Happy Hump day, My friends! Half way there…sounds good to me! Today was HOT HOT HOT here in Boston.
99 degreees? I mean, I don’t think it was THAT hot but it was definately 90 at least!

Last night I enjoyed some Tomato/Avo/Corn Goodness on some greens.

Go make this. It is SO addicting. More bites straight off the spoon.

Roasted broccoli, Turkey Garbanzo Bake a la Janetha

It was SO good!!

I also added some sun dried tomato and basil goat cheese on my broccoli

Post Insanity B-fast. Oats with the second half of Tera’s Whey blueberry protein powder.  I topped the creamy oats with some fresh blueberries and cinnamon.

Did I mention I got seriously hooked up by the lovely folks at GT Kombucha

And I took full advantage.

Did I mention the Kombucha Benefits?

Local Mcintosh apple

Just reading some important articals, ya know…the usual

And some snacks to go, eaten at work

All together now. I will never get sick of this, I’m pretty sure of that

For lunch I tried my Food For Life veggie burgers that I got yesterday. Verdict? I LOVED them. They had a nutty and very smokey flavor. If you like smokey, you will love these!

Ezekial bread, LC wedge, romaine, veggie burg and some dijon mustard

Open face style. Loved it

And a huge jass.
After I came home from work, my roomate and I walked down to read outside by out apartment

We found the wierdest piece of a ‘costume’? on the ground, and she decided to put it on. Creepy? Yes.

Went to 7-11 for some water and mags and LOOK what I found! This i the BIGGEST sheet of rice krispies ever

ANd came home to make some seasonsed sweet tater fries. 

WOW. The low and slow method works!
  • 1/4 tsp cumin
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1/4 tsp coriander
  • Mix all over the taters and bake at 275 for about 45 minutes-1 hour

Dinnah. This was the only thing I was craving. a HUGE cold salad of romaine, cucumber, mushrooms, grilled chicken and Avo/corn/tomato for the ‘dressing’


Weight loss Myths

• Exercise on an empty stomach to lose fat:
Effective weight loss is the total amount of calories burned during the day, not how or why they were burned. It doesn’t matter if it is night or morning, so exercise early in the day has no advantage to exercise later in the day.
Studies show that increased metabolism induced by anaerobic exercise is actually less after a large meal. Which probably means that more energy is being used for digestion than what is being used to repair muscle.

• More Exercise is Better
Every exercise session is beneficial, however more does not always mean better. It depends on what is trying to be achieved. There is a level and frequency. required to achieve results. After this level is reached, additional exercise can have the opposite effect, not allowing the body to recuperate and adapt to the stress induced by the exercise, which can be detrimental to your results. This could lead to overtraining, boredom, frustration and loss of strength. Furthermore, exericse has the potential to ‘take over’ your mindset, so instead of having it be something you truly enjoy, it ends up being something that ‘HAS to be done’ Always be sure to listen to your body, pushing yourself hard enough but not past your ‘limit’

• If you’re not sweating, you’re not working hard enough
Sweating is the body’s way of cooling itself down. Many factors contribute to body temperature, including room temperature, types of exercise done, body-fat levels, clothing, and exercise intensity. The intensity for exercise can’t be judged by the amount you sweat. A well-trained person will often sweat a lot because their body can more efficiently regulate heat. You can still have a great, effective and intense workout without getting your shirt drenched

• X is the best form of exercise
I always have this one question from many of my clients: “What is the best machine I should do if I only have 30 minutes?” My answer goes like this “No one machine is better than the other. I would recommend choosing different machines on different days. Your body is great at adapting to whatever you impose on it, so by choosing different machines that focus on different mucle groups, your are constantly confusing your body, making your workouts more effective” If you hate running, there are many ways to get in shape without hitting a treadmill. Even when claims are based on factual information about “X” being the best form of exercise, they have little practical value to the average exerciser. The most important thing is to choose activities or exercise machines that you like, and perform them properly and consistently.

• Gaining weight is just a part of getting older
Getting older is not an excuse for gaining weight. As we age and begin a more sedentary lifestyle we start to naturally lose muscle mass. The efficiency of your metabolism is directly linked to how much muscle you have on your body. The most efficient way of maintaining your body’s muscle mass and keeping your metabolism from dropping, is by doing a high intensity strength training workout once a week HOWEVER, exercise in general will keep your metabolism spiked!

  • Whats your favorite way to eat corn? I Love it grilled straight on the grill, while still in the husk!
  • Do you crave ‘cold’ foods in the summer time? I always crave big, huge salads!!