My Journey

Well bloggies, as I mentioned today was not going to be the best of foodie post days due to the lack of acutal food I am able to eat, Since it is the Jewish Holiday of Yom Kippur. I thought I would get you all a little more familar with me, Naomi AKA One Fit Foodie, BUT also known as ‘the former fat girl’

yes it is true. Back in middle school I had a VERY rough few years. This was difficult for me mentally, emotionally but also physically. I played sports all throughout my teen and preteen years and I was never the fastest kid on the team, or the quickest. My dad was the coach of my soccer teams growing up and I was often put in goal, well because I was a damn good goalie (DUH because I was NOT fast, and I took up a great space at that goal!)

I never ate crappy, unhealthy food too often, but I think my problem was a) genetics , my mom who is a very petite small woman at 13 herself, was a bit overweight and ‘plump’ so I had genetics NOT in my favor and also I LOVED to eat. Don’t get me wrong, I love to eat now, BUT i really loved to eat. I didn’t know anything about portion control and that was my biggest problem. 

Here is a picture of me at 13 years old, with my brother who also was a prior ‘plump one’ for lack of better terms

And this is ROCK bottom. Scary I know. This is actually me. (on the far left)

And again at 14

I started learning more about portion control and eating smaller meals throughout the entire day. When High School hit, I also picked up my workouts a LOT. My mom introduced me to Golds Gym and I lived there! I was a two season athlete playing both Field hockey and I did crew (rowing) for 2 years. When I was not playing sports, You could find me at Golds after school!
 I became a avid Spinner, spinning twice a week with my dad and I also loved weight training. Everything about fitness and working out intrigued me and I was always picking up the latest magazine or subscribing to all different nutrition magazines and publications. My parents helped me a TON. They, being crazy, fitness people themselves started working out with me, and it became such a strong memory of mine. To this day, I LOVE working out with my parents. They are my motivators and biggest inspirations.
My Love for fitness and nutrition brought into the field I work today. I studied exercise science in college, and have a minor in nutrition. Right now I am ACSM certified personal trainer and work as an exercise specialist for  a corporate fitness center. I love what I do and I love giving the gift of health to others.  I certainly practice what I preach and don’t go a day without exercise (whether it be mental or physical exercise!)
Junior year of Highschool with one of my best friends at our Junior Prom, slimmed down a bit!

Ah the college years which acutally were VERY good to me. I have no issues with peer pressure or food control when It comes to food, some people think I am acutally crazy! But in the cafeteria, I would NEVER touch the unhealthy mystery foods, fried, battered, baked crap that lots of college kids have issues avoiding (then the dreaded freshman 15 occurs) for me, I found myself In college. I was so good about portion control and food choices, that I acutally LOST weight during my 4 years there.  I also LOVED my college’s gym, so I spent LOTS of time there, as you can imagine!

and this is me now, with my brother and father (taken summer 2008)
Me and my mom taken end of summer 2008

scary pic of me taken a few weeks ago for my new Mac…so sorry about the close up!

Anyways, that is my journey form going to prior fat girl, to normal sized, athletic, healthy gal now!
I wanted to share my Journey with you all in a nutshell!

*Do any of you have weight loss stories or a story in which you had come such a long way to where you are now, that makes you the healthy, foodie you are??* I would LOVE to hear your story!!**



20 thoughts on “My Journey

  1. Adi says:

    Thanks for sharing your story! I think being honest and transparent on a blog can be a scary thing, especially when it relates to personal stories. Your story is inspiring!

    I found my love of exercise in university – but also loved the caf. 🙂 I gained a few pounds, but nothing major. I think the morning workouts balanced out the heavier meals.

    Sounds like you have a really supportive family, too. That’s awesome

  2. platipus329 says:

    Thank you for sharing your story! I think it’s great you made smart decisions in college and I hope to follow that path.

    My story is pretty different. I was VERY large 5th-8th grade, and then got to a healthy weight. I stayed pretty good throughout high school, until Senior year when stress, too much activity, and not enough fueling made me drop to an extremely unhealthy weight. I spent the Summer building myself back up to having a healthier body and more enthusiastic look towards fueling

  3. ea0753 says:

    your story is AMAZING!!!! i see so much of myself you its crazy! 🙂

    I was rather “plump” throughout my childhood and within my high school years. i managed to loose 20 pounds or so in my sophomore year in high school, but was successful in putting all the weight back on plus some. Then just a mere 2 years ago i took matters into my own hands and lost the weight. i found the love of working out (running is my passion) and eating a wholesome diet full of clean and healthy foods! i’ve lost close to 45 pounds and i feel better then ever!!!!!

    so glad that we all have eachother for support!

  4. Gina says:

    Wow, thanks so much for sharing your story!!! That is really great, and I look up to you for all that you have accomplished. You are a true role model.

    I have a similar story, but sort of different in many ways. I was never overweight as a child, and grew up eating really healthy foods. I developed an eating disorder though, which is something that took me about 4 years to pull myself out of. NOw I am “practicing what I preach” and eating a healthy, balanced diet. Like you, I’ve come a long way and feel so good in my shoes today!

  5. Melissa says:

    Thank you for sharing your story. I was also a chubby kid and teenager. I wasn’t interested in health and fitness until college and it not only changed my life, but saved it.
    You’re lucky to have supportive parents. That makes a big difference.

    You are one hot lady!

  6. Gina says:

    Hey Naomi! Regarding your comment on my blog, I do not own my own business but I do hope to do so one day. Currently I am working for a many who graduated from OSU with a PhD in Food Science. He had a dream to start his own business and he is, this year! He just hired me to be the RD or “Director of Nutrition and Health” for his corporate wellness and innovation business 🙂 I will be giving seminars and keeping connected with the community by social media and other outlets. It’s really fun, so far. Thanks for asking! Good luck with your goals. I’m excited to be following you! Feel free to ask me any questions you have.

  7. very culinary says:

    Such an honest an open post, Naomi.

    Everything in moderation…including moderation, right? I believe you can eat whatever you want as long as you exercise and understand portion control. I’m a snacker, which isn’t all that great, but I snack on healthy things, at least.

    Happy holiday to you. I don’t observe – I could never seem to fast, but I surely admire people who can!

  8. says:

    Thanks for sharing your story. It’s very inspiring. It’s so great that you made your passion your job and that you love what you are doing.

    I gained quite a bit of weight several years back when life got very stressful. I had to learn to make me a priority again. My journey took a few detours, but I love where I am at now.

  9. Missy says:

    Thanks for sharing your story! Mine is pretty similar in that I was overweight as a child, lost weight in college, and now am trying to maintain. My mom also helped me since she is a body builder herself!

  10. Jenny says:

    thank you thank you for being so open and honest with your story!! mine is very similar — though unfortunately It took me a little longer and a few detours to form that healthy relationship with food. You are absolutely gorgeous girl .. keep shining!

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