I Live In The Kitchen.

You guys, I think I have finally learned to bake. Well sorta. I think I have finally learned the patience it takes to bake a really good dessert. My family and I are going skiing next weekend, and my mom requested I make something ‘sweet’ to freeze now and bring up North. So it had to be freezable, and obviosuly I wanted it to be deliciously sweet. I turned to the amazing Jessica because well, lets be honest, she is the queen of the sweets! After perusing her website for about 45 minutes, I kept going back to the “Better Than Crack Brownies” These were rich, chocolatey and peanutbuttery. They contained a layer of ooey gooey brownies, followed by a layer of Reeses cups, followed by a layer of Rice Krispies that is mixed with chocolate and peanut butter. It just sounded like heaven

Good ole’ Skippy for this recipe! I did not skimp on flavor, fat or artificial ingredients. Whenever I bake or cook for myself, I try to make some healthy subsitutions of ‘healthify’ the recipe in one way or another. When I cook or bake for others especially a big crowd or party, I do not skimp on ANYTHING and follow the recipe to a “T”!
I have not opened a Reese’s Cup in probably 5 or 6 years! Wow, that smell brought back memories of trick or treating!
The recipe called for the base to be good ole’ brownie mix. I turned to what I believe is the most amazing brownie mix ever. It is from Trader Joes and the brand is Dassant it calls for 1 stick of butter and two eggs + the brownie mix.  Besides brownies from scratch, these are the easiest and tastiest brownies. Ever
I topped the hot brownies with the diced Reeses Cups.
Meanwhile, 1 1/2 C chocolate chips was mixed with butter and peanut butter, melted in the microwave. When it was creamy and melted, the Krispies were added to the bowl
And the whole mixture was dumped on top of the Reeses covered brownies
Okay, I’m done drooling while taking these pictures. Just. Go. Make. These Better Than Crack Brownies from HowSweetEats.
Onto some other eats I have been enjoying. The other night I had no idea what I wanted for dinner, so I turned to Twitter for some ideas. Gill from SnaxandtheCity (love the name!) gave me the genious idea to make smoked salmon eggs! As soon as that idea hit me, thats all I wanted. Thankfully I had some smoked salmon in the freezer (I’m Jewish-what do you expect?)
Beating up 3 egg whites
Diced 2 oz smoked salmon
I poured the egg whites into a hot skillet that was set on low.
Added in the smoked salmon
The key to a fluffy egg? I cover it so the steam stays inside
Toward the end, I added some fresh basil
Complete with kale chips on the side. It was the perfect dinner.
Today it is my rest day from working out. I am waking up early to head to the CSF studios for class, so today, I am resting my body in preparation for my workout tomorrow morning. I love days that I have nothing planned and nothing to wake up for. I got up (naturally) around 8:15am and came down to make a delicious breakfast.
  • 1/2 C liquid eggwhites
  • 1/3 C fresh blueberries and strawberries [diced]

In The Oats Mix:

  • 1/4 C oats [I have been using organic rolled oats from Whole Foods] cooked stove top in water
  • 1/2 t nutmeg
  • 1/2 t cinnamon
  • 1 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 5 drops vanilla stevia
  • 1 tsp ground flaxseed meal 

Breakfast + fresh coffee + Sex and The City reruns on E! and I was a happy gal

Off to meet a friend for some shopping and lunch! Have a great day!!

Question of the day: Favorite new condiment? Mine would be flaxseed meal and unsweetened cocoa powder