Shake Your Bootay

Hey guys! Weekend is here. (yay) 
I have a new love, and its sweet potato on my salad. Love it! 
Ground turkey with italian seasoning, sweet potato, zuchinni, sprouts, baby spinach and cucumber salad.  it was insanely delicious!
After my workout, I tested out my new ON caramel toffee fudge whey protein powder. DELICIOUS, so good, BUT it was very icy…any suggestions how I can make it not so icy? I mixed it just with water and ice in my magic bullet

And mixed it with 1/4 C oats for a great carb and protein packed post workout meal!

And some bloobs

Dinner was enjoyed thanks to the microwave and Cholula grilled chicken and steamed kale
I love that hot sauce!
This morning I was lazy in the morning again because I started work at 11:30

The usual and coffee!
1/3 C oats with cinnamon and nutmeg, 1/2 C egg whites and some bloobs/strawberries. Will I ever get sick of this breakfast, honestly?
mix mix mix

A little while later I munched on some red bell peppers
a greek yogurt, the rest of teh 1/2 C serving of oatmeal ( I split it up, had half in the morning and then the other half mid morning) 1 T of peanut butter
A co worker brought in fresh basil from his garden!!! OMG I was so excited to dice it up on my salad for lunch
You can so tell when basil is straight out of the garden fresh!!

Todays workout was OFF from cardio and ON for lower body booty blast. Seriously, that is what this workout is called and they are not messing around. It was awesome and killer at the same time. It involved multiple sets of exercises all focusing on the lower body and butt 🙂 (walking lunges, jump squats, jump rope, donkey kicks, bosu squats etc) AWESOME workout. 

I am excited for the weekend to start! Have a wonderful start to the weekend, friends!!!
  • Favorite booty exercise? Walking lunges!
  • Is there a food you will NEVER get sick of? oatmeal for me!!!
  • Coke or pepsi (my friends and I in college always got into this debate becase many people from upstate NY only will drink pepsi and never coke!) I am a coke girl!!