Rethink before you walk in…

First I wanted to mention tht I finally update my “About Me” page and “Exercise/Workout Tips” so check it out!

ITS GLEE NIGHT!!! Okay, sorry I had to get that out there!
I <3 him!!!

As many of you already know, I love the gym. I spend a crazy amount of time there, since I work in a gym and then I workout in a gym. I have seen everything from women in heels to men in zebra pants. Now I am not judging those that choose to wear these things to a gym, but I wanted to share my list of clothing that you should probably not be sporting in the gym (all in good humor!!)

OneFitFoodie’s “rethink before you walk in” to the gym list:

1. Zebra Pants: I have seen these way more than I thought I would. The truth is that there is a handful of guys that acutually wear these pants to workout—They do look comfy?

2. Sports bras that look like real bras: Okay, although I wouldn’t ever wear just a sports bra to the gym, I don’t think just wearing a sports bra is THAT bad, but, I have seen women where sports bras that acutally look like real bras which just doesn’t mesh that well.
Like this (source)
3. Jeans–Enough said. I still don’t nor will ever get this
4. Flashy Jewlery– Unless you are Mike “the situation” I really find no need to wear chains, diamond necklaces, chunky bracelets or bangles. It must get in the way of your ‘workout’ right?
5. See through Spandex- I think there should be a throw away time limit on spandex-much like toothbrushes. You replace toothbrushes every so often and the same should go for spandex. The pants themselves are really quite thin and most don’t have a shelf life over 5 or 6 years if you wear them 2-3 times a week. I like to replace my spandex capris after they go through the wash and become ‘pilly’ this is when I know, my backside is usally going to peek through! No thanks!
6. Please wear underwear- This goes especially if your spandex have gotten to the ‘pilly’ point. Men always need to be wearing underwear especially those in short shorts. 
7. Sandals, high heels, crocs– It is unsafe, and well, I would recommend you wear something you can actually workout in comfortably
8. Bandanas- Unless you are a close friend, or family member of Bret Michael’s or Matthew McConaughey, no need to sport the bandana
9. Gym bags, laptops, ipads etc on the workout floor– If you are that scared to leave your stuff in the locker, maybe try leaving it up at the front desk or bring a lock next time. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t want you to have your stuff stolen, but walking around looking like you are packed up to go to India just doesn’t seem that efficient.
10. Don’t wear the same workout clothes everyday– I see multiple people who go against this rule. They wear the SAME shorts and shirt everyday for a week and they workout HARD, meaning they are covered in sweat. Unless you are washing those clothes everynight, I would suggest bringing in some more workout clothes to your repetoire.

There ya have it! Thats my list!  ENJOY!
Now, I want to share a NEW way of cooking chicken that I don’t know WHY I waited so long to try! I brought 1 box of vegetable broth with 1/2 C chopped onion to a rapid boil
Vegetable broth from Trader Joes

I placed 4 chicken breasts in the broth, once it was brought to a boil and covered the pot. I let it sit for 10 minutes on a simmer, then shut off the heat, but kept the cover on for another 15 minutes or so
When the chicken was done, it was tender and so juicy. I took two forks and shredded it apart. It was full of flavor and seriously some of the most tender chicken I have ever cooked!
I used it atop a salad for lunch yesterday with lots of veggies and 4 oz sweet potato
I had about 3 of these for a snack later on with 1 cup of greek yogurt

And 1/2 C cooked brown rice with 1 T peanut butter & cinnamon. 

Workouts: My life in the fitness world has been great! I was super sore from my class on Sunday Morning, but still pushed through it so far this week. Today I did some SS cardio on the elliptical and ended with 5-30 second sprints on the treadmill. (at speed of 8.5) When i am done with those 30 seconds, I hop off to the sides of the treadmill right away and then bring it back down to 3.5 for my recovery. I really push HARD for those 30 seconds, so much so that it takes too long to bring it down and stay on the treadmill simultaneously, so this is why I jump off to the sides.

I have been loving this song lately. Its techno/electronic and awesome especially to warm up to before a lifting session!
Swedish House Mafia FT Pharrel “one”
  • What is one of your gym “no, no’s” that you have seen before (it doesn’t just have to be clothing!)
  • What song is your current pump up jam?
  • Is there any food that you always eat but recently found a new way to eat it?