Have a great Christmas!

I want to take this time to wish everyone a merry xmas if you celebrate! And if you don’t have a great evening!

**New years plans??**


19 thoughts on “Have a great Christmas!

  1. Carbzilla says:

    Thanks – it’s just what I wanted!

    “What honey???I can’t talk write now I’m writing my blog…I’ll be down in a second.”

    Husbands! Sheesh!

    Merry Christmas!!!!

  2. MelissaNibbles says:

    That man’s shorts are falling down! He’s got a an ab situation going on as well 😉

    New Years I’m seeing The Upper Crust perform in Boston!

    What are YOU doing Naomi?!

  3. MelindaRD says:

    Haha, if I was in the States I would have toitally had Chinese and gone to the movies. I have been joking with Ryan about it all day. My dad did actually. Since we are on a Portuguese island that is totally Catholic there was limited options for the day. We actually spent it at our nextdoor neighbors house with their family so we had a traditional Azorean Christmas today. Hope you had a nice Christmas…Jewish style!

  4. homecookedem says:

    haha, well, hellooooooooo Santa! 😉

    Not sure what our NYE plans are yet… maybe a party? maybe dinner with the fam? maybe stay in by ourselves all night? What about YOU?! 🙂

  5. Gina says:

    Oh YEAH!!! Just what I wanted to see…I’m drooling. haha. Thanks for the happy holiday wishes! Hope you had/are having a fantastic weekend!

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