Leg Plyo Video + Sprints!

Whats shakin, friends? How is everyones day going? Boy do I have a fun video to share with you all! I had a killer cardio HIIT session this morning which included my favorite, HILL SPRINTS! Do you want to sculpt your entire lower body, core and even upper body? Sprinting is where its all. Long distance running–I’m sorry, its for the birds. Well I take that back, its just not for me. I much prefer the higher intensity, higher energy work of sprints not only because it elevates your resting metabolic rate for hours after, but its fun, effective and you can get a great cardio workout in about half the amount of time!

I started with a warm up:
10% incline: 3.5 speed: 5 minutes
First “Work” period

  • 10% incline: 7.2 speed: 45 seconds
  • 10% incline: 2.0 speed: 1:15 minutes:

REPEAT for 5 times (total of 10 minutes)

Second “Work” period

  • 15% incline: 5.5 speed: 45 seconds
  • 15% incline: 2.0 speed: 1:15 minutes

Repeat for 5 times (Total of 10 minutes)

Third “Work” period
  • 5% incline: 9.0 speed: 45 seconds
  • 5% incline: 2.0 speed: 1:15 minutes

Repeat for 5 times (total of 10 minutes)

ENJOY IT and make sure you COOL DOWN. 0% incline, 3.5 speed for 5 minutes!

Try this Joggerval workout if you are looking for another killer incline sprint routine!

I ended my workout with this quick plyo leg routine. I loved it and though you may benefit from it so here you go! I went through this 3 times, but feel free to go anywhere from 1 round to 5 rounds depending on your fitness level

Notes on the Video:

  • I filmed this right after my cardio, so I aplogize for being a sweat ball
  • I realize that I am wearing the same top and sports bra as in my core conditioning video...I promise you I have more clothes than that top and that sports bra.
  • To make these exercises LOW IMPACT…just stick with basic squats and do not add the  ‘jump’ to the second exercise.
  • If you want to make it more challenging you can add on more repetitions to each exercises!
  • Make sure your core is engaged and you are breathing constantly!
  • On the backwards lunges, try to keep your hands up by your ears (which I didn’t do in this video but it helps to keep your spine in proper alignment)
  • On the jump squats, make sure you land on your feet and push through your heels!


Question: What is your favorite leg plyo move?