Overnight…ALL day!

Hey guys! thanks for bearing with me while I didnt have my camera cord. I got it back this morning (yey!)
Overnight Oats!
  • 1/2 C oats
  • 1/3 C greek yogurt
  • almond milk/water combo (about 1/2 C)
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 scoop Protein Powder
  • 1 TBSP chia seeds
  • 10 drops of NuStevia
  • Added frozen blueberries & roasted almonds in the morning

Lunch was eaten in a sandwich form!

italian marinated tofu, tomato, lettuce, sprouts and laughing cow on an Arnold Thin

Typical salad with homemade dressing

SOYmazing muffin with some creamy peanut butter  for some dessert!
Today, I did the INSANITY upper body weight training workout. This is not in the normal plan, but I got the deluxe set, so I decided to use this dvd! I have been missing my weight training while doing Insanity, so I thought this would be great!
  • I liked it a alot! It moved very fast and the whole workout was 48 minutes (including warm up and cool down)
  • He chose about 2 or 3 exercises and did them in sets of 12,10,8 reps (upping the weights each time) of course he threw in some crazy cardio in between) I think it did move a bit fast, I like to move a little slower with each movement, and concentrate on the muscles I am working and he did tend to go pretty fast, which is okay for the video, but I wouldn’t want to do this THAT often. 
  • It was definately what I need though! It was all dumbell work and easy for anyone to follow!

I had about half of this bar. I really liked it! It tasted nothing like the other Lunas I have tried, totally different size and consistency, but I really like it! Strong PB and Chocolate flavor. It was quite small though for all those 190 calories and 9g fat! But I did use portion control and ate half! My trick is taking half then totally putting it out of my sight! I will save the other half for another time!

Unappetizing looking leftovers for dinner. Grilled chicken (made by my mom!) Roasted cauliflower, millet!

When I got home from work, I started making some homemade energy bars! (no bake!)

  • 1 mashed banana (very ripe!!)
  • 2 tsp cinnamon
  • 1 TBSP chia seeds
  • 1/4 C applesauce
  • 1/2 C oats
  • 1 TBSP almond butter
  • packet of Stevia
  • splash of almond milk
I packed them in 3 pieces of seran wrap and stuck them in the freezer! I made a small batch because I don’t know how they would turn out! I will let you know!
ANd this morning–Overnight oats! I used my same recipe but used 1/3  C cottage cheese instead of greek yogurt and used peanuts and almonds on top with a drizzle of maple syrup!


Now, from MARI’S suggestion…here is some info and exercises for the BACK!

The back has 3 major muscle groups:

• Latissimus Dorsi
• Trapezius
• Spinal Erectors

Each muscle group has a different purpose to give you that sexy, toned look!

latissiums dorsi, more commonly known as the lats, performs many functions. These triangle-shaped muscles begin along the spine and extend from the shoulder to the waist. The lats rotate and lower the arm, as well as pull the shoulder backwards. The lats have the biggest surface area of any muscle in the body, providing width to to the back. This aspect helps give the upper body the “V” shape from the shoulders to the waist.

Trapezius muscles are also triangular in shape. They reach from the neck to the shoulder and down the spine to the middle of the back. The traps rotate, elevate, and retract the shoulder blade. Trap training, for some consider it shoulder work as well as back work. The traps provide that ‘thickness’ look to the upper back.

Spinal Erectors are 3 muscles that align the spine. They are located underneath the traps and lats. They’re job is to elevate and straighten the spine, providing stability. The spinal erectors are visible only at the waist, giving definition between the lats and lower back.
———–I want to share some great back exercises with you all then a small circuit workout you can do (you will need some dumbbells or better yet machines at the gym!)

I think that hands down the most effective back exercise is the wide grip pull up. If you have an assisted pull up machine, I would highly suggest you try these out! Place your hands on the widest part of the handles, and adjust the weight enough so that after 10-12 reps you are fatigued and fighting for that last rep!

The reason why I think its great (and also the most difficult, in my opinion!) is that it develops the lats better than ANY exercise I have tried or seen. They hit the traps as well because this exercise forces your shoulder blades together and works the spinal erectors as the stabilizers. An alternative to the pull ups if there is no access for you to do these, is the Lat Pull down machine, which I will talk about below
OneFitFoodie’s Attack the Back workout

Standing Reverse flye:
• bend over from the torso so that your hands are a few inches below each knee and your palms are facing each other.
• Keep your arms straight. Keeping your back straight and your torso in the same position, slowly lift your arms to your sides up to the height of your shoulders.
• Your elbows should be only slightly bent and your wrists should remain straight. Controlling the movement, slowly lower your arms to the starting position.

One Arm Dumbbell Row
• Place one leg (knee) up on the bench for support, and the other on the floor creating a base. In both positions bend over so your back is parallel with the ground.
• Pull the DB up to side until it makes contact with ribs or until upper arm is just beyond horizontal. Return until arm is extended and shoulder is stretched forward. Repeat and continue with opposite

Lat Pull Down
• Grasp cable bar with wide grip. Sit with thighs under support cushions
• Lean slightly back and pull the bar SLOWLY down to your chest, squeezing your shoulder blades together to really engage your back muscles)

Assisted (or non assisted Pull ups
• Grasp the widest part of the bar.
• Adjust the weight accordingly so that after 10-12 reps you are pushing yourself
• Slowly pull yourself up, executing from your shoulder blades, squeezing them closely together. (this will help engage your back muscles)
• There should be NO swaying in your body as you pull up, if you are swaying, then you need a bit more assistance. These are HARD, but don’t give up!

Low Back extension (This is a very important exercise that many people overlook. It is EXTREMLEY important to work your lower back as well as upper back in your back routine)
• Position thighs prone on large pad and lower leg under padded brace. Hold weight to chest or behind neck
• Lower body by bending waist until fully flexed. Raise, or extend waist until torso is parallel to legs. Repeat.

Using these five exercises you can make up your own routine using the following tips

1. Each week alternate which exercise you do first. Your first exercise will always be your best and by alternating weekly you will build up strength in different areas as oppsed to just those targeted on one exercise.

2. Keep the repetitions around 10-15 until you have perfected your technique and then add weight each week until you are around 6-8 reps for each exercise.

3. Warm up with light weights first.

4. Stretch before, during and after each back workout.

5. Keep rest in between sets to a minimum – no more than 45 seconds. Or better yet add cardio in between sets to keep your Heart Rate up!

6. Don’t do more than three or four sets for each exercise.

7. Make each rep slow and controlled.
LOVE this song!!