Things I am Loving…

Happy Monday, friends. How was everyones weekend? Mine was great, did some errands, relaxed a lot! What I do need to do sometime soon is some fall/winter shopping! I am acutally looking forward to sweaters and boots and cozying up by the fire! Fall is so pretty around New England and we always take day trips on the weekends to see some of the foliage.
On Friday night we went to dinner with my brother and his girlfriend at Amrheins restaurant which is in South Boston-AKA Southie  This restaurant is an upscale Irish pub with such a great atmosphere, beautiful dark wood, huge tables and good food!
I got a small garden salad to start. Pretty standard baby greens, tomatoes, red onion and cucumber. It was decent. I got balsamic vinegar on the side.
I ordered the simple grilled salmon which came with steamed broccoli and asparagus. I was a bit upset to find that the asparagus was butter coated, after I specifically asked that it be steamed. Oh well, just know for next time to double check! I had about half the salmon, all the broc and some of the aspargus. It was good, not anything to write home about but a nice fresh piece of fish!
Saturday morning, we woke up and after some oatmeal and eggwhites, I hit the gym. This workout today was called “Maddness in the gym” It hit every body part and had me constantly moving due to some intervals on the treadmill during the routine. The reps are a bit higher so I kept the weight not as heavy, which I loved because my body has been used to lower rep, heavy weights so its always great to switch it up!
For dinner on saturday, I threw together a delicious baby spinach salad with mushrooms, pepper, sprouts and grilled chicken
I had a CRAVING for kale chips (anyone else get wierd veggie cravings?) anyways, I had to make myself a big ole’ plate of them! I topped them with Mrs Dash original blend
The usual Sunday morning oats with chocolate almond milk/water, cinnamon, nutmeg. 1/4 C berries (there are egg whites under there!) and a squirt of SF syrup
Patriot game and delicious salad for lunch in my plate bowl (love these!)
Blurred lemon water
I have been adding a few tsp of lemon juice into my water and loooving it!
The mini peppers were FINALLY back in stock at BJs!!!! Everytime I went, they were out and I GRABBED them!
Delicious, perfect snack!
Now for some 5’s
5 foods I am loving
  1. Mini peppers
  2. Kale chips
  3. Chocolate unsweetened almond milk
  4. Blue Diamond brand Almond Butter
  5. Greek yogurt mixed with raw oats<--technically a snack but my blog, my rules :)
5 Exercises I am loving
  1. HIIT Cardio using the Bosu ball
  2. Lateral bench step overs (I use bodyweight and move much faster)
  3. DB walking lunges
5 Songs I am loving
  1. Till I collapse: Eminem
  2. Outta your mind: Lil Jon
  3. Only Girl: Rihanna
  4. Burn it to the ground: Nickelback <--awesome song!!
  5. Give it all you got: Lil Jon Ft Kee
10 Things I am loving
  1. Colder nights–>cozying up under the covers!!
  2. HOT coffee (im getting sick of iced coffee already!)
  3. Say Yes to the Dress (well, I always love this!)
  4. The motorcycle boot trend for fall
  5. Joshua Radin. I am obsessed with his music
  6. The Situation’s Ab workout video (hahaha, well not obsessed but really can’t wait to see it and what he says/does)
  7. Neon Colors, especially on workout sneaks
  8. Listening to hardcore angry music for lifting (I wish I could peer inside some peoples headphones to see what they were listening to!)
  9. Keihls Face wash, toner and lotion
  10. Dane Cook! Boston born and I have always loved him, but recently I have been listening to some of his old stuff and it just makes me laugh!!
He is quite easy on the eyes as well.
These are hilarious, it will brighten up your day 🙂

  • What are you loving these days?
  • Who is your favorite comedian? I love Chelsea Handler, Dane Cook and Bob Saget (he is acutally hilarious live!!)
  • What is your biggest gym pet peeve? Mine would be when 1 person takes up about 4 machines during their supersets and makes it very hard for you to work in! When I superset, I always make sure to let others work in and not make it seem like I own the place