The Perfect Summer Day

Good morning! Back to work for me (booo) I had 4 days of vacation last week which were really nice! It is always so hard to get back into the groove, isn’t it? We spent the majority of the vacation looking at sights like this
Any New Englanders know where this is?!?! Marthas Vineyard! Well we acutally spent most of our time on Cape Cod, but on Friday we took the ferry (on the motorcycle) to the Vinyard! It was so so beautiful and picturesque. We could not have asked for a better day. It was not too hot, slight breeze, blue skies and smelled like the ocean! I didn’t take too too many pictures, because I really wanted to enjoy myself and not be bogged down to my camera, but I did have the BEST salad for lunch. We ate at the Atlantic Restaurant which is about 3 feet from the water in Edgartown
This was SO SO SO amazing! I cannot get over it still! It was microgreens & arugula, navy beans, seared ahi tuna, two poached shrimp, local heirloom grape tomatoes. This salad did not need a pinch of dressing, the flavors from the fish and beans was to die for. I LOVE fresh seafood especially eating it about 2 feet away from the water-doesn’t get much better than that!
On the ferry ride there and back, there was the US Coast Guard riding right next to us. Rumor has it that this coast guard spent the day going back and forth with EVERY FERRY for security purposes due to the Obama family being on the Vinyard (No, we didn’t see them!)
The next morning, I woke up around 7:45 and went to the gym on the Cape. My parents are members of Golds Gym back home, so the Golds in the Cape-we can use if we are members so I just used my mom’s name (hehe) Anyways, I loved that gym! I did my chest and triceps workout and then 15 minutes hardcore HIIT on the treadmill & abs. When I only have a short period of time, I really go hard, so it was a great workout! I came home and had some breakfast! Complete with seashells.
It was the traditional “onefitfoodie” bowl. 1/3 C oats (saved the rest for meal ) 1/3 C blueberries, 1/2 C liquid eggwhites withe extra cinnamon and SF syrup
We spent the day on the boat/beach. As we puttered around the harbor where my parents house is, we saw a boat ice cream truck! it was the cutest thing!!! Just like the ice cream man, but on a boat!
We ate at a restaurant called Ardeo, which is in Hyannis. It is mediterranean/greek/american food. I loved the atmosphere!
I got 1 glass of pinot noir. I’m on vacation, right?
For dinner, I went with the baby spinach salad topped with goat cheese, tomatoes, raisins, red onion and grilled chicken. (balsamic on the side) DELICIOUS!
Jason went with the fresh ahi tuna. What we thought was crazy was the ice cream size scoop full of wasabi on his plate! He figured it was mild beacuse there was so much of it, but that was a negative. He was coughing for about 15 minutes after his ‘small’ bite.
I was a happy gal, on the beach and fully enjoyed my vacation! Yes, I worked out, Yes I still ate healthy, because to me, when I take vacation, it is not a vacation completely from diet, exercise and health. I really don’t like when people go on vacation and eat like crap and are totally against doing anything active–what an excuse. I acutally went for the most enjoyable jog yesterday morning and came back and did some exercise outside-It was perfect. Not as hardcore as some of my other workouts, but it was SOMETHING. Of course-this is just my opinion 🙂
On the fitness front (speaking of which) Changes are happening and I am pretty psyched about it. My body feels tighter smaller and my clothes don’t fit (which acutally isn’t so great, because I only brought a few shirts/shorts etc and everything was pretty much swimming on me) Oh well! I felt COMFORTABLE in a bikini! I felt strong and confident and looked in the mirror liking the way I look (I never “didn’t” like the way I look) but I just felt so much more comfortable to just walk around in my bikini  all day and not cover up. I am really kicking butt with this, sticking to the eating plan and my workouts, so I think my body is finally catching up and kicking into gear-its awesome!
Have a great Monday, I am off to find coffee!!
  • Do you like seafood? What is your favorite? I love all seafood EXCEPT mussels, clams and oyster-oh and nothing fried 🙂
  •  What is your idea of the perfect summer day? Mine is going out on the boat, sitting on the beach, wearing bathing suits and towels all day, sunglasses, sun tan (or burn hehe) and not worrying about what time it is
  • What do you (or did you) order from the ice cream man? I always got the screw ball or ice cream sandwich but my mom only let me get that on Fridays!