Clean, Delicious & Nutritious!

Hey guys! Happy Monday! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! I did, but went by way too fast! Oh well, such is life and now back to the grind. I was acutally excited for Sunday to start because of my compe prep training!! I am so looking forward to making this part of my usual routine I can’t wait! Before we get into that, I have some pics to share from the weekend and even on Friday.
Friday, I had a great lunch! It was a baby spinach base with cucumbers, cabbage, roasted red peppers and ground lean turkey ( I seasoned it with italian spices-no salt) I topped it with balsamic vinegar and had 1/2 sweet potato on the side.
Friday’s workout was leg day! It was awesome and needless to say, I still feel it today, especially in my glutes. I performed this workout in supersets, pairing A1 with A2 and so on. I did 3 sets of each superset.
A1) Squats-20 lb bar, 15 reps
A2) Jump Squats
B2) Reverse Lunges-hold 5 lb DB, 12 reps each leg
B2) Quick Medicine Ball step ups
Set of 15 Hamstring Roll ins (repeat 3 times)
C1) Plie Squats-15 lb DB, 15 reps
C2) Straight leg DB dead lift-30 lbs, 12 reps
Set of 15 glute kickbacks using a resistance band
Post workout shake. Not much to look out, darn tasty! 1 scoop Isoflex protein powder (peanut butter flavor) with water and ice!
Oatmeal with 2 egg whites, 1/2 C blueberries, cinnamon and 1 T SF syrup. This was delicious! I was sweating while eating it, maybe too hot for oatmeal? NEVER for me!!! This fueled me for my AM gym session on Saturday morning.
Tricep and Shoulder workout!
A1) Military Press-10 lbs, 12 lbs, 15 lbs, 12, 10, 8 reps (respectively)
A2) Tricep dips until failure
Leg lowering for abs-1 min
B1) Lateral Raise w/ isometric hold, 5 lbs, 8 lb, 8 lb-15, 10, 10 reps (respectively)
B2) Tricep Push downs (I used the lat pull down machine b/c the cables were taken) set to 40 lbs, 12 reps
Plank with rotation-1 min
C3) Smith Machine Vertical Rows (20 lbs) plus bar of smith
C2) Close Grip Smith machine Tricep Push up (15 lbs) plus bar of smith
Russian twists-1 min
**End with 15 min HIIT on the stairmaster**
Post workout snack! 1 scoop MGN protein with 3 strawberries, 1 fuji apple-sliced.
Ah, better lighting 🙂
Showered, and food shopped, then lunch. I paired some lean turkey with italian seasoning atop a glorious spinach salad. Cucumbers, red pepper, pea shoots and cabbage
1 slice low sodium ezekial bread with 1/4 avocado and 2 T salsa.  Clean, delicious and nutritious!
Later in the afternoon, I had a greek yogurt and 1 rice cake with 1 T all natural PB
Breakfast on repeat, all day everyday. Sorry! Well, I’m not sorry because its delicious!
Sunday afternoon errands and it included a motorcycle ride with the BF and lunch!
I ordered a garden salad with grilled chicken. I also got a side of steamed broccoli on the side you can see in the top left corner. I dressed it with some red wine vinegar. I LOVED the bowl that this salad came in! It was a perfect size. The salad was large, which was awesome! I hate those measly salads!
BJ’s time!! I got some tilapia, green beans, baby spinach, chickpeas, cucmbers, avocado, blueberries
The bloobs
I got egg whites as well. Lots of food prep, as you can see from the tupperwares
Lots o’ cucumbers!
I figured I would take this time to pre package some pre-measured fruits and veggies! I labeled each bag either 1 C or 1/2 C
Same with some green beans and cucumbers! Easy, prepared, nutritious AND delicious
Then it was time for an afternoon snack
1 rice cake with 1 T all natural PB, 3 eggwhites (nuked in the microwave with cinnamon and vanilla extract) Perfect!
The diet I have right now is really not much different than how I usually eat. BUT I am eating 100% CLEAN, meaning absolutely no processed foods (with the exception of cottage cheese and greek yogurt) but no other cheeses, no low carb wraps, if it is processed and has more than about 3 ingredients, I am staying away from it. My meals are balanced with complex carbs, protein and healthy fats all throughout the day into 5 or 6 meals (6 if I am still hungry for an after dinner snack) The focus is on balance, which works out because this is what I am ALL about! We’ll see what happens in a few weeks! This morning was HIIT cardio. I spent 20 minutes on the treadmill intervals every minute switching between 5.0-8.0 with a 0.5% incline for 20 minutes. Then I went on the stairmaster and did 10 minutes of intervals switching between level 4 & level 10
  • Are you more strict with food/workouts on the weekend or less strict? for me, I tend to be less strict with the food, so this will by FAR be my biggest challenge. Sometimes, we don’t always know what we are doing or where we are going, so as it comes closer to comp, I will have to bring food with me places, which really doesn’t bother me that much, because I know this is nto what I will be doing my whole life (for instance, when Jason and I went to lunch on Sunday, I brought a baggie of 1/2 black beans that I added to the salad!)
  • What is your favorite HIIT routine? Show the link! I will post them in my next post!!
  • What is the best clean snack you can think of ?(complex carb, healthy fats and protein) I will try to incorporate it into my daily eats!