I want to start this post by sharing some tips to get your butt moving!! I know that this time of year makes it harder and harder to get out of bed, or at the end of the day makes you just want to go home and curl up with a hot cup of tea, hot chocolate or coffee. Well, my friends, I am here to say that the winter time is no excuse to stop working out! It is important to keep that heart strong all year round! Here are some motivators to get you moving!

  • Get Excited: Talk about your workout to a friend or family member the day before, and this will get you in that mind set of working hard the next day! Try something new, bring a friend, just keep telling yourself how fun the next session will be. Exercise is so visual, and by you playing that visual game with yourself will make you more likely to have an awesome workout!
  • Don’t Get Discouraged: If you feel you have hit a plateau, or you just feel clueless in the gym, speak up! Ask the front desk if they have any personal trainers who can show you something new (most have free sessions when you join the gym) Refer to the internet or blog world (me!) and find some new workout routines. I have plenty of strength training workouts and cardio workouts as well in my blog! I know some of these ladies do as well!
  • Find Inspiration: Like I mentioned before, read blogs, read others success stories, download some new music, read the internet, ask friends, read books! Find something that sparks your interest and give it a try!
  • Post Your Goal: If you have a goal set in your head. Write it down. The more often you write it the more likely it is that you will stick to it. Keep that note with you at all times so you always are motivated!
  • Support: Ask a friend to workout with you. Tell your family or friends about your workout plan so in conversation they may bring it up, and will always remind you of your goals! Taking this even further, sign up for a 5k and ask a friend to join!
  • Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself: Realize that inner motivation is harder for others, and even so it is not ALWAYS with you at all times. You may have a day that you DO just want to go home and watch a movie with a cup of tea and ya know what? thats perfectly ok! Listen to yourself, and just know that the next day you will find that inner motivation and be ready to roll! On the same note, If something comes up and you miss a workout, do not worry! Life will not stop because of a missed workout, trust me.
  • Start Small: Don’t go 150% in the beginning. Realize that getting into a routine may take some time and ALWAYS listen to your body. Set a small goal such as walk 30 minutes 3x a week and build from there. Or, incorporate strength training 2x per week instead of 5. If you want to workout before work in the morning, there is no need to get up at 4:30 am. Just commit to yourself to wake up 20 minutes earlier-thats all! Build up from there, as you get more used to it
  • Think about the Benefits Outweighing the Negatives: I have met people who say to me “I get tired just thinking about exercise” This right here is someone who already has a negative attiude. He or she is making it that much harder on themselves on starting a workout routine. Instead of thinking negatively, think about how GOOD you will feel afterwards. There is no feeling like one right after a great workout

Okay, onto some fun. I got a lovely package at my doorstep. It was from the Beautiful, Tina
The best part? It was a reused box from the lovely Janetha. 🙂 (just kidding that was not that best part haha)
She included the sweetest card
She such a sweetheart. Tina rocked her first competition and was so gracious and kind enough to lend me her heels for mine. We happen to be the same size, so this worked out perfectly!! Thank you Tina!!
TAH DAH!!!! So pretty 
5 inchers. I used the post it notes so you could see it the height.
I felt like cinderella! The shoe fits!!
I am going to walk, talk and sleep in these (okay not really, but I am going to wear them whenever I can!)
I got the heels right after my workout and I was so excited, I didn’t get a chance to have my protein shake right when I got home! I made it about 15 minutes later. This was Muscle Gauge Nutrition Rocky Road flavor with water, ice, xanthan and guar gums
So good.
Backing up to this weekend. On Sunday, I went to the Savage Studio for a training class which totally kicked my bootay.  Cathy does not mess around, and actually, I will say that this was one of the only times in my life that at one point I thought I was going to vomit. I got a bit light headed and nauseaus, but then it passed PHEW (because if you really knew me, you would know I have a fear of vomit) ANYWAYS. Afterwards I hit up Whole Foods and got these Yams. I was amazed at their beautiful color! So Halloween, dont you think??
I made a snack using a container of greek yogurt mixed with cinnamon, pumpkin pie spice and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
And there was some dunking that occured. This was delicious! The potato was still hot and the yogurt was cold. It was a great sensation.
Today before my workout, I had a delicious salad
Lots of veggies, 4 oz sweet potato, 3 oz turkey. Balsamic vinegar on top.
Can’t get enough of these sweet lil’ guys!
ANd now for some new music I am LOVING

“Hey Baby”: Pitbull
Getting Over You: David Guetta
Check it out: Will. I. AM and Nicky Manaj
Animal: Nickleback
Hottie Tottie: Usher & Jay Z
Fever: Cascada
Only GIrl: Rihanna
  • What song are you loving these days?
  • Do you get excited about packages and rip them apart even if you don’t have proper tools (like me!)
  • How do you get motivation in the winter time?