Do What You Love

I had a client approach me the other day. He had just gotten off the treadmill. He spent 35 minutes on machine alternating between a faster run and a slower jog. He came over to me, put his water bottle down, looked at me in the eye and said “ I hate running” “oh that’s funny” I say “You always head over to the treadmill for your cardio workouts, I assumed you really enjoyed it!” “No” he says “I hate running. I never seem to get that ‘runners high’ it hurts my knees, and I get bored.” “I had no idea! So why do you continue to get on the treadmill.” I ask “Well that’s the only way I can get in shape”
—-WHAT? (I thought in my head) For some reason, this client thought that running was superior, and one of the only ways he could build up his endurance and get in shape. He didn’t have any reason why, he just assumed that it was the end all be all of the cardio machines.  I explained to him why running can actually hurt more than help him especially when his knee was starting to bother him. I introduced him to the other pieces of cardio equipment and furthermore, explained that there are over a MILLION ways to get in shape besides running. For some reason, there is a stigma out there that running is the ‘only way’ to get in shape. I looked at him in the eye and told him to “do what you love”
It seems as though running has been taking over. Is it JUST me or am I the only person who would rather do anything else besides running to get in shape. Why do people think this is the only way? As a personal trainer, my job is not only to educate clients on different forms of exercise, but also emphasize doing what YOU LOVE. Like anything, it’s hard to stick with a program, attend a class, purchase something, or participate in an activity if you don’t truly love it. I don’t mean that we should ALWAYS do what we love; sometimes it’s extremely exhilarating to step out of our comfort zone and do something that we would NEVER do.  
For instance, right after I graduated college in 2008, I decided I wanted to go on a trip. I have been to Israel 2 times before, and I wanted to go back. I researched and found this amazing looking program that was a 2 week community service and hiking trip. While there, half the time we traveled all across the country hiking amazing mountains, and half the time we lived in a popular town, Tzfat and participated in community service at the local public schools. I signed up to go on this trip alone. All alone. For some this would be no big deal, but for me it scared the daylights out of me. I enjoy being alone, spending time alone, but when it comes to traveling to another country alone, joining a group of 20-30 something’s whom I had never met before in my life—well that alone kept me up every night for the week prior to leaving. Well friends, I went and I survived and had one of the most life changing, memorable trips I have ever taken in my entire life. I met a girl who to this day I am still extremely close with (she lives in Israel) I am so glad I went out of my comfort zone and got to experience this trip. It was truly unforgettable.
Stepping out of your comfort means different things to different people and for me, it was traveling all alone. I felt so empowered afterwards, and now I KNOW that I can do it anytime again.
Now when it comes to exercise, stepping out of your comfort zone is important. Whether it be to take a new class that has sparked your interest when you have never taken a group fitness class, try a new routine in the weight room, try a new piece of cardio equipment—there is no way you will know if you love it or hate it if you don’t try it!
My main point I am trying to get across is do what you love and don’t ever settle. Sure, try new things, heck, try every new thing out there, but when it comes down to it. Find what makes you tick, what makes you get giddy with excitement.  Don’t do something just because its ‘trendy’  I tried that and failed when I bought the INSANITY dvd’s and did the entire 60 day program. I ended up hurting my feet ( I had to buy new shoes JUST for INSANITY) I gained weight at the end because I didn’t touch a dumbbell for 2 months and was consuming more calories, I was fatigued, overtrained and cranky. I did it because well, everyone was doing it! This taught me a BIG lesson which is, what works for someone else may not work for YOU.
Stepping out of your comfort zone is amazing and may just spark something inside of you that will become your next passion. I want you to think about what truly makes you happy and what you love. Are you following what you love? Doing what you love? Most importantly ALWAYS love yourself and realize that there is NO ONE else like you on this entire planet.
20 things I love
1. Summer nights at 7:00 PM when the sun is still out
2.  The smell of coffee first thing in the morning (who am I kidding-anytime of day)
3. The feeling after an amazing workout
4. Personal training
5. Say Yes To The Dress
6. Crying—sometimes a good cry is all I need
7. Singing loudly in my car to any Mariah Carey song
8. Working out to Ravers Techno music
9. Working out to corny pop music (Selena Gomez ‘round and round’—amazing)
10. My family
11. Eating breakfast in my pajamas while watching the Today Show
12. Browsing the channels and realizing Full House or Saved by the Bell is on
13. Traveling-anywhere and everywhere
14. Helping others to find self motivation within them
15. Being the only woman in the weights section of the gym, lifting heavier weights than the boys
16. Being independent
17. Lululemon
18. sleeping with 7 pillows minimum
19. Listening to waves while falling asleep (I don’t live on a beach but it’s the most peaceful thing when I am on vacation)
20. Key lime pie
21. Postive people
22. Dumb and Dumber-Seriously, that movie never gets old
23. Writing letters. There is nothing like getting a piece of personal mail, that is not sent over the computer these days
24. The smell of fresh laundry
25. Watching elderly people still so in love after so many years