What I Have Learned…

Hey guys! It seems as though I have lost my blogging mo-jo this week.

Thus far, these are some realizations/what I have learned over the past couple of weeks

  1. It is okay to be obsessed with techno/house music and not be from the Jersey Shore
  2. It is okay to not take pictures of everything I eat
  3. It is perfectly normal to be a tad bit P’O’ed about the no driving/texting rule (not that I texted and drove before, but now, even if I glance at my phone I have to be be double cautious to see if any cops are around) sorry-just being honest here!
  4. Some of the women I have met via blogging are the sweetest, most supportive people I have ever met in my life (Tina-thank you SO much again!!)
  5. It is okay to have coffee be the first thing that touches your lips as soon as you get up
  6. To NEVER use a cell phone as an alarm clock EVER again! I like the $8 dollar, battery operated ones from CVS, thank you very much.
  7. It is okay to buy something from TJMAXX that you KNOW you will return, but at the time it just felt good to buy it.
  8. It is okay to go to TJMAXX 3 times in one week just to see if they got any new merchandise.
  9. It is okay to want my entire wardroble be from Lululemon and Underarmour
  10. Putting on “real clothes” to go out of the house this time of year just doesn’t happen. I will take sweats, thank you.
  11. It is okay to read everyone comments about the Marie Claire article but more or less watch from the sidelines. I was not directly involved, and although I do have my own thoughts about it, there is no need for me to share my two cents
  12. It is okay to read my favorite blogs daily but sometimes not comment (yes I am still reading!!)
  13. I realize that I feel like a stripper in my competition heels, but nonetheless, I WILL LEARN to walk in those things!!!
  14. It is completely normal to be obsessed with Wedding shows (yes in my next life I will be a wedding planner)
  15. To cry while watching these wedding shows
  16. To love and wear bright, neon colors even when its gross, rainy and wintery outside
  17. It is okay to not watch/keep up with extremely popular shows that everyone else loves. (Besides Jersey shore)
  18. To watch Teen Mom and feel so sorry for Catelynn that her mom treats her the way she does.
  19. To workout and only think about your post workout meal that you are going to have aftewards
  20. Its okay to not always sit up perfectly straight…man, thats uncomfortable but i am working on it!!
  21. To love your “fun mirror” that makes you have mile high legs (got this one from Lisa!)
  22. Its okay to call your mom for even the silliest questions or things going on in your life…mom’s have the best advice and I swear there is some sort of mom bible out there that you get when you become a mom
  23. To Feel your boobies—hey it IS Breast Cancer Awareness Month!!
  24. To online shop-put things in your cart and then when you click ‘shipping costs’ decide not to buy it because you don’t want to pay for shipping
  25. To ask a friend or family member for their opinion on something even though you know in your head which direction you are leaning towards–If they say the other option, you get pissed. Hey, I like to have support!
  26. Its okay to cry…just because I want to.
  27. Its okay to need about 6 pillows minimum to have a good night sleep.
  28. Its okay to go to bed at 9pm. I like my sleep.
  29. Its okay to get in blogging funks.
  30. It is perfectly normal to read magazines inside CVS to not spend the $5 on buying it.

What have you learned this week?