Snowy Days + Sore Legs

Hey friends! Boy was it a snowy one here today in Boston. Skiing this weekend was so much fun! We skied all day on Saturday (Christmas day) and the slopes were EMPTY. We went down a few trails and stopped a little ways down, looked up and there was not a sole on the mountain. That is MY kind of skiing. Sure, I enjoy skiing, but I really enjoy it if the mountain isn’t crowded. We never once had to wait in line to get on the lifts and never once did I get nervous that someone would ram into me on the slopes. I am what they call a ‘cautious’ skiier. I take my time and like to see all around me at all times. Needless to say, it was a great trip!
Skiing is also a great workout, contrary to what some would think. Boy were my legs sore after a day on the slopes. Skiing uses all of your muscle groups and trust me, you will feel this the next day!
Quads: Provide the protection to your knees. You are constantly in a squatted position while skiing down the slopes
Hamstrings + Glutes: When skiing your body is in a flexed positon and the hamstrings and quads do a great deal of work to stabilize your body
Adductors + abductors (inner and outer thighs) You use these muscles the entire time you are skiing down the slope. The outer thighs keep your body stable and also help to steer you in the right direction.
Calves: With your legs being in a constant bent over position (squatted position) this puts a lot of pressure on your calf muscles, which is why it is important to keep them strong!!  The calf muscles help to ensure you do not fall over while skiing.
Abs + Back (Core): When you are in a flexed positon while skiing your entire core is firing to help stabilize your entire body. Your abs work to protect your back and you can actually feel the muscles firing while skiing!
Here is a Ski Ready Workout!

Warm up 5-10 minutes on a cardio machine of your choice

Circuit 1-Repeat 2-3 times
  • Body weight squat OR Squat on Bosu ball (15 reps)
  • Stability ball back extension (15 reps)
  • Stability ball roll outs (15 reps)
  • Vertical Jumps (15 each side) **Keep feet together, jump side to side as if you were jumping over a line on the ground) Use arms as momentum to help assist you!

Circuit 2-Repeat 2-3 times

Circuit 3-Reapeat 1 time
  • Burpees (10-12)
  • Bicycle Crunches (45 seconds)
  • Jump Squats (10)
  • Lat Pulldown (12 reps) ** Choose a weight that is challenging but one which you can complete the desired number of reps with proper form
  • Run fast in place (45 seconds)
    Lunch’s have been on spot and delicious as always. I have this whole week off from work so I have really been taking advantage and making some delicious food! Salad and sweet potato with 1 T peanut butter–still a favorite!
    Post workout rocky road protein shake!
    And some steamy oats which is perfect for
    Snowy days!
    And stay warm, like this guy!
    Off to the gym! Have a great day!
    Question of the day: What outdoor activity is your favorite?
    Workout song of the day!