My mom…is still crazy

Hey friends, how is everyone’s weekend going? Mine is good, definately relaxing! The weather has been crazy these past two days in Boston. It is about 87 degrees and I believe hit 90 yesterday! The only not so good thing is that it is extremely humid and the air feels a bit stale…BUT I will take those warm days as much as I can before snow hits us.
Yesterday, I started with the BEST breakfast. It was the usual 1/4 C oats, eggwhites, some berries and tons of cinnamon/nutmeg

Oh it was delicious, and I always lick the bowl clean. I am SO not looking forward to berries becoming $5.99 at the grocery store for a half pint. In the winter, I usually transition to frozen berries, because I think buying fresh every week would make me broke! They also tend to not taste as good, or last as long in the winter time, when they aren’t in season! (in my opinion)
On the way to work, I enjoyed a Muscle Gauge Nutrition cake batter protein shake. I mixed 1 C water, 1/2 C almond milk, 1/4 t each guar & xanthan gums and some ice cubes
For lunch, I had a delicious salad with the last of my poached chicken (Which I still cannot get over how juicy and delicious it is!)
I also had some sweet potato on the side! I had half atop of my salad and half eaten basically just like this! I am in a current state of sweet potato obsession and they take 5 minutes in the microwave to make!
My workout yesterday was a plyometric workout using just my body. It lasted about 58 minutes and it really got my HR up! Personally, I love plyometrics, my body (especially lower body) responds so well to exercises like jump squats, jump lunges, walking jump squats, burpees. Exercises that involve your entire body, core, back, legs, arms are so important for making you STRONGER. Plyometric exercises loads the muscle, then quickly, explosively contracts it. Plyometrics are also categorized by their amazing ability to increase reactive strength and jumping skill and coordination. Plyometrics improve reactive strength by utilizing the Strength-Shortening Cycle (SSC) in order to create maximal power output. I LOVE them. You know how some people get a ‘runners high’ after a great run? Well I get a “plyometric high” after a plyo workout. I feel like I am on cloud 9-yeah, that feeling. 

After work, I had to take my mom to the airport and when i walked in the house, there were sticky notes all over the kitchen as follows:

Are any of your mothers as crazy as mine? She obviously made a sandwich to bring on her flight, and obviously did not want to forget is (because she does about 75% of the time) I have to hand it to her, this worked and she absolutely did not forget her sandwich! I just thought it was hilarious!! (<3 you, mom!) The scary thing about all of this is that I gaurentee I will be doing the same thing in 20 years

I also experimented with some ground chicken breast I got at Whole Foods. I decided instead of the boring old cooked chicken breast, I would make some clean chicken muffins!
  • 1-8oz pack of ground chicken (or turkey) breast–> Breasts have the lowest fat, you can always get chicken thighs to increase the fat a bit
  • 1/2 diced pepper
  • 1/2 diced onion
  • 2 tsp ground mustard
  • 2 tsp thyme
  • 1 tsp Mrs Dash oringal seasoning blend
  • 1/4 C eggwhites
  • Mix everything together in a bowl–>be sure NOT to overmix! Just until well incorporated!
  • Spoon the chicken mixture into greased muffin tins (you can also cook in a loaf pan and make a “chicken meatloaf”
  • Cook at 350 degrees for about  25 minutes (checking throughout!)

I was so upset that I couldn’t take a decent lighted picture, but here is the finished product to give you the idea. They were delicious! Definately add MORE seasonings next time though.
For an afternoon snack, I enjoyed 4 oz sweet potato with 1/3 C eggwhites and 1 T BSN cinnamon roll protein powder. It was delicious!!
On this lovely saturday, I had an awesome workout at the gym this morning. It was a circuit style training. 4 exercises, went through them 3 times each–sprints on the treadmill. 4 more exercises, went through them 3 times–>finished with sprints on the treadmill. After some lunch and a shower I got an ice coffee! I brought it home and sweetened it myself with almond milk, stevia and pumpkin pie spice
Lots of pumpkin pie spice!
On the treadmill there was something sticking out, and as I was pumping my arms running, I got cut. Whatever, no big deal BUT I went to the front desk to ask for a band-aid, and they didn’t have any!! Now, working in a gym myself, I was in SHOCK that there were no band-aids! My hand was really bleeding from this small cut, and not only is that unsanitary but it is dangerous as well. I would not want my exposed blood to get on anything or get an infection, since the gym is already not the most clean of places. I just couldn’t believe it, and they didn’t even really care which I found even more strange. If someone came to me at my gym who was bleeding a lot and we had no band-aids I would probably make them sit and hold a napkin on it until the bleeding stopped before continuing on with their workout. 
My lunch was a typical salad

Ok I am off to enjoy the rest of the day!
  • Have you ever been in a situation where the person helping you just really didn’t satisfy your needs? Did you do anything about it?
  • What is your current food obsession? Mine is sweet potatoes!!
  • Do you do any funny/strange things to help you remember things?