A Healthy and Balanced Summer!

Bathing suit season has arrived!!!

I know we all get a bit anxious and maybe try to ‘step up our game’ when it comes to workouts and nutrition. First, there is NO reason to deprive yourself of some summer treats. It is the time to enjoy the sun, fun, friends, beach and of course the BBQ’s and cocktails. All you need is a game plan and you will be on your way to having an enjoyable, fun filled summer, all while maintaining your hard earned physique!

Bikini’s–no, summer is not all about these little swimsuits.  It could be as simple as looking and feeling great in that skirt or new summer dress; even a pair of shorts or jeans and a cute tank top to show off those amazing arms. Whatever ‘visual’ you want to put in your head that works for YOU, that is what you should focus on! By using this visual, it will really help keep your goals right at the forefront of your mind and use it for that extra push of motivation on days you don’t want to complete your workout, or if you are tempted to pick up a choco-taco from the ice cream truck at the beach! The satisfaction of knowing how hard you are working for a goal at hand will be so incredibly rewarding so just PICTURE IT RIGHT NOW.
1.  Work it! You should have gained a little sense of motivation from reading the intro above, so with that,  YOU can be in charge of taking your workout to the next level. The challange is on: Get out of your comfort zone!  If you feel ‘fine’ and ‘pretty good’ while working out, the challenge here is to get out of that comfort level of feeling ‘fine’. Reach deep down within and get uncomfortable during your workout; even if it is only for a few minutes. Generally, we all like to do things we are good at, so if you may be avoiding adding some resistance because you know it will be a bit harder. Push yourself here! Dig deep, put your mind over matter and work it. Your body and mind will thank you!
  • Weight Training: Try pyramid sets (start with a set of 15 reps, then add more weight and complete 12 reps, then add more weight and complete 10 reps) pyramid sets are great for ‘changing things up’ and will shock your body.
  • Cardio-Treadmill: Try adding an incline to your treadmill on your next workout. Adding that incline will really focus on the glutes and hamstrings and will have you working even harder than you thought you could! Try this incline walking treadmill routine or this treadmill ‘mix it up’ routine for a change of pace! Speaking of glutes and hamstrings, try a lower body resistance training workout, such as this one or this one
  • Cardio-Outside Take your cardio outdoors on the track! Alternate sprinting the long portions/walking or jogging the short—complete 4 times around for 1 mile. Take a break and complete again if you are up for it! Print out the “Workout Bible” for a full page of body weight exercises. Pick and choose and put together your own workout, no equipment needed!
  • Weight Training: Simply switching around muscle groups that you pair together will shock your body and take you out of plateau as well! (example: back/biceps, chest/triceps, legs/abs, shoulders/abs-à back/chest, tri/bi/shoulders, legs/abs, plyometric legs/core) Here is a great upper body workout to get you started!
2.  Dining Out? Keep it Healthy! We all have our favorite restaurants, and of course you should still be able to enjoy dining out while trying to maintain your physique. With a few simple tips and tricks, you will realize it is so easy to make healthy choices while eating at your favorite diner, cafe or upscale venue!  Many restaurants have hidden agenda’s even when it comes to their healthy options. Do not be afraid to make as many changes to the menu as you need and make sure that the waiter/waitress is aware of it. Ask for Grilled, steamed, poached, roasted, baked when you can. Even “sauté” can mean that whatever you are eating is sautéed in butter or oil. 
  • Start with a garden salad loaded with veggies. Salads are packed with nutrients and a great way to start a meal. Ask for low fat dressing options OR olive oil and vinegar on the side. Mustard and lemon juice are also great to have with salads. If you are watching your carb intake, skip the croutons and ask for extra cucumbers or tomatoes instead.
  • Ask for whole wheat or whole grain bread even if you don’t see it on the menu. Chances are they DO have it.
  • Many larger, chain style restaurants these days have “Healthy Choices” Section, so take a peek in there and see if anything sparks your interest.
  • Ask for egg whites or egg beaters and low fat cheese.  You can always sub fruit for the toast or home fries as well (usually choose one or the other to subsitute) Ask for tons of veggies in that omelet!  You can add a bit more protein by asking for grilled chicken or lean ground turkey in the omelet as well (try my eggwhite frittata at home!)
  •  The best way to eat less is to order less. Look for words like “regular,” “small,” “single,” “appetizer” or “kiddy.” Order with your stomach in mind, not your eyes.
  • If a portion is too big, don’t feel like you’re wasting your money if you can’t eat it all – ask for a doggy bag and take it home.  You can also ask the server to pack half your portion in a doggy bag before it even reaches your table.  That way, you won’t be tempted to eat a super-sized portion at the restaurant.
  • Fresh cracked pepper, salsa, mustard and lemon slices are great choices for more flavor and no calories.
  • You are paying for the meal so make sure you get it the way YOU want. Most restaurants these days are used to changing up menu items to accomodate different allergies so don’t be afraid to say what you want!
4. Go Prepared: If you are heading to an outdoor BBQ or get together, there is no need to get nervous knowing that you will be surrounded by all sorts of food and drinks that you may think are sabotaging traps for you—all you need to do is be prepared.
  • Never go on an empty stomach! Always have something beforehand so you are less tempted to grab everything in sight when you get there.
  • Don’t head straight for the booze…talk  to some friends, catch up, walk around, and start with some plain water with lemon first!
  • Offer to bring a healthy side dish! Whip up a summertime succotash, roasted corn and eddamame salad guacamole or hummus with fresh veggies, fruit salad or chickpea blondies etc. That way, you KNOW there will be something healthy for you to choose from!
  • Watch out for the “food pushers” who will keep approaching you and pressuring you to try the “amazing macaroni salad” or “fried calamari” If you truly want it, then have a few bites, but if you do not want it, just be polite and let them know you are all set!
  • See what’s cooking on the grill, there are usually some healthy options like chicken or lean beef patties. You can pair a piece of grilled chicken with some fruit salad, green salad with lemon and baked potato for a delicious BBQ style meal!
  • Have fun and do NOT feel guilty  if you eat something you ‘usually’ don’t. Trust me, that one hot dog WITH the bun will not ruin all of your hard work—just be aware of what you are eating and how you feel.
4. Stay Accountable and Snap those Pictures! Taking before and after pictures can really help you to stay on track and put your goal at the forefront of your mind. Have a friend/family member or simply set up your camera on self shoot to snap a ‘before picture’ keep it where you know you will see it, and each week, same time, same outfit, snap a picture! The visualization off seeing your body transform will be motivation in itself!
5. Drink Smart! Alcohol gets such a bad rep, however there is a time and place for everything! There is nothing like a glass of good red wine with a delicious meal! The trick about alcohol is to be aware of what and how much you are drinking. Moderation is KEY when it comes to alcohol, especially when it be very easy to down 1,2,3 or even 4 cocktails without even knowing! There is nothing wrong with alcohol enjoyed in moderation. Take time to enjoy it and be aware.
Best Lower Calorie Alcohol Choices (They all clock in between 100-120 calories per drink)
  • Clear vodka (or flavored vodka) with plain seltzer water + tons of lime or splash of cranberry juice.
  • Rum and Diet Coke.
  • Wine Spritzer (wine mixed with Diet soda)
  • A glass of red or white wine.
  •  Light Beer- Beck’s Light, Michelob Ultra, Heineken Light, Amstel Light and Sam Adams Light to name a few.
  • Bloody Mary. Full of rich tomato juice, featuring a variety of health benefits. The tasty celery stick that comes along with it can help with vegetable intake and helps to curb the snacking temptation. Make sure it is FRESH and not made out of sugary mix!
RECIPE 1: Mint Mojito: 
Mix 1-2 tsp powdered sugar (or agave or stevia) with a few sprigs of fresh mint and lime juice in the bottom of your glass and then use the back of a spoon to press the mint leaves to release it’s flavor, add 1 shot of rum (~One shot per tall glass or a little more), fill your glass with crushed ice and then fill with sparkling water or low sodium club soda.
RECIPE 2: White Sangria:
  • 1/2 cups each mixed colorful bite-size melon pieces, such as cantaloupe, honeydew and diced apple.
  • 1/3 cup sugar
  • 1 bottle crisp white wine, such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio
  • 1/4 cup brandy
  • 2 tablespoons Triple Sec, or other orange-flavored liqueur
  • 3/4 cup sparkling water, or club soda
  • Ice cubes
  • Lime or starfruit slices, for garnish
  • Small mint sprigs, for garnish
  1. Stir melon, apple and sugar together in a large pitcher. Let stand for 15 to 30 minutes to draw out the juices.
  2. Just before serving, stir wine, brandy, Triple Sec (or other orange liqueur) and sparkling water (or club soda) into the pitcher. Add ice cubes to 6 glasses. Fill the glasses with the sangria, spooning some of the fruit into each glass. Garnish each drink with a slice of lime (or starfruit) and a sprig of mint.
6. Don’t lose sight of friends and family: Keep your friends and family involved with you during this journey-whether it be a large part or small part.  Prepping meals, working out, not ordering that piece of cake  can all take an ugly turn if you don’t have support from your loved ones. Your commitment to exercise and healthy eating will positively influence those around you. Wanting to change your body and your life is not a judgment on your family’s eating or exercise habits. It’s about making your own life better. it’s OK to be a little selfish, but just remember to not shut them out–make sure you involve them, let them know your goals, and more than likely they will be there 100% of the way with you helping you to stay on track!  
  • Cook healthy meals in the kitchen with your family.
  • Go for a walk after dinner with you family.
  • Meet up with friends for coffee or tea.
  • Ask your family or friends to join you for a fun class at the gym like Zumba or Body Pump.
  • Offer to bring fresh fruit or veggies with hummus to the barbeque. 
  • Bring home delicious, fresh fruit from the grocery store and use it to bump up the flavor and nutritional content of your smoothies.
  • Politely turn down processed treats like Oreo’s or Fried Dough and offer an alternative instead such as vanilla yogurt with low fat granola or click here to see some great healthy, protein packed snack ideas.


Question of the day: How do you “keep it healthy” during the summer time?