Kombucha info & Maximize your workouts!

Wassupp homies? Happy Tuesday! well I just finished watching this

That would be ali crying to Jake explaining her need to leave the show. WOW I think that took a lot of guts on her part esp when he was telling her how much he wanted her to stay. It makes me think she wasn’t going home this week, which also makes me wonder that one of the 3 who were left was supposed to go home…man I love this show it is just so addiciting!!
**Thoughts on Ali’s leaving?***

1/3 C oatbran with chia and frozen berries, cinnamon and dollop of PB. wolfed this down after some early AM cardio. I did 25 on the treadmill and 20 on the spin bike. Great workout! HRM said 585 Calories!! 

UH-MAZING new song that I am addicted too. I know whats going to happen is that I am going to listen to it on repeat so much that I will not be able to listen to it after a few weeks. Thats what happens with me and new songs! click HERE to listen!
Fage greek with Kays Cinnamon stix ummmm TRY THIS. most amazing snack! BUT I turned the bag around to see the serving size because I always think to myself what a large portion it is for just 100 calories! I noticed the serving size on the bag was 1.5, not 1!! OOPS! no biggie, but now I know I had been eating a serving and a half

Cortland Apple. Yes, I have an apple a day-it keeps the doctor awayyyy

Came home for a tofu wrap! romaine, hummus tomato, pickle and sprouts! SO GOOD! I also had a salad on the side for some crunch, but we all know what my ensaladas look like, no?
I GOT MY HAIR CUT! ohh my I was in dire need of this!! I went to a new lady before and she did such a terrible job, I was so upset with myself that I strayed from my normal hair dresser!! It felt so good to be back to her and she really fixed me up! I also made an appointment for her to do my hair for Jasons Brothers wedding which is in April!

New Kombucha (red light, no worries!) Gingerade. LOVED it!! tasted so much like fresh ginger and had that spritzy-ness to it that I just can’t get enough of! these are 2/$5 right now at Whole foods, so I stocked up!

What is Kombucha??
  • Kombucha is alternately known as a Chinese tea, a plant, or a mushroom. But it’s not really any of these. It’s a living culture of beneficial microorganisms, and in Kombucha’s case, the whole is infinitely greater than the sum of its parts! Kombucha is delicately cultured – some liken it to fermentation – for 30 days. During this period, essential nutrients form like active enzymes, viable probiotics, amino acids, antioxidants and polyphenols. 
  • All of these combine to create an elixir that immediately works with the body to restore balance and vitality. Kombucha has been used for hundreds of years throughout the world as a daily health tonic. The culture resembles a light brown, tough, gelatinous disk—and because it’s a living, growing entity, it can regenerate and create new cultures with every batch. In fact, GT’s Kombucha and Synergy are made from Kombucha cultures that are descendants of the original culture GT grew to create his first bottles. 

What can Kombucha do for me?

  • Kombucha is not a supplement, drug, or medicine… it is simply a super healthy food that helps the body to find (or regain) its natural balance in the body, which promotes overall well being. Just like regular exercise, Kombucha is something that supports a healthy lifestyle. When the body is healthier, its natural defenses are stronger.
  • Kombucha has an “adaptogenic” ability that gives it a reputation for its widespread health properties. Its adaptogen effect is seen mostly through its influence on the liver, the blood and the digestive system, where it normalizes the acidity or pH. Metabolic balancing and detoxification is perhaps the most important function of Kombucha. To put it in simple terms, Kombucha will make you feel good.

What is in Kombucha and what are the health Benefits?
  • Beneficial Probiotics – Due to the prolific presence of pesticides, antibiotics, and preservatives, the beneficial micro-organisms present in our bodies are being destroyed and killed off on a regular basis. These friendly microbes play a huge role in our digestive and immune systems. Therefore, it is crucial that they are replenished from natural sources like kefir, yogurt, and Kombucha. Our beverages contain Lactobacillus Bacterium and S. Boulardii, which can help support a healthy digestive and immune system.
  • Live Active Enzymes – Active Enzymes are generally only found in foods that have not been cooked, processed, or refined. They are like the “spark plugs” for the body’s cells because they put “life” back in our bodies. If you think about it, the body is a living thing; why would you feed it something that is dead?
  • Polyphenols – These are antioxidants that fight off the free-radicals that stress the body and compromise its youth and health.
  • Organic Acids

These nutrients can help promote tissue and blood alkalinity and help normalize the natural process of homeostasis throughout the body.

  • Lactic acid helps maintain healthy digestive action (through the probiotic lactobacilli) and for energy production by the liver
  • Acetic acid is an antiseptic and inhibitor of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Glucuronic acid, normally produced by a healthy liver, is a powerful detoxifier and can readily be converted into glucosamines, the foundation of our skeletal system.
  • Usnic acid has selective antibiotic qualities which can partly deactivate viruses.
  • Oxalic acid encourages the intercellular production of energy, and is a preservative.
  • Malic acid also helps the liver to detoxify.
  • Butyric acid protects human cellular membranes, and combined with Gluconic acid strengthens the walls of the gut in order to combat yeast infections such as Candida.
  • Nucleic acids, like RNA and DNA, transmit information to the cells on how to perform correctly and regenerate.
  • ————–
    I went and visited a friend who just had foot surgery and played with her fro a little bit. I brought her some SF candies from a local shop that she loves!

    Came home, started packing for CANADA. I leave on Friday!!  I also enjoyed this Afternoon snack of Kashi puffs, almond milk and some sliced berries YUMMM
    Dinner was left over turkey chili with LC wedge melted in.
    Salad with roasted broccoli and 3 meatless meatballs. Tomatoes, baby spinach, broccoli slaw

    Like I said, This Friday I am going to Canada with Jasons family. We are going Friday-Tuesday so I will be away from blogging for the looooong weekend, But I will be sure to take lots of pics! we are going skiing!! it should be a great time 🙂

    I will leave you with some workout tips to kick up the intensity and maximize your time in the gym!

    • Visualize your workout. Whether it be in the car on the way to the gym or a few hours beforehand. Think about yourself working out and what you will be accomplishing. Take a few minutes to visualize your strong, powerful body and how amazing of a workout you will   have.
    • Maximize your rest time when strength training. Don’t sit around in between sets. Try performing 1 min of jump rope or jumping jacks to keep that calorie burn and HR up, OR try super setting! simply choose one other exercise and perform it back to back with another one. for example perform a set of bicep curls, then go right into some Lat pulldowns!
    • Challenge yourself with cardio. Don’t do the same thing every week or every day. Try interval training to blast calories and also cut down your time in the gym. on my HIIT workout page you will read all about HIIT training and how to use it effectively! It can be as simple as walking uphill on an incline, then going right into a sprint, then a jog, then back to a hill climb. Confusing the body is what its all about. You want to constantly challenge and trick your body so it doesn’t know what hit it! 
    • What is your workout tip you want to share?? (I will post them!!)
    • Have you tried Kombucha?!
    • New favorite song?

    41 thoughts on “Kombucha info & Maximize your workouts!

    1. simplyshaka says:

      Ugh, Bachelor why do you do me like you do??? I can’t believe that scene last night but I am confident she will return. And Vienna….well you know my feelings on her.

      I really don’t have a new song I am crazy about but have been getting back into house music which I used to love in college. And my new workout tip or what’s working for me….listening to gangsta rap while running. It’s one of the only things that gets me going!

    2. Abby (Nibble, Nourish, Run) says:

      Holy crap that episode was insane. And by insane I mean completely amazing. Why am I so addicted!? Gah. Love your workout tips! Mine would be just to get it done first thing in the morning! But maybe that’s just me – I’m usually too fried and tired after work to think about the gym!

    3. Lily @ Lily's Health Pad says:

      Were you able to find any research studies on kombucha? Also, what do you think about websites, such as the American Cancer Society’s, warning against drinking kombucha and linking it to deaths? I only ask because I’m curious. It’s a mystery I’ve been trying to solve. I love my kombucha, and would be devastated if its really doing me more harm than good.

    4. Averie (LoveVeggiesAndYoga) says:

      Most people have no clue what adaptogenic herbs are…
      “Kombucha has an “adaptogenic” ability….”
      But I am so glad you do!!!

      Another one that I know of is ashwaganda (an ayurvedic & indian medicinal herb). But i digress 🙂

      Hair. Straying sucks. When I first moved to Phx and had to find new hair person I went to a total dud and she messed up!! my color badly!!! finally found a girl who does it decently but i still miss my guy in san diego 🙁 sigh.

      p.s. have fun in canada with the boyf!

    5. ktbwood says:

      OK i so think ali is gona come back-if not then she WILL be the next bachelorette.
      hate to say this-but i think hes gona pick vienna..tenley and gia are too fake and hes gona get tired of it..thats just what i think!
      AHH i wana see yo hair dooooo!
      i am OBSESSED w. the new Dear John soundtrack! baha

    6. Adrien says:

      I have not tried Kombucha- and need to know where to buy it in Canada- the blogosphere has sold me on it- and the hunt is now on!

      On the topic of supplements.. or superfoods, or maybe this is just off topic- how do you feel about CLA?

    7. Joanna Sutter, www.fitnessandspice.com says:

      I can’t tell you how much I love your workout visualization tip. I write down my workouts for the week on Sunday nights and before I leave for the gym each day I review my workout of the day and go over it in my head on the car ride there. That way I’m pumped and ready to go…mentally.

    8. Gina says:

      I have never tried kombucha, and to be honest, I probably never will. I can get my “energy and probiotics” form something else, like yogurt or kefir. I just don’t buy into stuff like that. I prefer coffee or water really. But, it’s pretty popular so good for that company, they are making a killing I’m sure!

      Workout tip form me; always push yourself a little further than you think you can go. For example, if you are on the elliptical and you just dont think you can go any more, go 2 more minutes! If you are lifting weights and you just don’t think you can lift anymore, do two more reps! I try to do this as much as possible. It helps keep me motivated.

    9. healthyontherun says:

      hey I just found your blog and I love it!! I loved Allie.. I can’t believe she left the show! Although.. did you see the preview for next week?? She calls him!

      And I’ve always wanted to try Kombucha.. thanks for the review!!

    10. Sunny says:

      hey naomers!

      about the BACHELOR – i think ali was being obnoxius she was kinda getting on my nerves.. like either leave or stay and stop crying. i liked her in the beginning but towards the end she was being too much & dramatic about everything.

      on a brighter note, eats look delish as always! love your wrap, yum!

      stay safe in the snow! 🙂

    11. Julie says:

      me and deej (my mom) ALWAYS talk about how we want to try out kombuchas! we’re so scared of the little bacterias floating inside hahaha. are you supposed to drink them too?

      mmm i never know how many of the kays cookie bites are in a serving! how many of those babies are in 1oz?! i never know!

    12. Ameena says:

      I just wanted Ali to GO! I was so tired of her whinning and fake crying. Seriously, she was driving me nuts.

      Have a great trip to Canada…I am jealous! I am from Toronto and love going home.

    13. K from ksgoodeats says:

      Interesting about the Kay’s serving size because I totes didn’t realize that! I hope you have a blast in Canada – where are you headed if you don’t mind me asking?

      Have a great Wednesday 🙂

    14. Julie says:

      I’ve tried Kombucha and…it was gross! I hated it! I supposed it’s an aquired taste, but I wish not to aquire it.
      I do that with songs too! My fave songs right now are history in the making by Darius Rucker, need you now by Lady Antebellum and so happy I could die by lady gaga. I play them on repeat all. the. time. but I won’t get sick of them (I say that everytime ;))

    15. Katie says:

      I have only had one Kombucha and I liked it…love that vinegary taste, but they are too expensive to buy regularly!!

      I’m kind of glad Allie is gone…I love Tenley!!

      Also, I wanted to telly you/ask you…your updates aren’t coming though google reader for me??! Any suggestions…I’ve updated it like 5 times.

    16. Erica says:

      I love your posts! They’re so full of good eats and information! Andddd lets talk about how yummy that lunchy wrap looks. Ok, I still haven’t tried the Kombucha…I’m just too nervous! I need to find someone whose buying one and ask for a sip haha. Glad you rocked it out at the gym! The trip sounds like a blast- cannot wait to see the pictures(and your new haircut!). Hmmm I’ll give you my favorite run out tip: Hate running? Set a short distance goal, as the goal approaches evaluate if you can go just a litttttle bit further. Keep doing this! Soon enough you will really be packing on the mileage- its amazing how much easier it is to think about overcoming the small distances vs. setting a huge goal (mileage wise) to start with.

    17. Kelly says:

      Man, as I was reading this post I thought of like 200 things I want to comment on. Where to begin? Okay #1- I always do that with songs, listen to them on repeat until I hate them haha. #2- thanks for introducing us to that new drink- I’ve never heard of it so I might have to check it out. I swear I had more things to say but now I’ve forgotten them. Thanks for all the great info!

    18. Julie @ Pickley Pear says:

      Ali totally made the right choice by leaving…she gets to keep her job, and she knows Jake is totally into her – he will find her if he truly wants to be with her. There’s more to come with this one…

      New fav song is Lady Antebellum, Need You Now. I can’t get enough of it.

    19. fitinthecity says:

      There is WAAAAYYYYY too much crying on that show!! I’m really into anything Beastie Boys these days….old school!

      I have gotten back into incoporating plyometric workouts into my routine. I do them 1-2 times a week. I use everything from a medicine ball, Bosu Ball, step, weights, etc. into my plyo workout. I look kinda crazy doing this at the gym, but I love it! Works muscles in ways machines can’t.

    20. Nicole (dishin') says:

      I’m totally addicted to the Bachelor. I always am, every season sucks me in. But, I do feel like this has been the fakest season ever. I don’t feel like Jake truly connects with any of the girls and I wasn’t sure if Ali’s crying was real or what. Not that I won’t watch next week, I will. And I’ll love it. I also found Vienna’s father to be totally creepy. Anyone else?

    21. Ca88andra says:

      This is the second time I’ve read about chia in a blog! Just found you and I’m fascinated, will definitely keep reading. I exercise with weights at home, but find it difficult to fit in cardio – probably because I don’t like it! lol

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