Pumpkin Debacle

Okay, guys…I have a confession to make here. I am not a HUGE fan of pumpkin (ah! I know the horror) But let me explain. I know that once September hits around here, everyone goes pumpkin crazy. I cannot walk into a store without seeing PUMPKIN things everywhere. Before I get into it, I wiill tell you what I do like. I  acutally LOVE the smell of pumpkin spice. If I walk into a house and that wafting pumpkin bread smell hits my nose-I go crazy, much like how I love the smell of banana bread. All of those pumpkin spice candles, lotions and even pumpkin spice coffee is intoxicating (not the latte–but just straight up pumpkin spice flavored coffee) The smells of autum, I love, but to me, acutal pumpkin tastes NOTHING like the scents and flavors that I enjoy.
What I am trying to say is that the flavors of pumpkin spice taste nothing like the real thing and I am not a huge fan of the real thing WITHOUT the flavors of pumpkin pie spice added to it(does this make sense?) With all of this said, I purchased this…
When I was in Whole Foods the other day, I saw they finally restocked on some pumpkin, and I just felt that I couldn’t leave the store without buying a can. Even though I am not a huge pumpkin fan, I figured I would give it a shot, so I caved. Enter the canned pumpkin
I opened it this morning to make some pumpkin oats, and upon opening I immediately tried not to be so negative with the smell that wafted through my nose. It just…doesn’t smell that good to me–am I crazy? I was going to try pumpkin oats, I was on a mission
Here you see my breakfast ingredients this morning. There is oatmeal, pumpkin, vanilla extract, egg whites, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice. Looks good, right?
I measured out 1/4 of a cup of canned pumpkin. Still did not get used to the smell
In the same bowl that I will be eating breakfast out of, I cooked up 1/2 of a cup liquid eggwhites and about 1/4 of a cup of blueberries. (FYI-this is how I usually make my ‘normal’ breakfast. I cook the egg whites, then add the fruit, the pour the oatmeal on top of them)
I cooked 1/2 of a cup of oatmeal for my meal 1 and 2. I cooked it on the stove top with 1/2 of a cup of almond milk and 1 1/2 cups of water. I always use more liquid than it calls for because I like it more liquidy and voluminous. When the oatmeal was done, I poured out half to have for my meal 2 and with the remaining half still in the pot, I stirred in the pumpkin on low heat. I let it all come together, sprinkled some cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice and a dash of vanilla extract. It smelled…okay…still nothing “omg I am going to fall over this smells so good”
And we have 1/2 C liquid eggwhites, 1/4 C blueberries, 1/2 serving of oatmeal with 1/4 C pumpkin stirred in. Meh. Still not impressed and still will stick to my pumpkin spice candles, lotion and coffee (and cakes/breads/muffins when I can!!) But pumpkin oats? Sorry, folks just not for this fitfoodie. I will try anything once, and here I tried, but just like tempeh…I don’t think i will ever come to truly enjoy this food.
My lunch, however was fabulous! I had a romaine lettuce salad with cauliflower, red pepper, cucumbers, mushrooms and grilled chicken. I enjoyed a sweet potato diced up on the side as well.
I also want to share my amazing dinner my mom and I prepared last night. We got some fresh sea scallops and right away started marinating them in fresh garlic, lemon and orange juice
FRESH orange juice!
Action shot
Dinner shot! Sorry the lighting stinks!! They were so tender and even started caramalizing on the tops. They were juicy and delicious! I love seafood!! We enjoy some roasted mushrooms and broccoli rabe as well.
Then I watched this.
I would have rather had been watching this
Why is it that we TRY to like foods that others do even though what may be good to you may be terrible to someone else? Why did I feel this necessary need to make myself like pumpkin? It is a wierd thing to think about. Is anyone judging me that I won’t like pumpkin? Am I trying to ‘fit in’ with everyone else? It got me thinking that everyone really needs to do a better job marching to the beat of their own drum. So I don’t like pumpkin OR tempeh….SO WHAT! I will live and life will go on. I am okay with it!
  • Do you ever feel ‘pressure’ from reading other blogs to try new foods, new methods of cooking, buy  new products? Have you had success or failure with any experience?

  • What is your favorite  ‘go to’ TV show?….umm SAY YES TO THE DRESSS. I hope to be on it one day (haha that was a joke!! but that would be awesome!)

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