Better For You Breakfast Giveaway!!

Guys, I am telling you the Turkey Meatloaf I posted in the the previous post, I have been eating every night since Sunday and not sick of it yet! It is probably the best meatloaf I have ever made. Ever.
Ok moving on. My eats have been…well boring and much of the same. what can I say? I am not that interesting in the food department these days! I am however trying to get a wide variety of fruits and vegetables in my diet, not repeating the same thing every day or every week.
I have here some oatmeal (1/4 cup dry) mixed with cinnamon and nutmeg over some fresh berries and 4oz eggwhites (1/2 cup) I have been getting emails asking me if egg whites and oatmeal together really does taste good and my answer is YES, it really does! (well to me at least!)
My trick lately has been that I have been making the oatmeal the night before on the stove top with water and maybe some almond milk if I have any on hand. After it is done cooking I put it in the fridge overnight. In the morning I just heat it up and serve it over hot eggs and either fresh or frozen berries. I find that the oatmeal becomes doughy, chewy and even more flavorful when it sits overnight. Its the small things, right?
Chocolate protein shake after a Shoulder/Abs workout. I have recently been lifting a bit heavier to add some more muscle to my frame, so my weight workouts have been a bit more intense, which I love! I have been doing a drop or ‘burn’ set for my last set of each exercise.
Drop sets are not only a great way to bust out of a plateau, but drop sets allow you to utilize more of your muscle fibers during an exercise and therefore increase the intensity of your workout. A more challenging workout will lead to greater muscular strength and endurance and also muscle hypertrophy. Hypertrophy is the process of building up the muscles to make them bigger. Drop sets are a GREAT tool if you are looking to increase challenge factor and the intensity of yoru workout.
  • Example: You would perform a set of 3x12lb Bicep curls. After your 3rd set of 12 reps, drop the dumbbells you are using and immediately select 8 or 10 lb dumbbells and perform more repetitions. Continue performing reps until you are unable to carry on. At this point you could drop weight again and pick up 5lb dumbbells and perform a final group of reps until you are unable to continue. This constitutes a double drop set as the weight was reduced twice.
This happens to be BSN chocolate fudge protein mixed with water and ice!
I am still loving the SmartCup lids! French press coffee on the go! GENIOUS.
Onto the Giveaway that I am sure you are all wanting to know about!
A little while ago, I was contacted by
We have here the “Better-For-You-Breakfast Kit” It includes:
  • Yoga Mat with carrying bag
  • $15 itunes gift card for putting together an energizing morning playlist
  • Eco coffee cup
  • Instant coffee packets for on the go mornings
  • NEW-yet to be release Weight Watchers Coffee Cakes (3 pts each)
Bring on the tunes!!
These will be perfect to pack along for my ski trip with a bunch of family this weekend!
Amazing ceramic, eco friendly, to-go mug!!
Instant vanilla coffee packets. These will be great thrown into a protein shake for a healthified frappucino!

And to ease my mind and body…the perfect Yoga partner complete with a bag!

Do you want your own “Better-For-You-Breakfast Kit??
To enter (Each constitutes for a separate entry):
1) Comment on this post saying one thing that energizes you in the morning!
2) Link back this giveaway on your blog, (if you dont have a blog just email me!)
3) Follow me on Twitter
3) Tweet about this giveaway @onefitfoodie

I will choose a winner (randomly) on Tuesday, January 25th. GOOD LUCK!