Short and Sweet!!

Wow! I am so happy that so many of you love HomeGoods!! I got a HUGE response from you all agreeing with me that HomeGoods is one of your top favorite stores. I am so happy I’m not alone, but if I was, that would probably be ok with me because it is the!

A reader asked me if I have a heart rate monitor. She was referring to the post I did HERE where I talked about the importance of Heart Rate. YES! I have a Heart Rate Monitor and LOVE it so much! I got it for Hannukah this past year and don’t know how I ever worked out without one!

Sorry for the blurry pic! This was my Run this morning. You can change the ‘sport’ from running to biking to general depending on what your activity is which I love! There is a little chip that I wear on my shoe which is how it tracks miles ran. Awesome for outdoor running!
And it tracks my HR. As you can see my average was 156 and max was 176. This is around what I usually hit for my runs. Oh by the way this is a Garmin FR60 model
After my run it was breakfast time for this foodie! I refueled right away with 3 eggwhites, then about an hour later I feasted on this bowl

1/2 C oats, few banana slices, cranberries, Barney Butter (my last packet!) this stuff is CRACK!

Few hours later (around 11:15am) Fuuuuji!
ughh one of my not so favorite things–the little paper thing on top of the Fage greek yog’s. Thereis always a pool of ‘juice’ on top of the parchment and I always have to dump out a few tsps of excess h20. Oh well, it is worth it for this creamy treat!! It was eaten with ~1/4 C Kashi Go Lean

Lunch featured these wraps I picked up at BJ’s yesterday! SCORE!

3oz Roasted chicken breast, romaine, red onion, garlic and herb LC, cranberry chutney from TJ’s. I grilled this sucker up on the stove top!
The innards. Delish! I housed this wrap like I have never seen food before
WIth salad on the side. Butter lettuce, carrot chips, cuke, tomatoes, red pepper, rosemary greek dressing.
Today featured another workout sesh-just weight training with my Trainer. Every Monday I meet with him. He Okay, not really but he is so tough and I love challenging myself with his workouts. We are working on lots of core work trying to active my transverse Abdominis which in lay persons terms is the lower abs—HELLO DECLINE LEG LIFTS!

Came home and made a post workout protein shake. I got a chocolate and vanilla sample from Biochem (sorry for the chipped nail polish)

With 1/2 C unsweetened chocolate almond breeze, 1/2 C skim milk, ice, water and Biochem Packet. Topped with 3/4 C Kashi Puffs for those High GI carbs post workout! You must try this! It was like a thick frothy milk shake!
well my loves, this was short but sweet today! I am about to make some dinner and continue packing for my big move this weekend! My posts may be somewhat sporadic this week and I apologize for that, but I need to get lots of packing/organizing done…you all know how that goes right?
  • This is a BIG CHANGE for me, but one which I will stay happy and positive throughout. Yes it will change my ‘routine’ , I have to change gyms, change my commute to work, yadda yadda and take me out of my comfort zone because I am a creature of habit-but I know this will be good for me and I will have so much fun and really shows that I am becoming more independent.  I am looking at all of the positives and just focusing on that! I know after a week or so, I will Love it!
What is the biggest change that you have gone through/Experienced?
What do you usually eat post workout? 
Favorite type of green veggie?


oh and check out ms GC’s giveaway!

45 thoughts on “Short and Sweet!!

  1. Abbys Vegan Eats says:

    Good luck with your move, hun!!! I dont do wel with change either.. you will get into a new groove in NO time! 🙂
    My hub and I moved from PA to NC last June and I was a mess for awhile but now I have my new routine down pat.

    Fav green veggie?? HMM, broccoli!!

  2. Mary (Food Fit & Fun) says:

    Did you ever try just stirring your Fage? Also, this may be a stupid question but I have no experience with heart rate monitors…do all heart rate monitors require you to wear a band around your chest?

  3. Gina says:

    Good luck with the move! Yes, change is always difficult at first, but it always gets easier (well, at least 95% of the time!)

    Favorite green vegetable; broccoli or kale. I love them both. I also love Barney Butter, and I want to steal yours! I’m too cheap to go buy any.

  4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

    OMG congrats AND good luck w/ your move. I have moved about 10 -12 times in the past 10-12 yrs. Seriously, i am a nomad. It sucks but it’s temporary and the feeling of geting settled into the new casa is just glorious once you’re there, fast fwd 2 weeks 🙂

    Biggest change = parenthood. For sure!

    Greens, broccoli, kale, brussels, any really 🙂

    The garmin thx for the update on that bad boy!

  5. Mo Diva says:

    my biggest chance so far has been incorporating exercise into my daily routine. Its been a solid month now with my change and its become so automatic that i dont even have to convince myself to workout- i just do it.

    I love kale… toasty kale!

    i rock chipped nail polish all the time!
    and i so want your HR monitor!

  6. TotalFitGirl says:

    Good luck with your move – you’re going to be great! The biggest change I ever went through was probably working full-time after being a student for what felt like forever! My favorite post-workout meal is a giant omelet with fruit, or a protein bar/shake. I love all green veggies, especially broccoli and spinach!

  7. Madeline - Greens and Jeans says:

    Best of luck with the move girly! It’s going to be a big change but you will survive it and start a whole new chapter! I have lived in 4 places in 4 years (soon to be 5!) so I am definitely a vagabond! I would say that going to school in Sweden when I was younger was the biggest change in my life, especially since I didn’t know the language when I first started

  8. tabletrend says:

    That wrap looks delicious! It makes me want to get up and make one of my own. I will try to resist until tomorrow though. The biggest change that I’ve gone through is moving to LA by myself. My familly has always been super close and protective of me, so it was definitely a huuuuge change for me. Post workout, I like to eat raw vegetables with lemon and salt! So yummy. Celery has to be my favorite type of green veggie–I love the crunchyness of it!

  9. MelissaNibbles says:

    I just bought a heart rate monitor today! I bought a Polar. Your posts was one of the motivating factors and I want to see how hard I’m working vs. how hard I think I’m working.
    My biggest change has been moving in w/my boyfriend…not sure if it was for the best.
    Post workout, I love a vanilla protein shake.
    Good luck with the packing. I’m very excited for you!

  10. MelindaRD says:

    Thanks for the info on the model for the Garmin. I am thinking about getting one. The biggest change is probably being married and living overseas. Post workout is usually just before dinner, but I eat a choc rice cake with a little PB on it, then I eat dinner about 1-1.5 hrs later. My fave green veggie is broccoli.

  11. Kelly says:

    I really need to get a heart rate monitor at some point. My biggest change was moving out of my parents house (though I didn’t live there in college, but for a year after) and then moving in with my bf, now fiance. I love living with him though so it was a good change. It was also quite a big change when I became a teacher. I went from a college student with minimal responsibilities to a LOT of responsibility haha.
    I definitely need some new post work out snack ideas. AFter I lift I end up eating half the house. I would have a protein shake but its pretty close to my bedtime so I don’t want all the extra liquid. I need to start with the egg whites and stuff.

  12. Joanna Sutter (Fitness & Spice) says:

    WAIT! Garmin has a pink heart rate monitor? GET OUT!

    My biggest change? I lost my job last year. I wouldn’t change it for the world! But it has impacted everything in one shape of form…relationships, workouts, diet, sleep, dreams, you name it. Biggest (and best!) growth experience of my life!

  13. faithfitnessfun says:

    My biggest change was definitely becoming a mother. There was nothing to really prepare me for it except to dive in when the time came. Most rewarding change ever!!!

    And post workout is either whatever we are having for dinner or a granola bar with a cup of joe mixed with skim. I work out at random times so that’s what I’m left with. When I am more closely watching things I have either a protein shake with some fruit, a bowl of “healthy” cereal, or some fruit/yogurt. My favorite green veggie is broccoli or brussels!

  14. Abby (Nibble, Nourish, Run) says:

    Yay good luck with the move!!! Such a fun, awesome, exciting change! My biggest change was packing up and moving to NYC but it was also the absolute best thing I ever did! Oh and um I ALWAYS eat after a workout – I’m a hungry monster…! And my fave green veggie…tie between spinach and Brussels sprouts! Have a lovely day miss!!

  15. Kacy says:

    I want a HRM so bad! Definitely on my to-buy list.

    Moving is so hectic and stressful, my posting schedule was all over the place during my move. No worries 🙂

  16. Karin says:

    I hope your move will be pain free! 🙂 My biggest change.. Hmm.. Probably moving out of my parent’s place. Which was fabulous by the way 😉 but I really like changes.
    My fave post workout snack is a hardboiled egg but I like mixing things up a bit.
    +I’m a spinach girl all the way.

  17. Food Makes Fun Fuel says:

    Good luck on the move!
    Post workout gotta have my oats, PB, and greek yogurt.
    I think moving to college was a big change for me.
    And I’m awful about eating my greens unless we’re talking avocado! Yum

  18. sprinkledwithcinnamon says:

    Your roll up looks greattttt!
    Post workout- I love having a little pot of Fage 2% mixed with some cinnamon, Kashi cinnamon oats, blueberries, n a little dollop of PB or AB…perfect replenishment 🙂

  19. Bec says:

    Those little squeezable packs are so convenient but so hard to find, I definitely save mine for ‘special’ occasions lol. Hope you are having a great day!

  20. Julie says:

    That wrap looks amazing.

    Gosh – I guess I haven’t gone thorugh a huge life change yet…do breakups count?

    Post workout is usually dinner time for me so I’ll have that, or on weekends I’ll have an apple or some yogurt.

    My fave green veggie is broccoli!!

  21. chrystad72 says:

    Hey girl!! good luck with the big move. Change is so exciting I think! My biggest change I think was packing up and moving across the country by myself. Crazy! It was hard at first but it all works out and you just find yourself back in the groove of things again.

    Post workout I really like greek yogurt for some reason. The Biochem protein powder looks really awesome though. Im still looking for a good protein powder that I really like so I might have to check that one out.

    As far as green veggies…hhmm tough one…I think maybe kale or broccoli. They are sssoo good.

    I hope you have an awesome day today sweetie. And good luck withe everything!!

  22. Nicole (dishin') says:

    Oh I want Barney Butter packets! Yum!

    Not sure if you’ve mentioned it, but what town are you moving to? I’m also a hater of change but once a week goes by, you’ll be great and in a nice new routine. Change is good!

  23. Missy says:

    Good luck with the move! It will be exciting for you! My biggest change was probably moving to New York! Scary but exciting. After a workout…I usually eat dinner since it is probably 8:30 or 9 by the time I get home!

  24. K from ksgoodeats says:

    The first time I ate Fage I didn’t realize there was a liner on top and DEF poured my sweetener on top of it. Oops!! Your protein shake sounds scrumptious!

    1. Quitting my major and switching schools – yikes! Good luck with everything 🙂
    3. Steamed broc!!

  25. Julie says:

    same for me this week girl! i’m about to start commuting 45 minutes to work 3 days a week! which will mean earlier gym time and smaller breakfast time. lots of prep and showering at the gym. but i know it will make me feel better getting a workout in before the day starts! soon enough you’ll be in a brand new routine and lurving every minute of it 😉

  26. Janetha says:

    dude, this post was still packed with goodness! i just bought that chocolate fudge biochem online as per april’s suggestion, so i cant wait to try it! i never change my protein powders so i am nervous but it sounds like you liked it! also, i don’t know how i lived w/o my HRM either. i love knowing how many beats i am pumpin. i havent ever had barney butter but i am tempted to buy those 90 cal packets online. hello portion control made easy! the wrap is TO DIE FOR! i havent grilled a wrap in ages because i am always lazy and hungry when i make mine~ thanks for the reminder! change is hard but it is also GOOD so this change for you will be amazing, i just know it. oh and i am loving decline leg lifts lately too! gotta get those lower abs rockin’!

    MWAH! love you, girl!

  27. Sunny says:

    that protein shake looks AMAZING. yum

    and i gotta check out those wraps.. i’ve been using joseph’s but it’s time for something new!

    hope the move goes well naomers! exciting stuff going on! 😀

  28. Jenny says:

    oh sweest I am the QUEEN of sporadic posting as of late — never fear! we’ll all be here waiting whenever you can come back 🙂 wishing you the best of luck on your move sweetie – i know how scary it is but change can be a positive thing!!!! Embrace it! Let me know if you need to talk, k? Love you!

  29. homecookedem says:

    Oh WOW!! That post workout shake looks quite tasty!! I am head over heels in love with that protein powder!! 🙂 I tend to do my workouts prior to a meal, so since I mostly workout after work, I get right to making my dinner soon after. Good luck with the move and all of the changes!! Just look at it as an exciting adventure!! 🙂

  30. traynharder23 says:

    biggest change- hmmm my dad moving to taiwan! and me still staying here. Hmmm.
    good luck with the move. and yes. PUFFINS MAKE MY HEART MELT!

    thank god i’m not the only person who steams my chicken to make it nice and juicy!

  31. Katie says:

    That’s so odd about the pool of liquid on top of the fage…I have NEVER had that, and I’ve eaten my fair share of that creamy yumminess. Maybe it’s because I live in CO, and everyhing is dryer at high altitude?! Interesting…

    Biggest change…going from a student to a teacher. Utter exhaustion and complete stress, but I’m sure I am a better person because of it.

    After workouts…nuts or nutbutter

    BROCCOLI is the best green veggie!

  32. Katie ♥ says:

    Ahhhhh yes Say Yes To The Dress can be a tear jerker too, I watche done episode where the fiance donated her kidney to her future husband, was such a touching story : )

    Yay for you having some chocolate fudge protein powder, your smoothie looks yum!!!!

    Biggest change for me was moving to another state last year, I lived in PA all my life , and all my family is there, so it was a big adjustment, but it was for best! My fiance got a great job, we love it here, and I am still not far from PA, just a hour drive!!!

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