Hey guys! I thought I would share some videos I took this week with you all.

As of late, my workouts have consisted of big, compound movements. Movements that are the most effective and effiecient and work the entire body. I am talking squats, deadlifts, chin ups, bench, and of course some plyos thrown in the mix. I have gotten stronger, my core is more defined and I love training this way because I do not in anyway feel overtrained or ‘too sore’ to complete a workout.

A typical upper body day will go as follows

Warm up-8-10 minutes jogging on treadmill
Foam roll quads, IT band, back, calves, hamstrings

I did this workout 3 sets, 8 reps of each. Last week I did the same workout but kept it 4 sets, 6 reps. Its that easy to change it up! There is no need to get a whole new crazy workout with different exercises. I want to progress in certain areas and with certain exercises, so just by changing things slightly (reps and sets) I am able to still keep my body in shock mode so it does not get too used to it.

Circuit 1
10 kettlebell swings
2 Turkish Get ups (each side)

Circuit 2
Chin up
Single arm shoulder press (standing or half kneeling)

Circuit 3

DB back row
DB Bench press

Circuit 4
KB Goblet squat

KB straight leg deadlift

**I move quick with little to no rest btwn the exercises in each set
**upon finishing 1 set. I take just 30-45 seconds rest, then repeat it again for a total of 3 sets. This workout took me about 40 minutes.


I also wanted to take this video to see my form. I use the band to help assist me up because I am not able to complete an unassisted one just yet! Once I can complete 8 SOLID chin ups (meaning go a bit lower than I am in the video) I am going to move onto the blue band which will provide me with a little less assistance!