Live. Love. Laugh

Good Morning!

Well if you are a follower of OneFitFoodie, you know that I really try to keep my posts different, and informative. I love talking about:
Food such as my food staples! Other days I love to talk about life.
Motivation, my “missing it” post talking about pre compeitition jitters and being thrown off with the balance in my life busting through plataeus and making the most of your summer. My “Own It” post talking about feeling judged for being you. “Q+A” About my First Fitness Competition. Living a “Healthy, Balanced Summer”
Workouts: such as leg workouts, Plyometric workouts, Sprinting workouts, “Suns out, Guns out” Workout
Recipes! Such as my Pumpkin Pie Smoothie, Banana Blueberry Protein Bars, Coconut Lime Shrimp, basil italian meatballs, turkey meatloaf Protein French Toast

And many other topics as well! (Check out the navigation bar at the top to scroll through!)

I really love that I have captured an audience that enjoys reading about all of these topics, and I thank each and every one of you for your support and even when I don’t post for a few days, you keep coming back for more. I try to be versitile, and not post the same thing everyday. I want to appeal to a wide variety of people; from those those struggling with something in their life,  those who want to lose weight, gain weight, be happy, learn how to cook, looking for a new workout or looking to begin working out, and of course those who love to look at delicious food!

I wanted to talk today about stress and how to deal with it to make you a better, happier you.  I am at the age where there are a lot of changes taking place in my life….not everything I want to get into huge detail here, but lets just say its been a bit of a stressful journey these past few months. Lots of things have happened in my life and while I am so excited about changes, new oppourtunities, and everything life has to offer—there is a huge part of me that is scared out of my mind. When you get to a place in your life where you feel overwhelmed, stressed, out of ‘control’ it is so important to know how to deal with it, how to take control of your own life. You have the power to do so…after all it is your life. 

I have found that recently I have been just way too hard on myself. Whether it is a flaw that I have or something that just isn’t going the way I expected it to, or if I tend to see the glass half empty which I can do sometimes, yes I am human.
Its hard to make everything perfect all of the time—between work, relationships, family, personal life, workouts, diet…not everything will be 100% all of the time, and as much as some of us try to make it that way…we have to let life take its course. Everything will work out in the end and I do truly believe that everything happens for a reason. My mom always used to say “Is the juice worth the squeeze” Sometimes we work so ridiculously hard for something (the juice) and maybe the outcome isn’t as expected (the squeeze) We tend to get so down on ourselves, but instead of thinking about the negatives, we need to be focusing on the positive aspects of all of the work and focus that went into whatever hard work you were doing.
To put yourself out there, and reach for a goal (whatever it may be) not knowing the outcome is an accomplishment in itself. You should be giving yourself a pat on the back for getting out there, making connections, working hard, and giving it your all for attempting to reach that goal. EMBRACE IT. Know that you are worth it.
We need to allow our flaws to inspire and drive us rather than add stress to our lives. There will be ups and downs in life, but just always remember who is in charge.  
Here are some tips to be happier, and to not let stress take you over, but rather you take over yourself.
Flaws are Beautiful: Each day you get up, you have a choice to look in the mirror and criticize something about yourself, or you also have the choice to look in the mirror and say aloud “I am beautiful” Take the high road, embrace yourself, your personality, your body, your uniqueness. There is no one else on this earth like you. We can become obsessed with perfection, but take a step back and really try to envision your best self, not what you ‘should’ be or look like. I have a client who recently just lost about 15lbs and I turned to her yesterday and said “wow you look fantastic” She said “Thanks! But, I really wish I didn’t have these love handles” I told her to just say “thank you so much” and smile. Embrace the hard work you put in and realize how far you have come.
See it, Love it: What makes you unique? Think about it and every day compliment yourself on something you are proud of. Today, I was having a ‘bad hair day’ but I looked in the mirror and noticed that I absolutely am in love with the color of my hair…so what, it doesn’t look its best, But I am so  proud of the natural color that I see each day! Think about your accomplishments at work, with your workouts, in a healthy relationship you have and think about how you are the forefront of making that happen. Take away the negatives, “I could be” “I should be” and instead say “I am”
Take criticism as a compliment: Maybe your boss told you something you need to work on, or maybe someone has told you that you need to lose or gain weight. I certainly have dealt with all of these situations myself. Take it and use it to make you stronger. Let it fuel you and your passions and take you higher. Some of us will listen to this and get upset and go off the deep end. Resist this urge and use it to your benefit. We are not perfect, we all have flaws, strengths and weaknesses, so try to accept criticism as best you can to make you a better you. Trust me, you will become stronger because of it.
Be Goofy, Happy, Lively, Smile and Laugh! Not only should you be taking time to do things that bring you joy and make you smile, but take time to just be a kid again. We all get so wrapped up with work, life, events, schedules, kids, etc. Take 10 minutes to yourself to just do whatever you want that gets you to smile. 

If you forget something on your schedule one day, you make a small mistake on a work project, you skip a workout…Trust me. Everything. will. be. okay. Life will go on. Just take the necessary steps you need to do to get yourself back on track.

If you missed a workout—no big deal! Just hit it hard the next day. One day of a missed workout will not do anything to change your hard earned physique.

If you made a mistake in the workplace, just make sure you properly follow up with the necessary people.  

If you ate a piece of cake and ‘feel crappy’ Just make up for it by eating super clean the next day! Don’t cry, don’t beat yourself up, and certainly don’t not eat anything the next day. Just keep it healthy, and get back on track! Anyway, I am sure that cake tasted pretty good!

So thats it for today…Enjoy the Motivation and let it fuel you on this lovely Wednesday!!