Yoplait Greek Yogurt & Happy Birthday to my Roomie!!

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I had some great responses of ways to maximize your workouts!

Gina says: always push yourself a little further than you think you can go. For example, if you are on the elliptical and you just dont think you can go any more, go 2 more minutes! If you are lifting weights and you just don’t think you can lift anymore, do two more reps! I try to do this as much as possible. It helps keep me motivated.

Fitinthecity Says: I have gotten back into incoporating plyometric workouts into my routine. I do them 1-2 times a week. I use everything from a medicine ball, Bosu Ball, step, weights, etc. into my plyo workout. I look kinda crazy doing this at the gym, but I love it! Works muscles in ways machines can’t.

Nutritious Foodie says: workout tip: There are 1440 min in the day, schedule 30 min (2%) for excercise.

Erica Says: Hmmm I’ll give you my favorite run out tip: Hate running? Set a short distance goal, as the goal approaches evaluate if you can go just a litttttle bit further. Keep doing this! Soon enough you will really be packing on the mileage- its amazing how much easier it is to think about overcoming the small distances vs. setting a huge goal (mileage wise) to start with.
Moving on today. I started at the gym before work with an hour workout (literally I timed it on my HRM!) I did 18 minutes on the spin bike rocking out to some Ke$ha, Cascada, Rocco and Bass T (awesome techno!!) and Jason DeRulo. I then did a few weight circuts

  • Cable Back rows
  • Walking Lunges/walking Plie Lunges with body bar 
  • SHoulder presses (10 regular, 10 nuetral grip)
  • Jump rope 1 min
Set 2
  • Tricep Skull crushers
  • Bench leg lifts
  • Upright DB vertical rows
  • Side lying leg abduction
Set 3
  • Burpees (1 min)
  • Stability Ball Roll outs
  • Push ups with knee drive
PHEW…472 calories. Nicely Done.
Came home made a stellar bowl of oats. 1/2 C oats, chia, frozen berries added at the end (nuked again to get all hot! NuNaturals Stevia, PB)

Lunchers=Whole wheat pita with tofu, sprouts, hummus, romaine and tomaters SO GOOD!

Ensalada on the side with broccoli slaw, tomatoes, red pepper and balsamic vinegar. With LOTS of this

My New obsession. I. LOVE. THIS.

Afternoon snack essentials. 1/4 C oats, YOPLAIT greek yog. Apple and PB

Everyones jumpin on the bandwagon, huh?
Thought so this yogurt? Meh, NOTHING like my fage or chobani. It tasted more like plain yogurt to me, not to mention it is a bit shorter on the protein and higher in sugar and carbs than my beloved Chobani. Would I buy it again? Probably not.

I made it into some hot oats and cold yog mess! Try this now. It will change your life. So good with PB drizzled of course.

Its my ROOMIE’S BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!!! She made a stellar meal waiting for me when I came home. It is peanut thai stirfry with soba noodle and pea shoots. There was chicken breast, eddamame, red and green pepper and onion in a delicious thai peanut sauce, with whole wheat soba noodles and organic pea shoots! OMG AMAZINGNESS!!

We made a brownie cake for her!! It is brownie mix and frosting with funfetti’s on top! YAY
Well this ‘snow storm’ predicted for boston was a BUST! (yes!!) I really am not a fan of snow so exciting for me! I am just watching some american idol with the roomies and then more packing for Canada (Mt Tremblant) then bed time!
see ya in the morning 🙂
  • What is your favorite ethnic meal?? I LOVE thai peanut stirfry and Falafels!
  • Favorite dessert? Mine is Key lime pie?

42 thoughts on “Yoplait Greek Yogurt & Happy Birthday to my Roomie!!

  1. melonshots says:

    happy birthday to your rooomie!!

    Naiomi!! I have missed you 🙁 sorry I have not been keeping up on blogs.. no internet access.. 🙁 poopoh

    my fav. ethnic food.. falafals, daal soup, spinache gomae, sushi 🙂

  2. tam says:

    My favorite ethnic meal has gotta be curry made by my dad he does lots of dishes on his curry nights including; coconut cauliflower curry, mushroom baji, cashews n green beans, sweet potato curry and rice sooooooo good!

    Hmmmmmmmm favorite pudding thats a tuffy………its gotta be my mums fruit crumble with ice cream she makes the best puddings ever!

    That cake looks fab! x x

  3. Jenny says:

    JUST tried the yoplait as well and I felt the same way. We are such a foodie twins 🙂 nothing will ever replace my chobs! have you ever tried oikos?!?!? muy bien!

  4. peaceluvmunchies says:

    Love, love, love your spin play list!!! I love mediterranean, thai and oh so many ethnic cuisines…I’ll try anything!! Fave dessert? Oh that’s tough — but I guess it was a dessert made by my grandmother (who is no longer with us) — meringue “nests” with a scoops of breyers french vanilla ice cream in the middle with her home made hot fudge sauce. She seriously could have sold the hot fudge sauce. Nommmm.

  5. Kelly says:

    I love the idea of a brownie cake- the perfect mix of brownie and frosting! I love peanut noodles too but I also love Japanese shrimp dumplings and Chinese lo mein. Yum. Favorite dessert is definitely ice cream, no contest!

  6. Christine says:

    Interesting yogurt and oats combo…but I definitly want to give it a whirl if it will change my life! Favorite dessert — any kind of fruit crumble a la mode!

  7. Cara says:

    This might interest you – I saw ICELANDIC fat free yogurt the other day. I couldn’t justify it since it was like over $2 for a 6oz container, but it had even more protein than Chobani. Maybe I’ll save up my pennies for it!

    Favorite ethnic meal? Don’t know if I could pick just one! But I love anything with peanut sauce and I made some awesome baked pumpkin falafel a couple weeks ago 🙂

  8. Mari says:

    Happy Bday to your roomie!

    I can’t just pick ONE fave ethnic food…I love so many but I CAN pick my fave dessert…Rainbow Cookies!

  9. Missy says:

    Happy birthday to your roommate! That cake looks awesome! Thanks for the yogurt review. Maybe I shouldn’t waste my money haha. Favorite ethnic food is sushi! Favorite dessert is froyo!

  10. Michelle (Snacks and Field) says:

    Thanks for the Yoplait Greek Yogurt review- You are right, everyone is jumping on that bandwagon!!!

    It’s so nice that you baked a cake for your roomie- it looks delicious!! I lovee chocolate frosting 🙂

    &fav ethnic food- either Indian- channa masala, or some good ol’ fashion burritos/quesadillas!

  11. One Healthy Apple says:

    That cake looks amazing! Yoplait is really getting on the scene- they even left me a comment once telling me that their yogurt was now hormone free!

    I love oats- yours always look so good!

    My favorite ethnic foods are sushi…I love Indian and Korean too, but something about my stomach doesn’t love them!

  12. Sunny says:

    hey twinnie!

    i would have to say my fave ethnic food is middle eastern (but i have to say that’s prob cuz i am middle-eastern! lol) & mexican.. fave dessert=tiramisu and fro-yo with a topping! yum!

    oh and i love your workouts..i always get ideas from yours 🙂 so thanks! lol

  13. sophia says:

    Nobody really seems to like that Yoplait Greek yogurt…Is the price better than Fage and Oikos though? That’s the main problem for me.

    Ethnic food: French onion soup! (does that work?)

  14. Julie says:

    ahh how fun its your roomies bday!!! that cake is so cute and i love how she cooked dinner on her bday!

    fav ethnic dinner has got to be sush or greeeeeeeeeeek salads!

  15. april says:

    Favorite ethnic meal.. hmm.. stuffed sopapillas! haha. And dessert.. that’s a tough one!! Does protein brownie batter count?? haha

  16. Jamie (beautyandthebeef) says:

    That peanut stir-fry looks delicious! My favorite ethnic meal is Thai also, Pad Kra Prow which is a spicy dish with Thai basil leave, onions, and peppers, and your choice of meat or tofu, I usually get chicken.

  17. simplyshaka says:

    They had the Yoplait Greek Yogurt on sale here and I love me a good deal but just couldn’t make myself buy it. I foresaw it being disappointing. I took a chance on the Chobani Champions and am kinda disappointed in one of the flavors so boo!!

    Ethnic meal is by far seafood pad thai and dessert-any kind of cheesecake (my weakness!)

    My goal this wknd is to open up the Magic Bullet (oh, the reason I haven’t is because I can easily see myself being co-dependent on it!)-will let you know how it goes 🙂

  18. Gina says:

    mmm, I love peanut ANYTHING! Including peanut pasta, which I made a while back and NEED to make again.
    Favorite dessert? Carrot cake, even though I can’t eat it anymore because of the wheat. I am on a mission to make a wheat free version 🙂
    Happy b-day to the roomie! That cake looks fabulous. I would put that on my list of favorites too, chocolate cake, yum.

  19. whikai says:

    Thanks so much for visiting my blog. I love your’s and I have spent way too much time reading it haha. I hope you have a great time in canada

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