STOP Judging me

Why do we love to judge people? What makes us look at someone or hear something and automatically make accusations about them without even knowing them.

She’s skinny-well she must be anorexic or bulimic

Shes fat-well she must never workout and be slob

Why are we so freaking critical?

I am owning it today, and forever
Rachel-Thank you for starting this!

Am I judged? Yes, yes I am, probably everyday in fact. I could have people reading my blog right now who think I am crazy, ugly, fat, skinny, obsessed with exercise,you name it. I am sure there is someone reading who thinks one of these things about me. Do you know me, I mean really know me? No, you don’t, so anytime you want to stop making judgements, that would be great.

Am I a strong person? Hell yes I am. Am I a confident person? Yes again. So this is me, take it or leave it but either way, I am OWNING it.

I have always been passionate about living a healthy lifestyle which includes eating healthy and exercise. Since I was 15, I knew my passion was in the health and wellness field.

Did I always have this passion, and have a athletic, fit body? Nope, so don’t think this journey of mine was an easy one
I was 5 feet and 158 pounds at the young age of 14, I struggled everyday with living in my body.Did I have the motivation to not only get healthier-but gain self esteem, confidence and drive?
Yes, I did.
No, I was never the fastest kid on the team, or Varsity Captain of the field hockey team in High school, but did I bust my ass every practice and game? Yes I did. It wasn’t for exercise either-it was for my mind, body and soul. physical activity gave me a rush. I got such a pump from sports, running, spin class, you name it, I did it, and loved it. I was 14 years old, and working out 4 times a week at Golds Gym with my mom. Did I get judged by my peers- you bet I did. Did I give a crap? NOPE!
I went to college with 1 major in mind-Exercise Science & Nutrition. I would tell others what I chose to study and more often than not, this would be the response “So, you’re studying how to workout…cool I would kill to do that” Really? You would? How about you take Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Kinesiology, and exercise phyisology all in 1 semester, then get back to me on that. I worked my ass off in college, so what gives you the right to judge me and think I am studying ‘how to workout’ spend a day in my shoes before you judge me.

I love what I do and how I motivate people to live healthier lives, who are you to tell me what I do is easy? I have peoples lives in my hands. They trust me with their health, and they trust you with what…they’re money? If they didn’t have their health, they sure as hell wouldn’t have that money. Did you have to get CPR certified for your desk job? Because I have to be CPR certified just in case someone collapses. That’s how serious my job is, and I take it very seriously. So stop telling me what I do is easy. I’m so sick of hearing that.

Am I a little stubborn and selfish-you bet I am. I like to be the leader of my own life. I like to workout when i want to work out and do things on my own time. Why should I conform and follow what everyone else does, or what is “the right way to do things” The truth is, that there is no “right” way to do things. You do what you want, and thats that. So, don’t judge me for getting up at 4:00AM to workout. Its my life-not yours.

Is my mom my best friend? Yes she is. There is no one in this world that knows more about me, and who I confide in more. Don’t judge me for telling my mom everything and wanting to share all the details of my life with her. She is not only my mom, but my best friend so do NOT judge me.

I am Jewish, so you can stop asking me what I do around Christmas time when ‘everyone else’ celebrates Christmas. I have a life, I live my life and I celebrate my Jewish holidays. I don’t, have never and will never have a Christmas tree in my house, I light the menorah on Hannukah and don’t eat pig for religious reasons. I am who I am because of my religion, so don’t ask me if I ever miss out on Christmas.

When it comes to food, am I a little crazy? Yes, I am and I am damn proud of that. Do I keep cinnamon, stevia and no salt seasoning in my purse to season things without calories-Yes I do, so don’t judge me. Do I carry a cooler around with me full of brown rice, sweet potatoes, chicken breast, Greek yogurt and almonds? You bet I do. Don’t judge me, ok? You can give me wierd looks all you want, I will walk away feeling more empowered.

When I go to a buffet and instead of choosing the pancakes, bacon and home fries, I choose the oatmeal, fruit and yogurt-don’t tell me “Oh, you are being so good!!” I am not being “good” by eating this food-this food is what I eat, its what tastes good to me, and what gives the proper fuel and energy I need for me. You don’t know me.

Feel free to ask me if I am ever tempted by fried food and I will tell you “No, never, I hate it with a passion” and this is the truth. You don’t have to respond by saying “OMG HOW DO YOU SAY NO TO THAT” It’s not about saying “no” when you truly do not like something. Would I question you when you shoved your face with fries and a burger? No, I wouldn’t so don’t tell me to “just take a bite” I don’t want a freaking bite, I want you to stop judging me.

Don’t judge me for wanting to have a low weekend night. Yes I am 24 years old, but this doesn’t mean that I should be going out until 4 am, getting drunk and not remembering the night before. I like to watch Say Yes to The Dress on TLC at 9pm on Friday’s, go to bed at a normal hour, get up early and enjoy the day. Don’t judge me. Its my life-not yours. Do I feel bad the next day that you feel like crap, are hungover and can’t even function when it is a beautiful sunny Saturday?-No, I don’t feel bad, but I also don’t judge you, that was your choice-not mine

And lastly, Do NOT judge me for wanting to enter a fitness competition. I am dedicated, more focused than ever and have the most self motivation I have ever felt in my entire life right now. I go to bed each and every night feeling strong, powerful and independent. I am so proud of the changes I have already made, I cannot wait to see myself in a few more months. I am conquering this thing. I have wanted to do this for about 5 years, and now-its happening. Don’t even THINK about judging me. Yes, I will have the fake tan, and I will wear the stipper heels, flashy suit and cheesy smile-but to me, all of this represents how far I have come and what I have worked so damn hard for-so, don’t you DARE.

Spill it, what are you owning TODAY and EVERYDAY?