. And yes-we even dipped in the pool! I brought my own chicken and brown rice, but made a veggie packed salad at Whole Foods (lettuce, cucumber, cauliflower, snow peas, mushrooms, cabbage)

Later, we grilled up some delicious fresh swordfish, portobello mushrooms and zuchinni’s. I got these bowl/plates at Target! (how cute are they!) for some reason, I really dislike plates, and LOVE bowl/plates, so these were perfect! I snagged a yellow and pink one
Yesterday was my rest day from working out, and I planned it that way because this morning, I was heading to the CSF studios for Sunday Sessions. It is 1 hour functional workout class followed by 1 hour posing/question and awnser session. 

I made it! I was also the first one there. Being a newbie, this really didn’t help my nerves! The class ended up being about 16 or 17 people (which they said was really small!) usually it can be anywhere from 10-30 or 40 girls!) We did lots of plyometric drills. It was a sweaty hour, I will say that much! Afterwards, the ladies changed into their suits/bras/shorts and heels. I felt like the ‘new girl’ I brought reebok shorts, I had a tank and  black pumps (AKA-not the clear heels you wear on stage) Given, all the of the girls there had competed before, and the thing I loved about being there is everyone is SUPER supportive. They understand that everyone has to start somewhere, so no one even commented to me about ANYTHING, except reaching out to me if I have any questions. 

it was cool seeing Cathy and talking to her, and having her critique you as you walk. For me, this was my first time EVER walking and seeing what its really like, and she knew this, so she would share tips. She did say I looked really good already which was nice to hear and set me a bit more at ease. Overall, I felt really comfortable there, but I see that I have a long way to go. To say I am overwhelmed is a bit of an underststatement, but I know that I am just starting so as I get even more comfortable I will feel MUCH better. I do love that I live close by so I can go to the Sunday sessions as often as I want but also she gets to physically see me, so I am not just another name in the crowd. 

on my way back home, I had some chicken breast and oats in the car. 

And that was lunch! Big salad (used kale and baby spinach as the base) then topped with mushrooms, red pepper, cucumber, pea shoots and 1/4 avocado. Brown rice and chicken breast. 

Now I am just hanging out! I already went to the grocery store and packed up some food for the week! I hope you all are having WONDERFUL weekends!
  • Have you ever felt out of place/uncomfortable at an event/class or anything else? How did you get yourself to feel more comfortable.
  • What was the best thing you ate this weekend? For me, that was the grilled swordfish last night!!
  • Do you have any wierd food or eating habits? I hate eating with a metal spoon! I much prefer to eat with a plastic spoon, its wierd I know, but its true!