I’m a Brown Bagger

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Moving onto my HUMP day, which just flew by (yey) despite the weather here being just a downer. I was NOT a downer. I made a pact to myself to not let weather effect my mood, it is so easy to let this happen, but I just go along with the thought that its nice and sunny outside, ya dig?

So last night, I got so excited to make some homemade nut butter
Roasted almonds and peanuts
Added some of this, Natures Hollow SF syrup


Kept blending…and it was a MAJOR fail. The more I blended it the wierder texture it became…Nut butter experts…WHAT am I doing wrong? Do you have to start with some peanut butter in there to get it more smooth? HELP!

With the processor still dirty I made a quick batch of chickpea blondies!
So good, there were chickpeas in here?!?! Would have never known!

ANd because my tuna melt on sunday was so good! I decided to make a tuna quesadilla for dinner! I whipped up a batch of tuna salad using 3oz tuna, dollop of greek yogurt and some onion slices. I placed the tuna salad on a high fiber tortilla with 3 tomato slices and a WW cheese wedge!

Grilled up!
Served with some roasted broc, onion and a heart filled side of ketchup!

This was GOOD. I think I have a new found love for Tuna Melts, and the best part is that they are SO cheap!! 3 cans of tuna is about 3 bucks! I love being on a kick that I can afford 🙂

I got a spider bite over the weekend, and ended up with with a HUGE lump on my gland. I freaked because I didn’t know what this lump was, went to the Dr. and she told me that my body was trying to fight off the bite I got and what happened is the lump on my gland. It was my body’s allergic reaction. Anyways, I am on antibiotics, and I was told that taking probiotics while on antibiotics is a good idea! I tried KEFIR for the first time last night! I had it because Kefir is packed with probiotics.
 I mixed 1 C with some frozen bloobs for a dessert
It was so good! Like a creamy liquid greek yogurt. I bought a big container today!
This morning I made some oatbran! I cook the oatbran first in water with 1 TBSP chia seeds. When it is cooked, I add 3 diced strawberries and 1/2 sliced banana
mix mix mix! I add some frozen blueberries afterwards, and nuke another min or so

Serve it up with some cinnamon!


Lunch was a typical foodie salad with homemade salad dressing (olive oil, mustard, balsamic vinegar, honey)

Veggie burger on a deli thin with sprouts, red onion,  LC wedge and baby spinach
INSANITY TIME was about 2 hours after luch. It was cardio power and resistance day. I swear, no matter how many times I do these DVD’s it just does not get easier. Still get my butt kicked and leave sweating, dripping.

I had this apple shortly after. I am never ravishingly hungry after my Insanity workouts, however I know that I need to get something in my body within about 45 minutes afterwards. A few hours later, though, I cannot stop eating! I always need at least 30 minutes to recoup, before I can really get my appetite back. So I had this crisp apple!

Then about an hour later I was SO excited for this snack!! It was obviously Janetha inspired because I <3 her. 3 oz sweet potato with 1/2 C cottage cheese and 1 TBSP crunchy PB! I nuked the sweet potato first, then added the cottage cheese and PB on the hot potato. It melted to a creamy pool of love.
Um, where has this combination been all of my life? Probably will be seeing lots more of this! Thanks Janetha! you ROCK

I prepared dinner this morning because I ate dinner at work. I cooked up a chicken sausage (aged provolone & spinach) and lots of broc!

All atop some Carba Nada Pasta! (one serving has 140 calories, 24 carbs, 6 g fiber, 12 g protein, 0 g sugar)


I threw on about 1/3 C tomato sauce and the whole thing heated was so tasty!

For some dessert, I broke into my Probiotic stash. I got sent these from Open Sky (soon to be in my shop!) This is the chocolate flavor. I love these because they are packed with flavor and 9g of fiber!

Not to mention, they are pretty easy on the eyes! I have a whole case of these, so you will be seeing them often!

Workout Food For Thought: 
  • Instead of push ups, try moving push ups. Push up in place, then move to the left, push up, move to the righ, push up! This will get your Heart Rate up!
  • Instead of a regular lat pulldown, try a reverse grip lat pull down with an underhand grip. Pull the bar down to your chest, and with control let it go back up to the starting positon. This will really hit your biceps a bit more and put your arms in a more powerful position
  • Instead of crunches, try a plank! Most people stay away from planks, because well, they stink! But they really are one of the best all around core exercise, strengthing your abdominal muscles and back as well.
  • Instead of your normal cardio warm up before your weight training try this routine instead
    • 1 min jumping jacks
    • 1 min running in place
    • 1 min high knees
    • 1 min jump squats
    • 1 min mountain climbers
    • Repeat 2x


  • When you were in middle/high school did you brown bag your lunch or did you buy at school? IN middle school I always brought my lunch. In high school it became “uncool” to bring your own lunch, so sometimes I did, but most of the time I bought lunch and when I drove, we would go out and grab a sandwich or salad! its funny because it all comes full circle where nowadays, I ALWAYS bring my lunch to work!
  • Favorite pasta shape? I like regular ole speghetti or angel hair!
  • Are you always hungry right after a workout, or usually need some time to ‘recoup’ as well?